Ostrea ferrarisi d'Orbigny 1842 from: Griffin, M..Nielsen, S.N.. (2008): A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846), and Hupé (1854) . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology . |
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Species Ostrea ferrarisi d'Orbigny 1842 |
Discussion / Comments: |
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
TYPE MATERIAL. There are seventeen syntypes of this species in the Typothèque of the Laboratoire de Géologie under number MNHN-Gg2002/107. One of them is the specimen figured by d’Orbigny (1842, pl. 7, figs 17, 18).
REMARKS. This species is based on juvenile specimens of “Ostrea” patagonica d’Orbigny, 1842 (see below). In the d’Orbigny Collection in the Laboratoire de Paléontologie at the MNHN in Paris, there is an entry in Catalogue Falunien B that reads “Ostrea Ferrasi” under number 11141 (now MNHN-A14085) . This specimen is the figured specimen (and holotype) of “Ostrea” alvarezii d’Orbigny, 1842, and it has certainly been misplaced in the collection.
Herm’s (1969, p. 112) claim that this species appears in Pliocene-Pleistocene rocks of northern Chile is incorrect. The specimens illustrated by him are all juveniles of Crassostrea maxima (Hupé), the common large oyster from the Neogene of central and northern Chile. In his synonymical list of Ostrea (Ostrea) ferrarisi he also included Ostrea alvarezii d’Orbigny, a clearly distinct species from northern Patagonia. The specimen illustrated by d’Orbigny is a juvenile of “Ostrea” patagonica d’Orbigny (see entry under patagonica d’Orbigny, 1842 [Ostrea] herein).
Synonym list: |
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
non 1969 Ostrea ferrarisi d'Orbigny. - Herm : 111-112 pl. 6, fig. 4;
pl. 7; fig. 1
References: |
d'Orbigny,A. (1842): Voyage dans l'Amerique méridionale. In: Paléontologie Vol. 3(4) p. 187
Ihering,H.. (1907): Les mollusques fossiles du Tertiaire et du Crétacé Supérieur de l’Argentine . Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 3/7 p. 611
Herm,D. (1969): Marines Pliozän und Pleistozän in Nord- und Mittel-Chile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Mollusken-Faunen . Zitteliana Vol. 2 p. 159
Griffin,M.. and Nielsen,S.N.. (2008): A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846), and Hupé (1854) . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
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