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Pecten paranensis d'Orbigny 1842 from: Griffin, M..Nielsen, S.N.. (2008): A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846), and Hupé (1854) . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
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Species Pecten paranensis d'Orbigny 1842

Discussion / Comments:
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
TYPE MATERIAL. Del Río (1991, p. 55, text fig. 17) illustrated two specimens housed in the Typothèque of the Laboratoire de Paléontologie under numbers MNHN-B33485 (del Río 1991, text figure 17a and17b, an isolated right valve) and MNHN-R63971 (del Río 1991, text figure 17c, a closed shell). In the figure caption she stated that the specimen depicted in Text Figure 17a and 17b is the “holotype”. However, such an action does not fulfill the requirements for a valid lectotype designation in the terms of Article 74.5 of the ICZN, as del Río herself figured a second specimen from the d’Orbigny Collection. Additional type material of this species in the Typothèque of the Laboratoire de Paléontologie consists of MNHN-R63972 (four valves) and MNHN-R63973 (16 valves). Five other syntypes are housed in the Typothèque of the Laboratoire de Géologie under number MNHN-Gg2005/7. REMARKS. This species was amply discussed by del Río (1991, 1992) and is one of the most common taxa in the late Miocene units of northern Patagonia and Entre Ríos. This species was widely dealt with in the literature as it is one of the most common taxa in the Puerto Madryn and Paraná Formations.
Synonym list:
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
1842 Pecten paranensis d'Orbigny. - d'Orbigny : 132-133 pl. 7; fig. 5-9
1846 Pecten paranensis d'Orbigny. - Sowerby : p.253 pl. 3; fig. 30
1907 Myochlamys paranensis d'Orbigny. - Ihering : 376-377
1939 Myochlamys paranensis d'Orbigny. - Wahnish : p.151 pl. 2; fig. 2a-2b
1967 Chlamys paranensis d'Orbigny. - Camacho : 66-67 pl. 9, fig. 11; pl. 10, fig. 2 (partim)
1988 Aequipecten paranensis d'Orbigny. - del Rio : pl. 4; fig. 7
1991 Aequipecten paranensis paranensis d'Orbigny. - del Rio : 54-57 pl. 2; fig. 5; text-fig. 17-18
1992 Aequipecten paranensis paranensis d'Orbigny. - del Rio : 32-37 pl. 7; fig. 1-2; text-fig. 3a, 9-10, 14, 17:1, 19:1
1992 Aequipecten n spp. paranensis pennatus . - del Rio : 37-40 pl. 6; fig. 3-5; text-fig. 15, 17:2, 19:2
1998 Aequipecten paranensis paranensis d'Orbigny. - del Rio & Martinez Chiappara : p.58 pl. 5, fig. 4-5; pl. 8, fig. 13; pl. 18, fig. 7; pl. 25, fig. 8
1998 Aequipecten paranensis pennatus . - del Rio & Martinez Chiappara : 58-59 pl. 4; fig. 2-3
2000 "Aequipecten" paranensis d'Orbigny. - del Rio : fig. 10.1
2008 Aequipecten paranensis d'Orbigny. - Griffin & Nielsen : pl. 13; fig. 1-8

d'Orbigny,A. (1842):
Voyage dans l'Amerique méridionale.
In: Paléontologie Vol. 3(4) p. 187

Sowerby,G.B.. (1846):
Descriptions of Tertiary fossil shells from South America..
In: Geological observations on South America. Eds: Darwin, C.. p. 249-264

Ihering,H.. (1907):
Les mollusques fossiles du Tertiaire et du Crétacé Supérieur de l’Argentine . Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 3/7 p. 611

Wahnish,E.. (1939):
Perforación Riachuelo Nº 5 Buenos Aires, perfil geológico y descripción de los fósiles . Revista del Centro de Estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales Vol. 2 p. 141-156

Camacho,H.H.. (1967):
Fascículo 3, Invertebrados.
In: Paleontografía Bonaerense Eds: Borello, A.V.. p. 159

del Rio,C.J.. (1988):
Bioestratigrafía y Cronoestratigrafía de la Formación Puerto Madryn (Mioceno medio) - Provincia del Chubut, Argentina . Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Buenos Aires Vol. 40 p. 231-254

del Rio,C.J.. (1991):
Revisión sistemática de los bivalvos de la Formación Paraná (Mioceno medio) - Provincia de Entre Ríos - Argentina . Monografía de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Buenos Aires Vol. 7 p. 1-97

del Rio,C.J.. (1992):
Middle Miocene Bivalves of the Puerto Madryn Formation, Valdés Peninsule, Chubut Province, Argentina. Part I : Nuculidae - Pectinidae . Palaeontographica A Vol. 225 p. 1-58

del Rio,C.J.. and Martinez Chiappara,S.A.. (1998):
Clase Bivalvia.
In: Moluscos marinos Miocenos de la Argentina y del Uruguay Vol. 15 Eds: del Rio, C.J.. p. 48-83

del Rio,C.J.. (2000):
Malacofauna de las Formaciones Paraná y Puerto Madryn (Mioceno marino, Argentina): su origen, composición y significado bioestratigráfico.
In: El Neógeno de Argentina, Serie Correlación Geológica Vol. 14 Eds: Aceñolaza, F.G..Herbst, R.. p. 77-101

Griffin,M.. and Nielsen,S.N.. (2008):
A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846), and Hupé (1854) . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology

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