Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli 1972 from: Pearson, P.N.Olsson, R.K.Hemleben, C.Huber, B.T.Berggren, W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513 . |
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.
Species Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli 1972 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
Type of wall: Spinose, cancellate, rather thick
and coarsely perforate; pore diameter > 0.05 mm.
Test morphology: Test nearly globular,
sometimes elongate, 2-3 whorls coiled in low
trochospire, initially tight then looser, becoming
streptospiral in the outer whorl; chambers inflated,
increasing very slowly in the first whorl, then increasing
moderately and gradually in size as added, chambers in
last whorl much larger with the last two tending to
hemispherical, last chamber may be smaller than
penultimate one; sutures depressed, almost incised,
except in the first whorl; numerous secondary apestures
along the depressed sutures mainly at the intersection
with the last chambers, frequently covered by more or
less inflated bullae of variable size.
Size: According to Toumarkine (1983), G.
luterbacheri may reach a very large size, up to 0.85 mm.
Maxi~llum diameter of holotype 0.55 mm; figured
paratypes, 0.4 to 0.6 mm. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
The more ovoid,
somewhat more irregular test and the rather incised
sutures distinguish G. luterbacheri from the other large
globigerinathekids. Globigerinatheka luterbacheri
differs from G. kugleri in its more robust wall and more
compact test of larger size, more incised sutures and
more numerous secondary apertures and from G.
mexicana and G. barri in the more robust wall, the longer
spire, more numerous secondary apertures, more incised
sutures, and distinctly larger size.
As already noted by Bolli (1972), G.
luterbacheri resembles G. euganea in general shape and
maximum test size of about 0.6 mm. However, G.
luterbacheri differs from G. euganea in often having
more deeply incised sutures between the last chambers,
overall larger and less numerous secondary apertures,
and apparently a coarser surface. Bullae that may cover
only part of an aperture are rare in G. euganea.
luterbacheri may have evolved from G. euganea.
Toumarkine (1983), G. luterhacheri is common in mid
latitudes off the South Atlantic and northern Tethys, but
is very rare or absent in tropical regions.
No data
available. |
Systematics: |
35 Ordo Foraminiferida
Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
Familia Globigerinidae
Genus Globigerinatheka
Species Globigerinatheka luterbacheri
Synonym list: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
1959 Globigerinoita index Finlay. - Mallory : pl. 53; fig. 3a, b - 4a, b [fide Bolli, 1972]; [Not Finlay, 1939]
1963 Globigerinatheka barri Brönnimann. - Eckert : pl. 7; fig. 4a-c [upper Eocene, Schimberg Section, Suisse
1963 Globigerapsis semiinvoluta Keijzer. - Eckert : p.1063 pl. 7; fig. 1a-3c [upper Eocene, Schimberg Section, Swiss
Alps]; [Not Keijzer, 1 945]
1972 Globigerinatheka subconglobata luterbacheri Bolli. - Bolli : p.132 pl. 7; fig. 13 (holotype), fig. 1-12, 14-17 (paratypes) [upper Eocene Globorotalia cerroazulensis
cocoaensis/Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone,
Globigerina-marls, Niederhorn-Pilatus nappe, Swiss
1978 Globigerinatheka subconglobata luterbacheri Bolli. - Toumarkine : pl. 3, fig. 14 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 363, South Atlantic Ocean];
pl. 4, fig. 1 [upper Eocene Globorotalia cerroazulensis s.l. to Globigerinatheka
semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 360, South Atlantic Ocean];
pl. 4, figs. 2-4 [middle Eocene Trzmcorotuloides rohri Zone, DSDP Site 363, South Atlantic Ocean]
1983 Globigerinatheka subconglobata luterbacheri Bolli. - Toumarkine : pl. 19; fig. 1-3 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 522, South Atlantic Ocean];
pl. 19, fig. 4 [middle Eocene Truncorotaloides rohri Zone, DSDP Site 363, South Atlantic Ocean]; pl. 19, figs. 5-8 [from Bolli, 1972];
pl. 19, figs. 9-11 [upper Eocene, Looegg, Eckert, 1963, Swiss Alps];
pl. 19, figs. 12-13 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka
semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 305, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]
? 1983 Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli. - Pujol : pl. 7, fig. 2-3 [middle Eocene Zone P1 1-13, DSDP Hole 516F, Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean];
pl. 8, fig. 10 [upper Eocene Zone P1 5-16, DSDP Hole 516F, Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean]
1983 Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli. - Pujol : pl. 8; fig. 11 [upper Eocene Zone P15-16, DSDP Hole 516F, Rio
Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean]
1985 Globigerinatheka barri Brönnimann. - Snyder & Waters : pl. 5; fig. 2 [DSDP
Hole 549A, Goban Spur, eastern North Atlantic]; [Not
Brönnimann, 1952]
? 1992 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 9 [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, Kerguelen Plateau,
Indian Ocean]; [Not Finlay, 1939]
1994 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Nishi & Chaproniere : pl. 2; fig. 22-24 [upper Eocene Zones
P15-16, DSDP Hole 841B, south-west Pacific Ocean];
[Not Finlay, 1939]
2006 Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli. - Pearson et al. : p.182 pl. 7.4; fig. 9, 10, 13-16 (Pl. 7.4, Fig. 9: reillustration of holotype of
Globigerinatheka luterbacheri Bolli)
Was used in synonym list of: |
References: |
Mallory,V.S. (1959): Lower Tertiary Biostratigraphy of the California Coast Ranges. p. 146
Eckert,H.R.. (1963): Die obereeozaen Globigerinen-Schiefer (Stadund Schimbergerschiefer) zwischen Pilatus und Schrattenfluh . Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 56 p. 1001-1072
Bolli,H.M. (1972): The Genus Globigerinatheka Brönnimann . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 2 p. 109-136
Toumarkine,M. (1975): Middle and Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 32 Eds: Larson, R.L.Moberly, R. p. 735-751
Toumarkine,M. (1978): Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Paleogene of Sites 360 to 364 and the Neogene of Sites 362A, 363, and 364 Leg 40. In: Initial Results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 40
Toumarkine,M. (1983): Les Foraminiferes planctoniques de l'Eocéne moyen et supérieur des regions tropicales ŕ temperées chaudes. In: Thése de Doctorat d'Etat čs Sciences Vol. 6(83-05) p. 219
Pujol,C. (1983): Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Southwestern Atlantic (Rio Grande Rise): Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 72 Eds: Barker, P.F.Johnson, D.A. p. 623-673
Snyder,S.W. and Waters,V.J. (1985): Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur region. In: Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 80
Coccioni,R.; Monaco,P..; Monechi,S..; Nocchi,M. and Parisi,G.. (1988): Biostratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Massignano, (Ancona, Italy). In: The Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Italy): International Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy, (Industrie Grafiche F.lli Anniballi, Ancona) Eds: Premoli Silva, I.Coccioni, R.Montanari, A.. p. 59-80
Nocchi,M.; Amici,E. and Premoli Silva,I. (1991): Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Paleocene Faunas from the Subantartic Transect, Leg 114. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 114 Eds: Ciesielski, P.F.Kristoffersen, Y.Al, E. p. 233-279
Berggren,W.A. (1992): Paleogene Planktonic Foraminifera Magnetobiostratigraphy of the Southern Kerguelen Plateau (Sites 747-749). In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 120
Nishi,H.. and Chaproniere,G.C.H. (1994): Eocene-Oligocene subtropical planktonic foraminifers at Site 841. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 135 Eds: Hawkins, J..Parson, L..Allan, J..others p. 245-266
Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513
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