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Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina 1937 from: Pearson, P.N.Olsson, R.K.Hemleben, C.Huber, B.T.Berggren, W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.

Species Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina 1937

Alternative name:
Diagnosis / Definition:
Pearson et al. (2006):
DESCRIPTION. Type of wall: Smooth, normal perforate probably nonspinose; tubulospines smooth or with spiral rifling, imperforate or perforated by small sparsely distributed pores with a well-defined zone of demarcation between the tubulospines and the chamber wall. Test morphology: Planispiral, involute, biumbilicate and laterally compressed; 4-6 subtriangular chambers in the adult whorl, somewhat appressed, increasing rapidly in size as added; peripheral outline (excluding tubulospines) is slightly lobulate with minor incisions between chambers; each chamber of the final whorl extends into a hollow tubulospine; aperture is a narrow, elongated equatorial arch bordered by an imperforate lip that extends about two-thirds up the apertural face, lip is often crenulated andlor pustulose along its margin; sutures are depressed, straight, becoming curved to slightly sigmoidal, remnants of earlier apertural lips are sometimes present along the sutures; tubulospines are constricted at the base, stout on early adult chambers, longer and more slender in final chambers, directed radially, positioned close to or at the anterior chamber suture, long posterior chamber shoulder and a minor or nonexistent anterior shoulder, terminating in finger-like projections (coronet structure of Ramsay, 1962) or tapering to a point, often with a tiny circular terminal aperture. Size: Maximum shell diameter (excluding tubulospines) 0.48 mm (Shokhina, 1937).
Discussion / Comments:
Pearson et al. (2006):
DISTINGUISHTNG FEATURES.- Hantkenina liebusi shares features of wall texture, aperture and tubulospines with H. mexicana but differs in having a more compressed test, more closely appressed chambers and a less stellate peripheral outline. The tubulospines are also in a more forward position with respect to the radial chamber axis (i.e. there is a short anterior chamber shoulder). Hantkenina liebusi usually has fewer chambers in the final whorl than H. dumblei and H. lekneri (4 1/2-6, compared to 5-7 in the latter). It can be distinguished from H. dumblei by the slightly incised peripheral outline and shorter adult chambers and from H. lehneri in being generally less stellate. DISCUSSION.- The first Hantkenina to be illustrated was Hantken's 'Siderolina kochi'. This may be a prior synonym for H. liebusi but the type specimen is lost and the original illustration is not definitive. When Shokhina (1937) described H. liebusi she specifically rejected Hantken's figure as belonging to the same species. Although Shokhina's specimens are also lost, she illustrated the morphology quite clearly and it is possible to make an almost exact match with specimens from the middle Eocene (see Plate 8.9) which is the level from which Shokhina described her species. The holotype of H. longispina Cushman resembles Shokhina's illustrations ofH. liebusi and may be a prior synonym. It has not been possible to compare the type specimens of these taxa because Shokhina's H. liebusi material is unavailable for study and the type specimen of H. longispina is missing from the USNM collections. Moreover, H. longispina has been used indiscriminately for a variety of only distantly related Hantkenina morphotypes with 'long' tubulospines. Although the name H. longispina cannot be rejected on the grounds that it is an inappropriate name (ICZN, 1999, Art. 23.3.7), in an attempt topvoid further taxonomic confusion, and because the type specimen of H. longispina is lost, we propose that the name H. longispina be suppressed and H. liebusi adopted as the valid name for these middle Eocene morphotypes. Shokhina illustrated a large number of H. liebusi syntypes that clearly represent the range of morphology exhibited by this taxon. Since no holotype was designated we herein select Shokhina's (1937) text-fig. 2 as the lectotype of H. liebusi and text fig. 8 as the paralectotype (PI. 8.9, Figs. 1-2). Blow (1 979) did not recognise H. liebusi and instead assigned Shokhina's (1937) morphotypes either to H. mexicana sensu lato or H. dumblei. We consider H. liebusi to be a useful species that is morphologically and stratigraphically intermediate between H. mexicana and H. dumblei. PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS.- Hantkenina liebusi evolved from H. mexicana by forward progression of the tubulospine and closer appression of the chambers. It gave rise to H. lehneri and H. dumblei by radial increase in chamber length and relaxation of the coiling to increase the number of chambers. In H. lehneri the chambers became elongate and the stellate peripheral outline was retained, whereas in H. dumblei the tubulospines moved forwards to span the anterior suture, and the periphery was smoothed. STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE.- Middle Eocene Zones mid E8 to basal E13. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.- Global distribution in the mid to low latitudes. Absent from high southern or northern latitudes (Stott and Kennett, 1990; Huber, 1991). STABLE ISOTOPE PALEOBIOL0GY.- Hantkenina liebusi has more positive ň18O and negative ň13C than Morozovelloides and has a similar isotopic signature to Turborotalia frontosa suggesting a relatively cold, deep habitat (Pearson et al, 1993, 2001; Coxall and others, 2000).

 Ordo Foraminiferida
  Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
   Familia Guembelitriidae
    Genus Jenkinsina
     Species Hantkenina liebusi
      Species Jenkinsina columbiana
Synonym list:
Pearson et al. (2006):
1875 Siderolina kochi Hantken. - Hantken : p.79 pl. 16; fig. 1 [upper Eocene, Clavulina-szaboi beds, Porva, Hungary]
1911 Pullenia kochi Liebus. - Liebus : p.942 pl. 11; fig. 9-10 [middle Eocene, Yugoslavia]
1924 Hantkenina kochi Hantken. - Cushman : p.2 pl. 2; fig. 1a-c (reillustration from Hantken, 1875)
? 1924 Hantkenina longispina Cushman. - Cushman : p.2 pl. 2; fig. 4 [Eocene, Rio Tuxpan, Tierra Colorado, Mexico]
1937 Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina. - Shokhina : p.427 pl. 2; fig. 2-3 [middle Eocene, Ilskaya, northern Caucasus, Russia]
? 1939 Hantkenina longispina Cushman. - Rey : p.323 pl. 22; fig. 1-2 [middle Eocene, Lutétien supérior, Nummulitique de Rharb, Morocco]
1942 Hantkenina (Applinella) liebusi Shokhina. - Thalmann : p.812 (listed only)
1950 Hantkenina (Applinella) liebusi Shokhina. - Brönnimann : p.410 pl. 56; fig. 1, 2, 18, 19, 22, 23 [upper Eocene, San Fernando Cp., Hospital Hill Fm., Trinidad]
1950 Hantkenina (Aragonella) aff. mexicana Cushman. - Brönnimann : p.407 pl. 55; fig. 9-10, 14 [lower and middle Eocene, fig. 9, Oceanic Fm., Barbados; fig. 10, Navet Fm., San Fernando, Trinidad; fig. 14, Navet Fm., Trinidad]; [Not Cushman, 1924]
1950 Hantkenina (Applinella) trinitatensis Brönnimann. - Brönnimann : p.410 pl. 56; fig. 17 [upper Eocene Hospital Hill Fm., Trinidad]
1953 Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina. - Subbotina : p.148 pl. 1; fig. 11 [middle Eocene, northern Caucasus, Russia]
1962 Hantkenina (Aragonella) liebusi Shokhina. - Ramsay : p.83 pl. 16; fig. 6-7 [middle Eocene, Kilwa Masoko area, Tanzania]
1968 Hantkenina cf. liebusi Shokhina. - Raju : p.290 pl. 1; fig. 6 [Globigerina frontosa zone, Karaikal, Cauvery Basin, southern India]
? 1975 Hantkenina longispina Cushman. - Stainforth et al. : p.203 pl. 64; fig. 1-6 [figs. 4-6, northeastern Gulf of Mexico]
1993 Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina. - Pearson et al. : p.128 pl. 3; fig. 10 [middle Eocene, Zones P11-P12, ODP Site 523, south Atlantic Ocean]
2006 Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina. - Pearson et al. : p.243 pl. 8.9; fig. 1-20 (Pl. 8.9, Fig. 1: illustration of lectotype [selected herein] reillustrated from Shokhina, 1937) (PI. 8.9, Fig. 2: illustration of paralectotype [selected herein] reillustrated from Shokhina, 1937)
Geological Research and Prospecting Institute - Leningrad, Inventory number: 60X No. 372

Hantken,V.M.. (1875):
Die fauna der Clavulina szahoi-schichten. 1. Teil: Foraminifera . Mitteilungen aus dem Jahrbuch der ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt, Budapest Vol. 4 p. 1-93

Liebus,A.. (1911):
Die foraminiferen fauna der mitteleocaenen Mergle von Norddal matlen . Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Vol. 120 p. 805-956

Cushman,J.A. (1924):
A new genus of Eocene foraminifera . Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum Vol. 66 p. 1-4

Shokhina,V.A.. (1937):
The genus Hantkenina and its stratigraphical distribution in the north Caucasus: Problems of Palaeontology. , Publications of the Laboratory of Palaeontology2-3 p. 425-441

Rey,M. (1939):
Distribution stratigraphique des Hantkenina dans le Nummulitique du Rharb (Maroc) . Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France Vol. 5 p. 321-341

Thalmann,H.E. (1942):
Foraminiferal genus Hantkenina and its subgenera . American Journal of Sciences Vol. 240 p. 809-823

Brönnimann,P. (1950):
The Genus Hantkenina Cushman in Trinidad and Barbados, B.W.I. . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 24 p. 397-420

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Fossil foraminifera of the USSR. Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae [in Russian] . Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Isledovatelskogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI), Novaya Seriya Vol. 76 p. 1-296

Ramsay,W.R. (1962):
Hantkenininae in the Tertiary rocks of Tanganyika . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 13 p. 79-89

Raju,D.S.N. (1968):
Eocene-Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Cauvery basin, South India . Memoires of the Geological Society of India Vol. 2 p. 286-289

Stainforth,R.M.; Lamb,J.L.; Luterbacher,H.P.; Beard,J.H. and Jeffords,R.M. (1975):
Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index forms . Paleontological ContributionsArticle 62 p. 425

Pearson,P.N.; Shackleton,N.J. and Hall,M.A. (1993):
The Stable Isotope Paleoecology of Middle Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera and Multi-species integrated Isotope Stratigraphy . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 23 p. 123-140

Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006):
Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513

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