Dipsidripella danvillensis Howe & Wallace 1932 from: Pearson, P.N.Olsson, R.K.Hemleben, C.Huber, B.T.Berggren, W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513 . |
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.
Species Dipsidripella danvillensis Howe & Wallace 1932 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
Type of wall: Wall monolamellar, micro- to finely perforate surface smooth to moderately pustulose, hispid to bluntly pustulose, pustules randomly scattered on umbilical and spiral sides of test.
Test morphology: Test small, moderately lobate, subquadrate to circular in equatorial outline, axial periphery rounded; chambers globular, coiled in a lour trochospire, increasing moderately in size, 4 ½ - 5 ½ in the final whorl; sutures radial and depressed on umbilical
and spiral sides; umbilicus usually narrow and
moderately deep; aperture an interiomarginal, umbilical-extraumbilical
arch that is narrow and high or broad and
low, may or may not be bordered by a narrow,
equidimensional lip; a semicircular accessory aperture
may occur on the ventral side at the intersection of the
spiral andlor penultimate chamber sutures (Pl. 16.8, Fig.
Size: Holotype (LSU: HVH 712) maximum
diameter 0.11 mm, breadth 0.07 mm; hypotypes
maximum diameter 0.11-0.15 mm, maximum breadth
0.05-0.06 mm. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
This species differs
from Praepararotalia inconspicua (Howe) by having a
rounded rather than subangular or carinate peripheral
margin, a gently convex rather than flattened spiral side,
and an interiomarginal rather than areal position of the
aperture; differs from D. ? liqianyui n. sp. by its more
lobate and broadly rounded equatorial periphery, less
flattening of the spiral side, and absence of pustules in
the umbilicus; differs from Praepararotalia perclara
Loeblich and Tappan by the presence of pustulose
ornamentation on both sides, rather than only on
umbilical side of the test (e.g., see Liu and others, 1998,
pl. l, figs. 1-9, text-fig. 4-2); differs from A. medizzai
by its monolamellar wall, hispid, rather than coarsely
muricate wall texture, and distinctive, often highly
arched aperture.
Globorotalia inconspicua aculeata
Jenkins is considered a junior synonym of Dipsidripella
danvillensis based on morphologic similarity of the two
holotypes (Pl. 16.8, Figs. 1-5) and because of
nomenclatural priority. Dipsidripella hodisensis Brotea,
the type species of Dipsidripella, also falls within the
range of morphologic variability of D. danvillensis and
is therefore considered a junior synonym (see holotype
on Pl. 16.8, Fig. 6). Liu and others (1998) transferred
Jenkins's aculeata (=danvillensis) to their new genus
Praepararotalia based on the more areal, extraumbilical
position of the aperture and similarity in shallow water
biofacies distribution. This taxonomic reassignment is
no longer considered appropriate because the other
species that Liu and others (1998) assigned to
Praepararotalia show significant asymmetry in the
distribution of surface pustules, with greatest pustule
concentrations near the umbilicus, and, in the case of P.
inconspicua, coalescence of pustules to form costae on
the chamber surface or a peripheral carina.
Kucera (1994) compared ontogenetic patterns
of test morphology and microstructure for modern
microperforate species and lower Oligocene specimens
of D. danvillensis (designated as Turborotalia? aculeata)
collected from the Pouzdrany Marl in the Polish
Carpathians. Results from his measurements of adult
specimens demonstrate an overlapping but larger range
of pore size in danvillensis (0.5-2.0 µm) relative to
modem microperforates (0.5-0.8 µm) and a much lower
concentration of pores (11-17 pores/µm² in danvillensis
vs. 160- 180 pores/µm² in microperforates). In his species
abundance counts he found a strongly inverse
relationship between the abundance of danvillensis and
the abundance of large globigerinids. As an example,
samples with 24-42% larger globigerinids contained less
than 2% danvillensis, whereas samples with >85%
danvillensis contained 0% larger globigerinids. In the
shallowest, lowest salinity samples, Kucera found that
D. danvillensis is the only foraminifer species present
with a planktonic test morphology.
Although Lui and others (1998) suggest that
Praepararotalia aculeata (=D. danvillensis in the present
study) evolved from Praepararotalia perclara (Loeblich and Tappan) during the early Eocene, based on
morphologic similarity and overlapping stratigraphic
ranges, they are separated by a stratigraphic gap spanning
the lower Eocene andP perclara is considered a benthic
taxon. Restriction of D. danvillensis to shallow shelf
depositional environments (e.g., Liu and others, 1998)
and similarity of its stable isotopic composition with cooccurring
benthic species (see below) suggests that this
taxon may have been derived from a benthic ancestor.
Middle Eocene - upper
Eocene; Zone E9 E 1 4 . Liu and others (1997) recorded
Globigerina? danvillensis (=D. danvillensis) from upper
Zone P12 through lower P15 (=Zone E11-E14) in the
Atlantic City borehole in the New Jersey coastal margin.
In New Zealand Jenkins (1971) recorded Globorotalia
aculeata (=D. danvillensis) within the lower upper Eocene, corresponding with the middle of the
stratigraphic range of Globigerinatheka index.
Restricted to
shallow shelf depositional environments at middle to
high latitudes.
Oxygen and
carbon isotope values for well preserved D. danvillensis
from upper Eocene core samples drilled on the New
Jersey coastal margin are plotted in Figure 16.4 relative
to co-occurring benthic and planktonic species. The δ 18O
values of D. danvillensis are from 0.5 to 1.0 more
negative than co-occurring benthic species and from 0.3
to 0.7 more positive than co-occurring subbotinid or
turborotaliid planktonic species. The δ 13C values of D.
danvillensis are consistently more negative by 0.5 to
1.4 than co-occurring benthic values, and up to 2
more negative than co-occurring planktonic species. In
one sample the carbon and oxygen isotope values of D.
danvillensis plot very close to those of Tenuitella insolita.
These data, and the biofacies distribution observations
discussed above, indicate that D. danvillensis either lived
in a benthic habitat for all or most of its life cycle or it
occupied a much deeper level of the water column than
co-occurring planktonic foraminifera. |
Systematics: |
35 Ordo Foraminiferida
Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
Familia Cassigerinellidae
Genus Dipsidripella
Species Dipsidripella danvillensis
Synonym list: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
1932 Globorotalia danvillensis Howe & Wallace. - Howe & Wallace : p.74 pl. 10; fig. 9a-c [upper Eocene, Jackson Group, Danville Landing on
the Quachita River, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana,
1966 Globorotalia inconspicua aculeata Jenkins. - Jenkins : p. 1118-1120 fig. 13, no. 119-125 [Bortonian (middle Eocene), Globigerinatheka
index index through Globorotalia (Testacarinata)
inconspicua Zones, Hampden Beach, South Island,
New Zealand]
1971 Globorotalia inconspicua aculeata Jenkins. - Jenkins : p. 111-112 pl. 10; fig. 250-256 [Bartonian through Kaitan Stage (middle-upper
Eocene), Globigerinatheka index index through
Globorotalia (Testacarinata) inconspicua Zones,
Hampden Beach, South Island, New Zealand]
1985 Globorotalia aculeata Jenkins. - Jenkins & Srinivasan : p.807 pl. 2; fig. 4 [upper Eocene, Globorotalia aculeata Zone, DSDP
Site 592, Lord Howe Rise, southwest Pacific]
1985 Globorotalia sp. . - Leckie & Webb : p.1116 pl. 16; fig. 10-15 [probably reworked in Recent sediments, DSDP Site
270, Ross Sea, Antarctica]
1987 Globigerina cf. angustiumbilicata Bolli. - Murray & Wright : p.118 pl. 14; fig. 7-8 [upper Eocene, Middle Headon Beds, Whitecliff
Hay, Isle of Wright, England]; [not Bolli, 1957]
1987 Globigerina cf. angustiumbilicata Bolli. - Murray & Wright : p.118 pl. 14; fig. 7-8 [upper Eocene, Middle Headon Beds, Whitecliff
Hay, Isle of Wright, England]; [not Bolli, 1957]
1987 Globigerina cf. angustiumbilicata Bolli. - Murray & Wright : p.118 pl. 14; fig. 7-8 [upper Eocene, Middle Headon Beds, Whitecliff
Hay, Isle of Wright, England]; [not Bolli, 1957]
1988 Globorotalia aculeata Jenkins. - Poore & Bybell : p.17 pl. 3; fig. 7-9 [upper Eocene, Turborotalia cunialensis Zone,
U.S. Geological Survey ACGS #4 borehole, Mays
Landing, New Jersey, Coastal Plain]
1990 "Tenuitella" aculeata Jenkins. - Malumian : p.382 [Eocene, Man Aike Fm., Santa Cruz Province, YCF
SEC-7 borehole, Argentinia]
1991 "Acarinina" aculeata Jenkins. - Nocchi et al. : p.266 pl. 4; fig. 27, 28 [upper Eocene, Zone P15, ODP Hole 703A, Meteor
Rise, southern South Atlantic Ocean]
1995 Dipsidripella hodisensis Brotea. - Brotea : p. 31-32 pl. 1; fig. 1-9 [uppermost Eocene-lowermost Oligocene, upper
Brebi Marls Fm., Hodis Salai district, northern
p 1998 Praepararotalia aculeata Jenkins. - Liu et al. : p. 16, 17 pl. 1; fig. 11-13 not pl. 1; fig. 10 [=Praepararotalia inconspicua
(Jenkins)]; [middle Eocene, Clairborne Member,
Cook Mountain Fm., Couley Creek, Winn Parish,
2006 Dipsidripella danvillensis Howe & Wallace. - Pearson et al. : p.498 pl. 16.8; fig. 1-17 (Pl. 16.8, Figs. 1-3: new SEMs of holotype of
Globorotalia inconspicua aculeata Jenkins)
(Pl. 16.8, Figs. 4, 5: new SEMS of holotype of
Globorotalia danvillensis Howe and Wallace)
Specimen: |
Louisiana State University Museum - Louisiana, Inventory number: cat. no. HVH 712
References: |
Howe,H.V. and Wallace,W.E. (1932): Foraminifera of the Jackson Eocene at Danville Landing on the Ouachita, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana . Bull. Louisiana Dept. Conservation Geol. Vol. 2 p. 18-79
Jenkins,D.G. (1966): Planktonic foraminiferal zones and new taxa from the Danian to lower Miocene of New Zealand. . N. Z. J. Geol. Geophys. Vol. 8 p. 1088-1126
Jenkins,D.G. (1971): New Zealand Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera . New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin Vol. 42
Leckie,R.M. and Webb,P.N. (1985): Late Paleogene and early Neogene foraminifers of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 270, Ross Sea, Antarctica . In: Initial Reports of Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 90 Eds: Kennett, J.P.von der Borch, C.C..and others p. 1093-1142
Jenkins,D.G. and Srinivasan,M.S. (1985): Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera from the Equator to the Sub-Antarctic of the Southwest Pacific. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 90 Eds: Kennett, J.P.von der Borchand others p. 795-834
Murray,J.W. and Wright,C.A.. (1987): Palaeogene Foraminiferida and palaeoecology, Hampshire and Paris Basins and English Channel . Special Papers in Palaeontology Vol. 14 p. 1-129
Poore,R.Z. and Bybell,L.. (1988): Eocene to Miocene biostratigraphy of New Jersey Core ACGS # 4: Implications for regional stratigraphy . U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1829 p. 1-22
Malumian,N.. (1990): Foraminiferos de la Formacion Man Aike (Eoceno, sureste lago Cardiel) Provincia de Santa Cruz . Asociacion Geologica Argentina, Revista Vol. 45 p. 365-385
Nocchi,M.; Amici,E. and Premoli Silva,I. (1991): Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Paleocene Faunas from the Subantartic Transect, Leg 114. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 114 Eds: Ciesielski, P.F.Kristoffersen, Y.Al, E. p. 233-279
Brotea,D.. (1995): A new planktonic foraminifer in upper Eocene deposits from north Transylvania, Romanian . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 76 p. 31-33
Liu,C.; Olsson,R.K. and Huber,B.T. (1998): A benthic paleo-habitat for Praepararotalia gen. nov. and Antarcticella Loeblich and Tappan . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 28 p. 75-90
Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513
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