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Favusella stiftia Rösler et al. 1979 from: Boudagher-Fadel, M.K.Banner, F.T.Whittaker, J.E.Simmons, M.D. (1997): Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1
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Species Favusella stiftia Rösler et al. 1979

Discussion / Comments:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Remarks: This species has four chambers in the final whorl, the last one being reduced in size; surface reticulations are average in size, larger than those of F. hoterivica (Subbotina) but smaller than those of F. washitensis (Carsey); the reticulation ridges are much more regular than in F. hoterivica. The aperture is intraumbilical, covered by a bulla; the bulla carries a weak reticulation, with cells smaller than those of the reticulation covering the chamber wall.

 Subordo Globigerinina
  Superfamilia Favusellacea
   Familia Favusellidae
    Genus Favusella
     Species Favusella stiftia
Synonym list:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
1979 Favusella stiftia Rösler et al.. - Rösler et al. : p.276 pl. 1; fig. 2-4
1979 Hedbergella hoterivica Subbotina. - Butt : pl. 3; fig. 1-4
1997 Favusella stiftia Rösler et al.. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p.69 pl. 4.3; fig. 1-3; Figure: 4.1

Rösler,W..; Lutze,G.F. and Pflaumann,U. (1979):
Some Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers (Favusella) of DSDP Site 397 (eastern North Atlantic) . Initial Report of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 47 p. 273-277

Butt,A. (1979):
Lower Cretaceous foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology and depositional environment at DDP Site 397, Leg 47A . Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 47(1) p. 251-271

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Whittaker,J.E. and Simmons,M.D. (1997):
Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1

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