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Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow 1934 from: Pflaumann, U.Krasheninnikov, V.. (1977): Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from eastern North Atlantic, DSDP Leg 41 . In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 41 , Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to Malaga, Spain, February-April 1975 Eds: Gardner, J..Herring, J.. p. 539-564
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.

Species Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow 1934

Diagnosis / Definition:
Gasinski (1988):
Dimensions: D = 0.17-0.42 mm, t = 0.13-0.23 mm
Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
The chambers are closely arranged, the periphery only slightly lobate. The last chamber is usually longer than high; residual apertures are clearly visible in both umbilici.
Gasinski (1988):
Remarks: Two species of Globigerinelloides, viz. G. bentonensis and G. caseyi (Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan), have been distinguished by the author (Gasinski, 1983) in the Pieniny material, mainly on the basis of the degree of test evolution. However, following Carter & Hart (1977), Leckie (1984), Caron (1985) and others G. caseyi is considered to be among the synonyms of G. ben tonensis . Specimens with somewhat evolute tests have been distinguished (Figures 11, j, k). The specimens selected from the sections of the Czorsztyn succession are bigger and more inflated than those from the sections of the Pieniny succession (D = 0.25-0.42 mm; Figure 11, k). Local stratigraphic range: Hedbergella assemblage to R. reicheli-R. greenhornensis Zones (Figure 7).
Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov (1977):
This species differs from Globigerinelloides caseyi in the more involute coiling. According to Moullade (1966, p. 126) however this difference falls within the variability of the species. The species had been reported from late Albian and Cenomanian of the USA, France, and Bavaria.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Planomalinidae
   Genus Globigerinelloides
    Species Globigerinelloides bentonensis

  Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
   Familia Schackoinidae
    Genus Globigerinelloides
     Species Globigerinelloides bentonensis

  Familia Planomalinidae
   Genus Globigerinelloides
    Species Globigerinelloides bentonensis
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1934 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Morrow : p.201 pl 30 figs 4a-b
1957 Planomalina caseyi Bolli et al.. - Bolli et al. : pl 1 figs 4-5
1985 Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow. - Caron : 66, 67 figs 29.8-9
Loeblich & Tappan (1961):
1934 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Morrow : p.201 pl. 30; fig. 4a-b
1940 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Cushman : p.28 pl. 5; fig. 3a-b
1946 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Cushman : p.154 pl. 63; fig. 7a-b
1961 Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow. - Loeblich & Tappan : p.283 pl. 2; fig. 8-10
Gasinski (1988):
1934 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Morrow : p.201 pl. 30; fig. 4a, b (catalogue of Ellis & Messina, 1940-1975)
1988 Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow. - Gasinski : p.231 fig. 11f-k
Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov (1977):
1934 Anomalina bentonensis Morrow. - Morrow : p.201 pl. 30; fig. 4a-6
1961 Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow. - Loeblich & Tappan : p.267 pl. 2; fig. 8-10
1977 Globigerinelloides bentonensis Morrow. - Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov : p.557 pl. 3; fig. 6, 7
Was used in synonym list of:

Morrow,A.L. (1934):
Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 8 p. 186–205

Cushman,J.A. (1940):
Midway Foraminifera from Alabama . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 16 p. 51-73

Cushman,J.A. (1946):
Upper cretaceous foraminifera of the Gulf Coastal Region of the United States and adjacent areas . Professional Papers of the US Geological Survey Vol. 206 p. 1-241

Bolli,H.M.; Loeblich,A.R. and Tappan,H. (1957):
The Planktonic foraminiferal families Hantkeninidae, Orbulinidae, Globorotaliidae, and Globotruncanidae . U.S. National Museum Bull. Vol. 215 p. 3-50

Loeblich,A.R. and Tappan,H. (1961):
Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera: Part I-Cenomanian . Micropaleontology Vol. 7 p. 257-304

Pflaumann,U. and Krasheninnikov,V.. (1977):
Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from eastern North Atlantic, DSDP Leg 41 .
In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 41 , Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to Malaga, Spain, February-April 1975 Eds: Gardner, J..Herring, J.. p. 539-564

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

Gasinski,M.A.. (1988):
Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Albian and Cenomanian sediments in the Polish part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathian Mountains. . Cretaceous Research Vol. 9 p. 217-247

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