Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu Forbes 1846 from: Ifrim, C..Stinnesbeck, W..López-Oliva, J.G.. (2004): Maastrichtian cephalopods from Cerralvo, north-eastern Mexico . Palaeontology Vol. 47(6) p. 1575–1627 . |
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Species Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu Forbes 1846 |
[1] text-fig. 8a-b Ifrim et al. (2004) [2] text-fig. 9a-d Ifrim et al. (2004)
Alternative name: |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Ifrim et al. (2004):
Description: Moderately evolute with intermediate expansion rate. The broadly rounded venter grades into rounded
flanks with maximum breadth above the middle flanks. Flanks bend narrowly into a steep overhanging short umbilical
wall. Ornament on internal moulds is restricted to three constrictions per whorl, which are associated with two collar ribs. Ribs and constrictions are parallel. They are straight and prorsiradiate on the flanks, and cross the venter in a wide arch. On two examples with goethitized conchs ribs superimpose the constrictions. The suture line is moderately complex, E is approximately as deep as the trifid L. Bifid LIE and UIL become subdivided in larger specimens. The sutural lobe is retracted. Its length increases strongly with the growing number of umbilical lobes and the grade of incision.
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Description. -
Holotype of Puzosia haugi is fragmentary composite
mold with original estimated diameter of 63-65 mm.
Coiling very evolute, with U = estimated 47 percent of diameter
and around 30 percent of previous whorl being covered. Umbilicus
of moderate depth, with flattened subvertical wall. Whorl
section depressed, with whorl breadth to height ratio of 1.16.
Umbilical shoulder broadly rounded, flanks rounded, outer flanks
converging to broadly rounded venter. Estimated four narrow,
deep constrictions per whorl on inner whorls to diameter of 30
mm. They are straight and prorsiradiate, and flanked by narrow
collar-ribs that may be incipiently bullate; flanks otherwise
smooth. Two constrictions on outer whorl separated by arc of
100° approximately, straight and prorsiradiate on umbilical wall,
cutting deep into umbilical shoulder and prorsiradiate on flank,
flexing slightly forwards and concave on outer flank and crossing
venter in broad convexity with linguoid peak over siphonal
region. Adapical collar rib stronger than adapertural one and
bears pronounced bulla in association with last-preserved constriction,
while adapical rib associated with first constriction
bears siphonal tubercle. (Region damaged at end of specimen.)
Feeble and irregular primary ribs present on first part of outer whorl. Nine primary ribs on last part narrow and rounded, and
separated by somewhat wider interspaces. Ribs arise on upper
part of umbilical shoulder, strengthened and prorsiradiate on
innermost flank but flexed back, straight and only feebly prorsiradiate
on mid- to outer flank. They weaken markedly on
ventrolateral shoulder and efface over siphonal region. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Ifrim et al. (2004):
Remarks: The umbilicus increases during growth from 27 per cent at a diameter of 8·4 mm to 35 per cent at
a diameter of 16·5 mm. The absence ofumbilical bullae and a depressed whorl section differentiate B. (A.)
vishnu from Brahmaites (B.) brahma (Forbes, 1846).
Occurrence: Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu occurs in the Maastrichtian of southern India (Kennedy and
Henderson 1992b), Armenia (Atabekian and Akopian 1970), Madagascar (Collignon 1938), south-west France and
northern Spain (Ward and Kennedy 1993). In the US Gulf Coast area the genus Brahmaites was first described by
Cobban and Kennedy (1991a) from the Nacatotch Sand, Arkansas, but these specimen have not been determined to
species level.
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Types. -
Syntypes are BMNH C5 1026-5 1028, including the
original of Forbes, 1846, Pl. 7, fig. 9 (C51026), from the Valudavur
Formation of Pondicherry, south India. The holotype,
by monotypy, of Puzosia haugi Seunes, 189 1 (p. 20, Pl. 15(6),
fig. 1) is an unregistered specimen in the Sorbonne Collections
(now in the UniversitC Paris VI), from the "Assize a Pachydiscus
Fresvillensis, P. Jacquoti et a Stegaster," Route de Gan a Rébénacq,
Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France (Figure 25.1-25.3).
Discussion. -
We can see no significant differences between
the holotype of Puzosia haugi (a composite mold) and specimens
of Brahmaites (A.) vishnu from south India, examples of which
are illustrated for comparison in Figure 26.1, 26.6-26.8. The
extent of the early smooth stage is somewhat variable, being
rather longer in the French specimen than some Indian examples,
but we take this to be no more than intraspecific variation.
The specimen from Tercis referred to Gaudryceras planorbiforme
of Bohm by de Grossouvre (1894, Pl. 27, fig. 2) is a
gaudryceratid. The specimen from near Alcoy, Spain (de Grossouvre,
1894, Pl. 35, fig. 7) is a B. (A.) vishnu a little larger than
the present specimen with coarse ribs, as in some Indian specimens
of the same size. We are uncertain of the affinities of
Brahmaites mikobokensis Collignon, 197 1 (p. 22, Pl. 647, figs.
2400, 2401), which lacks siphonal tubercles in internal molds
from Zululand.
Occurrence. -
Upper Maastrichtian of Pyrénées-Atlantiques,
France. Imprecisely dated near Alcoy, Spain; Maastrichtian of
Armenia and Madagascar. |
Systematics: |
36 Ordo Ammonoidea
Subordo Ammonitina
Superfamilia Desmocerataceae
Familia Kossmaticeratidae
Subfamilia Kossmaticeratinae
Genus Brahmaites
Subgenus Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites)
Species Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu
38 Ordo Ammonoidea
Subordo Ammonitina
Superfamilia Desmocerataceae
Familia Kossmaticeratidae
Subfamilia Kossmaticeratinae
Genus Brahmaites
Species Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu
Synonym list: |
Ifrim et al. (2004):
1992 Brahmaites (Anabrahmaites) vishnu Forbes. - Kennedy & Henderson : p.418 pl. 6, figs. 25-26; pl. 9, figs. 5-7, 17-20; pl. 10, fig. 5; pl. 17, figs. 8, 10-11 (with full synonymy)
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Stratigraphy - relative ages: |
Maastrichtian: Ifrim et al. (2004)
upper Maastrichtian - upper Maastrichtian: Ward & Kennedy (1993)
References: |
Forbes,E.. (1846): Report on the Cretaceous fossil invertebrates from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe . Transactions of the Geological Society of London Vol. 2(7) p. 97–174
Stoliczka,F.. (1865): The fossil Cephalopoda of the Cretaceous rocks of southern India. Ammonitidae with revision of the Nautilidae etc. . Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, (1), Palaeontologica Indica6-9 p. 107-154
Seunes,J.. (1891): Contributions à l’étude des Céphalopodes du Crétacé Supérieur de France. Ammonites du Calcaire à Baculites du Cotenin (Suite); II. Ammonites du Campanien de la région sous-Pyrénéenne, Département de Landes . Mémoirs de la Société Géologique de France, Paléontologie Vol. 2(2) p. 8-22
Grossouvre,d.A.. (1894): Recherches sur la Craie Supérieure, 2, Paléontologie. Les ammonites de la Craie Supérieure, Mémoirs pour Servir à l’Explication de la Carte géologique détaillée de la France (mis-dated 1893).. p. 264
Kossmat,F.. (1897): Untersuchungen über die Südindische Kreideformation. Zweiter Theil . Beiträge zur Paläontologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orient Vol. 11 p. 1-46 (108-153)
Diener,C.. (1925): Ammonoidea neocretacea . Fossilium Cat, (1: Animalia) Vol. 29 p. 244 pp.
COLLIGNON,M.. (1938): Ammonites Campaniennes et Maastrichtiennes de I'ouest et du sud de Madagascar. . Annales Geologiques du Service des Mines de Madagascar Vol. 9 p. 55-118
ATABEKIAN,A.A.. and AKOPIAN,v.T.. (1970): Late Cretaceous ammonites of the Armenian SSR (Pachydiscidae, Kossmaticeratidae and Scaphitidae) . Proceedings of the Armenian Academy of Science, Earth Seiences [In Georgian] Vol. 5 p. 31-42
Kennedy,W.J.. and Henderson,R.A.. (1992): Non-heteromorph ammonites from the Upper Maastrichtian of Pondicherry, south India . Palaeontology Vol. 35 p. 381-442
Kennedy,W.J.. and Hancock,J.M.. (1993): Upper Maastrichtian ammonites from the Marnes de Nay between Gan and Rebenacq (Pyrenees-Atlantiques), France . Geobios Vol. 26 p. 575-594
Ward,P.D.. and Kennedy,W.J.. (1993): Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58
Ifrim,C..; Stinnesbeck,W.. and López-Oliva,J.G.. (2004): Maastrichtian cephalopods from Cerralvo, north-eastern Mexico . Palaeontology Vol. 47(6) p. 1575–1627
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