Baculites vertebralis Lamarck 1801 from: Ward, P.D..Kennedy, W.J.. (1993): Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58 . |
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Species Baculites vertebralis Lamarck 1801 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Kennedy (1986):
Material. BMNH C70591-C70593 from Valognes (ex J. Sowerby, ex de Gerville Collection); NHMW 7460 from Fresville (? ex de Gerville Collection); MNHG, three unregistered specimens (ex Pictet Collection). Description. All specimens are internal moulds. Medium-sized for genus, straight, slowly expanding, compressed, with whorl breadth to height ratio varying between 0•53 and 0•60. Whorl section oval with dorsum more broadly rounded than venter and sides markedly flattened. Five specimens studied are almost smooth (text-fig. 8A-E) or ornamented by growth striae and feeble riblets (P!' 11, fig. 7; PI. 12, figs. 2 and 5). These are feebly eonvex and transverse on dorsum, sweep back into a marked concavity on dorsolateral area, and are projected strongly forwards on ventrolateral area, meeting line of venter at 30° and crossing venter in narrow convexity. These specimens show feeble longitudinal groove corresponding to position of umbilical lobe.
Two MHNG specimens show much stronger ornament (PI. 11, figs. 9-11), with growth striae and riblets, strengthened into concave, crescentic dorsolateral rib. In best-preserved specimen (PI. 11, figs. 9-11) these are disturbed by series ofpathologieal exereseenees, but a rather worn specimen (not figured) shows 3,0-3,5 such ribs in a distance equal to whorl height. Irregular eonstrietions sometimes developed,
Suture (text-fig. 7D-F) relatively complex for genus, with deeply incised bifid elements. EIL and L/U tall, L narrow, U relatively broad, U/I squat.
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Description and discussion. -
There are two widespread Baculites
in the upper Maastrichtian of Western Europe: B. vertebralis
and B. anceps Lamarck, 1822 (for the latter see Howarth,
1965, p. 363, Pl. 4, fig. 4, Pl. 5, figs. 4, 5, Pl. 6, figs. 1-5, text-figs.
2, 3, 5-12; Kennedy, 1987, p. 189, Pl. 20, fig. 2, Pl. 28,
figs. 3, 11-13, 19-23, text-fig. 11C, D (with full synonymy)).
Baculites vertebralis are typically smooth with an oval to pyriform
whorl section. Some may have weak to strong striae, or
even constrictions on body chambers; these are markedly concave
on the flank, and project forwards to intersect the line of
the venter at an angle of 30°. Even rarer are specimens with
distant crescentic ribs (Kennedy, 1986c, P1. 11, figs. 6-1 1). In
constrast, B. anceps can be easily separated by its tear-shaped
section, with acute sharp venter flanked by grooves. But this
feature is not preserved in the Biscay material, and only strongly
ornamented specimens with closely spaced crescentic flank ribs
intersecting the line of a venter at an angle of around 20° can
be referred to anceps with confidence. We thus refer to B. vertebralis
the smooth, sometimes feebly striate and constricted
Baculites that occur throughout the Biscay section, although it
is likely that some are smooth variants of B. anceps. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Kennedy (1986):
Discussion. B. vertebralis is immediatly distinguished frorn the other Calcaire a Baculites species, B. anceps Lamarck, 1822, by the oval rather than tear-shaped cross-section, by which they can be differentiated even as single camerae. The venter of vertebralis is rounded, that of anceps acute and flanked by grooves (PI. 11, figs. 12-14; PI. 12, figs. 7-11), whi1e the growth lines and rib1ets of anceps intersect the 1ine of the venter at a much smaller angle (compare PI. 12, figs. 5 and 7); anceps also has much simpler, squat, little-incised sutura1 elements (compare text-fig. 7A-C and 7n-F). B. faujasi Lamarck, 1822 (p. 647) is an objective synonym, having the same type as B. vertebralis. B. knorrianus Desmarest, 1817 (p. 48, pl, 1, fig. 3) is a further species common1y recorded from the European Maastrichtian (synonymy in Diener 1925, p. 61; see also Birke1und 1979). I interpret it in terms of specimens from Nagorzany, Ga1icia (NHMW 7459a-c and BMNH 74030a-d). This is a very 1arge species, with a whorl height ofup to 80 mm in specimens I have seen. The whorl section is ovoid, with a broadly rounded venter (as in B. vertebralis) but with strong1y convergent flanks and a narrower venter. Ornament is weak to obsolete in most specimens, but some show distinct to strong ventral ribbing and others ribs that extend on to the ventro1atera1 region. The suture is even more deeply and intricately subdivided than in B. vertebralis.
Although only a handful of B. vertebralis are known from the Calcaire a Baculites, it is ofinterest to note that individuals are mature at disparate sizes: BMNH C70592 (PI. 12, figs. 1-3) shows approximated sutures at a whorl height of 19•5 mrn whereas one of the MHNG specimens (PI. 11, figs. 6-8) isstill septate at a whorl height of 38•Omm. The sampleis, ofcourse, too small to do anything but suggest the possibility of size dimorphism
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
In the Biscay sections this taxon is found in
Member I (lower Maastrichtian) to midway through Member
IV (upper Maastrichtian). Elsewhere, the species is upper Maastrichtian
where well dated. It occurs in the Petites-Pyrénées (Haute-Garonne) and the Calcaire a Baculites of the Cotentin
Peninsula, Manche, France, in northern Spain, Limburg, the
Netherlands, Liege and Limburg Provinces, Belgium, north Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Poland, the southern (former) USSR,
and Tunisia. |
Systematics: |
36 Ordo Ammonoidea
Subordo Ancyloceratina
Superfamilia Turrilitaceae
Familia Baculitidae
Genus Baculites
38 Ordo Ammonoidea
Subordo Ancyloceratina
Superfamilia Turrilitaceae
Familia Baculitidae
Genus Baculites
Species Baculites vertebralis
39 Ordo Ammonoidea
Subordo Ancyloceratina
Familia Baculitidae
Familia Diplomoceratidae
Genus Baculites
Species Baculites vertebralis
Synonym list: |
Ifrim et al. (2005):
Kennedy (1986):
1742 Spendylolitte Bourguet. - Bourguet : p.74 pl. 49, figs. 313-316
1768 Homaloceratites Hupsch. - Hupsch : p.110 pl. 4, figs. 11, 15, 18, 19 (non binomen)
1799 Corne d'ammon droite Faujas-Saint-Fond. - Faujas-Saint-Fond : p.140 pl. 21, figs. 2 and 3
1861 Baculites faujasi Lamarck. - Binkhorst : p.40 pl. 5d, fig. 1 (with extensive synonym)
1871 Baculites vertebralis Lamarck. - Schlueter : 143 (pars) pl.39, figs. 12 and 13, non fig. 11; pl. 40, figs. 4 and 5, non fig. 6
1986 Baculites vertebralis Lamarck. - Kennedy : p.54 pl. 11, dfs. 6-11; pl. 12, figs. 1-6; text-figs. 3A-D, 7D-F, 8
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
1986 Baculites vertebralis Lamarck. - Kennedy : p.57 pl. 11, fig. 6-11;
pl. 12, fig. 1-6;
text-fig. 3A-D, 7D-F, 8
1987 Baculites vertebralis Lamarck. - Kennedy : p.187 pl. 19, 14.7-10;
pl. 20, fig. 3-5;
pl. 28, fig. 2, 7-10, 14-16;
pl. 29, fig. 1-15;
pl. 30, fig. 1-9;
text-fig. 11A, B, 12 (with full synonymy)
Stratigraphy - relative ages: |
upper Maastrichtian: Kennedy (1986)
upper Maastrichtian - lower Maastrichtian: Ward & Kennedy (1993)
References: |
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Ward,P.D.. and Kennedy,W.J.. (1993): Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58
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