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Pseudokossmaticeras tercense Seunes 1891 from: Ward, P.D..Kennedy, W.J.. (1993): Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Pseudokossmaticeras tercense Seunes 1891

Diagnosis / Definition:
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Description.- Best preserved Biscay specimen is wholly crushed juvenile 37 mm in diameter. Coiling moderately involute, with just under half previous whorl concealed. Ornament of numerous narrow, crowded prorsiradiate ribs of variable length. Primary ribs arise, either singly or in pairs from small sharp umbilical bullae, strong, straight, and prorsiradiate on inner flank, flexing forwards and weakening on outer flank. Up to four shorter ribs between primaries, arising both high and low on flank, to give total of 30-33 ribs per whorl. All ribs sweep forwards and strengthen on ventrolateral shoulder, and cross venter in convex course. Traces of ill-defined, distant constrictions on both inner and outer whorls.
Discussion / Comments:
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Type. - Designated by Kennedy, 1986b, p. 1,008 the original of Seunes, 189 1, p. 16, Pl. 15(6), fig. 4, an unregistered specimen in the Sorbonne Collections (now in the Université de Paris VI), from Tercis, Landes, France. Discussion. - The high whorls and dense crowded ribbing distinguish Pseudokossmaticeras tercense from all other species referred to the genus; see discussion in Thiedig and Wiedmann (1 976) and Kennedy and Summesberger (1 987) for details. The Biscay specimens differ in no significant respects from the lectotype and topotypes we have seen, while large specimens from Carinthia, Austria (Thiedig and Wiedmann, 1976, P1. 1, fig. 2, Pl. 2, fig. 2), show the dense crowded ribbing to extend to maturity. Occurrence. - The Biscay specimens come from the Campanian- Maastrichtian boundary (see Herm, 1965) and the base of Member I, all at Zumaya. The species also occurs at Tercis, Landes, France, but is imprecisely dated; in the niveau de transition between the Marnes de Plagne and Calcaire nankin at the Picon de Roquefort, Haute-Garonne, France, the lower Maastrichtian of Krappfeld, Carinthia, Austria, Bulgaria and the former USSR.

 Ordo Ammonoidea
  Subordo Ammonitina
   Superfamilia Desmocerataceae
    Familia Kossmaticeratidae
     Subfamilia Kossmaticeratinae
      Genus Pseudokossmaticeras
       Species Pseudokossmaticeras tercense
Synonym list:
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
1891 Pachydiscus galicianus mut. tercensis Seunes. - Seunes : p.16 pl. 15(6); fig. 4
1986 Pseudokossmaticeras tercense Seunes. - Kennedy : p.1007 pl. 7; fig. 6, 7 (with full synonymy)
1993 Pseudokossmaticeras tercense Seunes. - Ward & Kennedy : p.27 fig. 25.5
Stratigraphy - relative ages:
lower Maastrichtian - lower Maastrichtian: Ward & Kennedy (1993)

Seunes,J.. (1891):
Contributions à l’étude des Céphalopodes du Crétacé Supérieur de France. Ammonites du Calcaire à Baculites du Cotenin (Suite); II. Ammonites du Campanien de la région sous-Pyrénéenne, Département de Landes . Mémoirs de la Société Géologique de France, Paléontologie Vol. 2(2) p. 8-22

Kennedy,W.J.. (1986):
Upper Campanian and Maastrichtian ammonites from the Petites-Pyrénées, southern France . Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 79 p. 1001-1037

Ward,P.D.. and Kennedy,W.J.. (1993):
Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58

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