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Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli 1959 from: Banner, F.T.Desai, D. (1988): A review and revision of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Globigerinina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire, England) . J. micropalaeontol. Vol. 7(2) p. 143-185
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.

Species Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli 1959

Discussion / Comments:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Remarks: G. kugleri has four chambers in each of its three whorls. The chambers are slightly depressed (h/L = 0.85 approx.), and subglobular (h/t = 1 approx.). The umbilicus is broad (u/uh = 0.27 approx.) The semi-circular, axio-intraumbilical aperture possesses a thin rim-like lip. The dorsal side is virtually flat.

 Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
  Familia Praehedbergellidae
   Subfamilia Praehedbergellinae
    Genus Gorbachikella
     Species Gorbachikella kugleri
Synonym list:
Banner & Desai (1988):
1959 "Globigerina" kugleri Bolli. - Bolli : p.270 pl 23 figs 3-5
1988 Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli. - Banner & Desai : 152, 153 pl 2figs 1-2
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
1959 Globigerina kugleri Bolli. - Bolli : p.270 pl. 23; fig. 3-5
? 1966 Globigerina kugleri Bolli. - Marianos & Zingula : p.335 pl. 37; fig. 4a-c
1974 Caucasella hoterivica Subbotina. - Longoria : p.49 pl. 11; fig. 9-11, 14-16
1988 Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli. - Banner & Desai : p.151 pl. 2; fig. 2
? 1991 Globuligerina hoterivica Subbotina. - Altiner : pl. 14; fig. 1-7
1995 Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p.188 pl. 2; fig. 1-5
1997 Gorbachikella kugleri Bolli. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : 91, 93 pl. 6.1; fig. 1-6; pl. 6.2, fig. 1-6; Figure: 6.1

Bolli,H.M. (1959):
Planktonic foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B.W.I. . Bulletins of American Paleontology Vol. 39 p. 257-277

Marianos,A.W. and Zingula,R.P. (1966):
Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from Dry Creek, Tehama County, California . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 40 p. 328-342

Longoria,J.F. (1974):
Stratigraphic, morphologic and taxonomic studies of Aptian planktonic Foraminifera . Revista Espanola de MicropaleontologíaNo extraord p. 1-107

Banner,F.T. and Desai,D. (1988):
A review and revision of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Globigerinina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire, England) . J. micropalaeontol. Vol. 7(2) p. 143-185

Altiner,D.A.. (1991):
Microfossil biostratigraphy (mainly foraminifers) of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate successions in north-western Anatolia (Turkey) . Geologica Romana Vol. 27 p. 167-213

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Bown,P.R..; Simmons,M.D. and Gorbatchik,T.N. (1995):
Gorbachikella from the Hauterivian, Barremian-Aptian of Tunisia . Revue de Micropaléontologie Vol. 38 p. 179-193

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Whittaker,J.E. and Simmons,M.D. (1997):
Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1

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