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Blefuscuiana aptiana Bartenstein 1965 from: Banner, F.T.Desai, D. (1988): A review and revision of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Globigerinina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire, England) . J. micropalaeontol. Vol. 7(2) p. 143-185
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Species Blefuscuiana aptiana Bartenstein 1965

Discussion / Comments:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Remarks: B. aptiana s.s. has six subglobular chambers (h/L= 1 approx.) in the final whorl. The umbilicus is broad, the aperture is a narrow intraumbilical-extraumbilical slit bordered by a porticus which is absent in B. aptiana (Bartenstein) orientalis BouDagher-Fade1 et al.

 Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
  Familia Praehedbergellidae
   Subfamilia Praehedbergellinae
    Genus Blefuscuiana
Synonym list:
Banner & Desai (1988):
? 1938 Globigerina sp.D9 Hecht. - Hecht : p.17 pl 23 fig 60 (holotype)
1938 Globigerina sp.D9 Hecht. - Hecht : p.17 pl 23 figs 61-63 (paratypes)
1965 Hedbergella aptiana Bartenstein. - Bartenstein : 347-348 textfigs 3?, 4-6
1979 Hedbergella aptiana Bartenstein. - Sigal : p.318 pl 2 figs 24,25
1988 Blefuscuiana aptiana Bartenstein. - Banner & Desai : 160,161 pl 5 figs 1-3
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
? 1938 Globigerina sp.D9 Hecht. - Hecht : p.17 pl. 23; fig. 60
1938 Globigerina sp.D9 Hecht. - Hecht : p.17 pl. 23; fig. 61-63
1965 Hedbergella aptiana Bartenstein. - Bartenstein : p. 347, 348 text-fig. 3-6
p 1975 Hedbergella infracretacea Glaessner. - Magniez-Jannin : p. 250-254 pl. 17; fig. 1-3, 9, 10, 18
1979 Hedbergella aptiana Bartenstein. - Sigal : p.318 pl. 2; fig. 24, 25
1988 Blefuscuiana aptiana Bartenstein. - Banner & Desai : p.158 pl. 5; fig. 1-3
1988 Blefuscuiana occulta quinquecamerata Banner & Desai. - Banner & Desai : p.162 pl. 7; fig. 9-11
p 1990 Hedbergella infracretacea Glaessner. - Weidich : p.166 pl. 56; fig. 19-21 (not 24-26)
1993 Blefuscuiana aptiana Bartenstein. - Banner et al. : p.9 fig. 4a-b, 5, 6a-b
1996 Blefuscuiana aptiana sensu stricto Bartenstein. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p.252 fig. 4 (1-5)
1997 Blefuscuiana aptiana sensu stricto Bartenstein. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p. 7, 139 pl. 1.1, fig. 2; pl. 8.2, fig. 1-8; Figures: 8.1, 8.3

Hecht,F.E. (1938):
Standard Gliederung der Nordwestdeutschen Unterkreide nach Foraminiferen . Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Vol. 443 p. 3-42

Bartenstein,H. (1965):
Taxionomische Revision und Nomenklatur zu Franz E. Hecht "Standard Gliederung der Nordwestdeutschen Unterkreide nach Foraminiferen" (1938) Teil 4: Alb . Senckenbergiana Lethaea Vol. 46(4/6) p. 327-366

Magniez-Jannin,F.. (1975):
Les Foraminiféres de l'Albien de l'Aube: Paléontologie, Stratigraphie, Écologie . Cahiers de Paléontologie, CNRS, Paris p. 360

Sigal,J. (1979):
Chronostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Cretaceous formations recovered on DSDP Leg 47B, Site 398 . Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 47 p. 287-326

Banner,F.T. and Desai,D. (1988):
A review and revision of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Globigerinina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire, England) . J. micropalaeontol. Vol. 7(2) p. 143-185

Weidich,K.F.. (1990):
Die Kalkalpine Unterkreide und ihre Foraminiferenfauna . Zitteliana Vol. 17 p. 1-312

Banner,F.T.; Copestake,P.. and White,M.R.. (1993):
Barremian-Aptian Praehedbergellidae of the North Sea area: a reconnaissance . Bulletin of The Natural History Museum, London (Geology) Vol. 49 p. 1-30

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Gorbatchik,T.K.; Simmons,M.D. and Whittaker,J.E. (1996):
Evolution in the Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal genus Blefuscuiana . Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen Vol. 202 p. 243-258

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Whittaker,J.E. and Simmons,M.D. (1997):
Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1

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