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Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch 1926 from: Kennett, J.Srinivasan, M.S. (1983): Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera - A Phylogenetic Atlas.
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Species Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch 1926

Diagnosis / Definition:
Kennett & Srinivasan (1983):
Test low trochospiral, equatorial periphery subquadrate, chambers spherical initially, final chamber laterally compressed with distinctly flattened high apertural face; three chambers in the final whorl increasing rapidly in size; spiral sutures slightly curved to radial, depressed, on umbilical side radial, depressed; surface coarsely perforate except for the apertural face, which is largely smooth and nonperforate; umbilicus small; aperture a low arch, interiomarginal, umbilical with a very weak umbilical tooth.
Discussion / Comments:
Kennett & Srinivasan (1983):
Gq. binaiensis is distinguished from its ancestor Gq. sellii by its remarkably flattened, high, apertural face of the final chamber.
Chaisson & Leckie (1993):
Similar species: Sensu stricto forms of Globoquadrina binaiensis are easily recognized by their large final chamber, flattened apertural face, and three chambers in the final whorl. However, several samples contain specimens gradational with G. dehiscens. In such cases, distinction is made on the number of chambers in the final whorl, three as compared with four in the latter. G. binaiensis differs from Globigerina sellii in having an angular edge on the final chamber and a distinctly flatter apertural face (cf. with illustrations in Leckie et al., this volume).

 Genus Catapsydrax
  Species Catapsydrax africanus
   Species Globoquadrina binaiensis
Synonym list:
Kennett & Srinivasan (1983):
1926 Globigerina? aspera Koch. - Koch : p.746 figs 22a-c
1935 Globigerina binaiensis Koch. - Koch : p.558
Vincent & Toumarkine (1990):
1926 Globigerina? aspera Koch. - Koch : p. 746 fig. 22
1935 Globigerina binaiensis Koch. - Koch : p. 558
1990 Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch. - Vincent & Toumarkine : p. 835 pl. 6, figs. 12-15
Spezzaferri & Silva (1990):
1935 Globigerina binaiensis Koch. - Koch :
1985 Globigerina binaiensis Koch. - Bolli & Saunders : fig. 14 (6-10)
1990 Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch. - Spezzaferri & Silva : p.249 pl. IX; fig. 6a-c
Chaisson & Leckie (1993):
1935 Globigerina binaiensis Koch. - Koch : p.558
1983 Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch. - Kennett & Srinivasan : p.187 pl. 44, fig. 1 and 3; pl. 45, fig. 1-3
1993 Globoquadrina binaiensis Koch. - Chaisson & Leckie : p.177 pl. 9; fig. 13

Koch,R. (1926):
Mitteltertiäre aus Bulongan, Ost-Borneo . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 19(3)

Koch,R. (1935):
Namensänderung einiger Tertiär-Foraminiferen aus Niederlandisch Ost-Indien . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 28(2)

Kennett,J. and Srinivasan,M.S. (1983):
Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera - A Phylogenetic Atlas.

Bolli,H.M. and Saunders,J.B. (1985):
Oligocene to Holocene low latitude planktic foraminifers.
In: Plankton Stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B. p. 155-262

Spezzaferri,S. and Silva,I.S.. (1990):
Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatic interpretation from Hole 538A, DSDP Leg 77, Gulf of Mexico . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Vol. 83 p. 217-263

Vincent,E. and Toumarkine,M. (1990):
Neogene planktonic foraminifers from the Western Tropical Indian Ocean, Leg 115.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 115 Eds: Duncan, R.A..Backman, J.Peterson, L.C. p. 795-836

Chaisson,W.P. and Leckie,R.M. (1993):
High-Resolution Planktonic Foraminifer Biostratigraphy of Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau (Western Equatorial Pacific).
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 130 Eds: Berger, W.H.Kroenke, L.W..Mayer, al. p. 137-178

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