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Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina 1947 from: Berggren, W.A.Norris, R.D. (1997): Biostratigraphy, phylogeny and systematics of Paleocene trochospiral planktic foraminifera . Micropaleontology Vol. 43(suppl. 1) p. 1-116
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina 1947

Discussion / Comments:
Pearson et al. (2006):
DISCUSSION.- A full synonymy and discussion of this taxon was given in Berggren and Norris (1997) and Olsson and others (1999). This form was used to delineate subzone P4a of Zone P4 by Berggren and others (1 995). However, subsequent investigations have shown that subsphaerica has its highest common occurrence within the mid-part of the range of Globanomalina pseudomenardii (i.e., Zone P4) while ranging sporadically up into Zone P6a (=Zone E3 of this work) (Quillevere, 1999). However, there remains, as pointed out by Blow (1979, p. 961) a distinct stratigraphic gap between the H0 of subsphaerica (which Blow ascribed to lower Zone P5) and the L0 of its dorso-conical homeomorph alticonica (in Zone P8b) and an even larger gap to the L0 ofpseudosubsphaerica as differentiated and delineated here in Zone E7 (=Zone P9 of Berggren and others, 1995). STRATIGRAPHIC Range.- Base of Zone P4 to P4a/b (highest common occurrence); sporadic to Zone E3.

 Superregnum Eukaryota
  Regnum Protoctista
   Phylum Ciliophora
    Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
     Ordo Globigerinida
      Superfamilia Globorotaliaceae
       Superfamilia Nonionacea
        Familia Truncorotaloididae
         Genus Acarinina
          Species Acarinina subsphaerica

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Truncorotaloididae
   Genus Acarinina
    Species Acarinina subsphaerica

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Superfamilia Globorotaliaceae
    Familia Truncorotaloididae
     Genus Acarinina
      Species Acarinina soldadoensis
       Species Morozovella conicotruncata

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
    Familia Truncorotaloididae
     Genus Acarinina
      Species Acarinina subsphaerica
Synonym list:
Berggren & Norris (1997):
1947 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Subbotina : p. 108 pl. 5, figs. 26-28 (holotype from G. ex gr. canariensis Zone, Assu River section, N Caucasus); pl. 5, figs. 23-25 (Zone of compressed Globorotalia, Ossetia, Assa River section, N Caucasus).
1953 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Subbotina : p. 59 pl. 2, figs. 15a-c (holotype refigured).
1956 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 91 pl. 3, fig. 1 (holotype from Foraminiferal Bed (Fl), Assa River section, North Caucasus, Zone of compressed Globorotalia ; also recorded from equivalent levels in Assa River section, Ossetia, North Caucasus).
1956 Globoconusa quadripartitaformis Khalilov. - Khalilov : p. 249 pl. 5, figs. 3a-c (holotype No. 238, sample 35 (1946), foothills of Maly Caucasus, Azerbaizhan).
p 1957 Globigerina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Loeblich & Tappan : p. 180 pl. 49, figs. 5a-c (holotype, USNM P5843 from Zone P4, Hornerstown Formation, New Jersey); ?pl. 49, figs. 4a-c (paratype USNM P5844, same locality as holotype); non pl. 61, figs. 8a-c).
1957 Globigerina spiralis Bolli. - Loeblich & Tappan (non Bolli, 1957) : p. 182 pl. 47, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Salt Mountain Limestone, Alabama); pl. 49, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Hornerstown Fm., New Jersey); pl. 51, figs. 6a-9c (Zone P4, Vincentown Fm., New Jersey); pl. 53, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Vincetown Fm., New Jersey).
p 1958 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 89 pl. 2, figs. 12-14 (non figs. 6-11=Ac. mckannai); pl. 3, figs. l-3(non figs. 4-2l=Ac. mckannai ; all figured specimens from Nal'chik Horizon, Sunzha River section, Groznensk Oblast, N Caucasus.
1960 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 249 pl. 2, fig. 8.
1964 Acarinina falsospiralis Davidzon & Morozova. - Davidzon & Morozova : p. 26,28 pl. 1, figs. 5a-c (upper Paleocene, upper Bukhara Beds, lower Karatag Horizon, Tutkaul village, Sanglak Range, Tadzhik Depression, Tadzhikistan).
1965 Globigerina quadripartitaformis Khalilov. - Proto Decima & Zorzi : p. 15 pl. 1, figs. la,b (G. pseudomenardii Zone, Molinetto di Pederroba section, W Trevignano, Italy).
1967 Acarinina microsphaerica . - Morozova et al. : p. 195 pl. 6, figs. 3 (No. 3512/52) 4 (holotype, No.) 3512/51) (Acarinina quadratoseptata Zone, Kacha R ver section, (Thanetian Stage, upper Paleocene, Kacha River, Crimea).
1970 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 118-120 pl. 2, figs. 8a-c (Ac. acarinata Zone, Kachan Stage, Belbek River, Bakhchisaray Region, SW Crimea), pl. 26, figs. 3a-c (Ac. subsphaerica Zone, Khieu River, Nal'chik Region, North Caucasus), pl. 6, ?figs. 3a-c (Gl. aequa Zone, Bakhchisarayan Stage, Bel'bek River, Bakhchisaray Region, SW Crimea); pl. 26, figs. 3a-c (Ac. subsphaerica Zone, Nal'chik region, Khieu River, N Caucasus).
1979 Globorotalia (Acarinina) subsphaerica Subbotina. - Blow : p. 960 pl. 91, figs. 4-6 (Zone P4; DSDP 3/21 A/3/6:74-76cm; S Atlantic); pl. 92, figs. 1-3 (Zone P4, DSDP 6/47.2/9/5: 74-76cm; NW Pacific).
1979 Muricoglobigerina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Blow : p. 1126 pl. 91, figs. 1,2 (lower Zone P4, DSDP 3/21A/3/6: 74-76cm; S Atlantic); pl. 92, fig. 3 (Zone P4, DSDP 6/47.2/9/5:70-72cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific; pl. 93, figs. 7-9 and pl. 235, figs. 1 -3 (Zone P4, DSDP 6/47.2/9/3:70-72cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific); pl. 101, figs. 5,6 (Zone P5, DSDP 6/47.2/9/1: 64-66cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific).
p 1991 Acarinina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Huber : p. 439 pl. 2, fig. 3 (Zone AP4; ODP 738C/15R/1; Kerguelen Plateau, S Indian Ocean); non pl. 2, fig. 4.
1997 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Berggren & Norris : p. 93 Plate 11 Figures 15,18-23; Plate 12, Figure 4
Olsson et al. (1999):
1947 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Subbotina : p. 108 pl. 5, figs. 26-28 (holotype from G. ex gr. canariensis Zone, Assu River section, N Caucasus; pl. 5, figs. 23-25 (Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Osetiya, Assa Rver section, N Caucasus)
1953 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Subbotina : p. 59 pl. 2, figs. 15a-c (holotype refigured)
1956 Globigerina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 91 pl. 3, fig. 1 (holotype from Foraminiferal Bed (F1), Assu River section, N Caucasus, Zone of compressed globorotaliids; also recorded from equivalent levels in Assu River section, Osetiya, N Caucasus)
1956 Globoconusa quadripartitaformis Khalilov. - Khalilov : p. 249 pl. 5, figs. 3a-c (holotype No. 238, sample 35 (1946), foothills of Maly Caucasus, Azerbaizhan)
p 1957 Globigerina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Loeblich & Tappan : p. 180 pl. 49, figs. 5a-c (holotype, USNM P5843 from lower Zone P4, uppermost Hornerstown Fm., New Jersey); non pl. 49, figs. 4a-c; non pl. 61, figs. 8a-c)
1957 Globigerina spiralis Bolli. - Loeblich & Tappan (non Bolli, 1957) : p. 182 pl. 47, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Salt Mountain Limestone, Alabama); pl. 49, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Hornerstown Fm., New Jersey); pl. 51, figs. 6a-9c (Zone P4, Vincentown Fm., New Jersey); pl. 53, figs. 3a-c (Zone P4, Vincetown Fm., New Jersey)
p 1958 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 89 pl. 2, figs. 12-14 (non figs. 6-11=A. mckannai); pl. 3, figs. 1-3 (non figs. 4-21=A. mckannai ; all figured specimens from Nalíchik Horizon, Sunzha River section, Groznensk Oblast, N Caucasus)
1960 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 249 pl. 2, fig. 8
1964 Acarinina falsospiralis Davidzon & Morozova. - Davidzon & Morozova : p. 26, 28 pl. 1, figs. 5a-c (upper Paleocene, upper Bukhara Beds, lower Karatag Horizon, Tutkaul village, Sanglak Range, Tadzhik Depression, Tadzhikistan)
1967 Acarinina microsphaerica . - Morozova et al. : p. 195 pl. 6, figs. 3, 4 (Thanetian Stage, upper Paleocene, Kacha River, Crimea)
1970 Acarinina subsphaerica Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 118-120 pl. 2, figs. 8a-c (A. acarinata Zone, Kachan Stage, Belbek River, Bakhchisaray Region, SW Crimea), pl. 26, figs. 3a-c (A. subsphaerica Zone, Khieu River, Nal'chik Region, N Caucasus), pl. 6, ?figs. 3a-c (Gl. aequa Zone, Bakhchisarayan Stage, Bel'bek River, Bakhchisaray Region, SW Crimea); pl. 26, figs. 3a-c (A. subsphaerica Zone, Nalichik region, Khieu River, N Caucasus)
1979 Globorotalia (Acarinina) subsphaerica Subbotina. - Blow : p. 960 pl. 91, figs. 4-6 (Zone P4; DSDP Hole 21A/3/6: 74-76 cm, South Atlantic Ocean); pl. 92, figs. 1-3 (Zone P4, DSDP Hole 47.2/9/5: 74-76 cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean)
1979 Muricoglobigerina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Blow : p. 1126 pl. 91, figs. 1, 2 ( lower Zone P4, DSDP Hole 21A/3/6: 74-76 cm; South Atlantic Ocean); pl. 92, fig. 3 (Zone P4, DSDP Hole 47.2/9/5: 70-72 cm), pl. 93, figs. 7-9 and pl. 235, figs. 1-3 (Zone P4, DSDP Hole 47.2/9/3: 70-72 cm), pl. 101, figs. 5,6 (Zone P5, DSDP Hole 47.2/9/1: 64-66 cm), Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean.
p 1991 Acarinina chascanona Loeblich & Tappan. - Huber : p. 439 pl. 2, fig. 3 (Zone AP4, ODP Hole 738C/15R: 322.07 msbf, Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean); non pl. 2, fig. 4.
Was used in synonym list of:
Stratigraphy - absolute ages:
FAD: 59.2 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995) DSDP Leg 43 Site 384
LAD: 57.1 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995) DSDP Leg 43 Site 384

Subbotina,N.N. (1947):
Foraminifery datskikh i paleogenovykh otlozhenii severnogo Kavkaza.
In: Mikrofauna neftyanykh mestorozhdenii Kavkaza, Emby I Srednei Azii Vol. 1 p. 39-160

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Iskopaemye foraminifery SSSR (Globigerinidy, Khantkenininidy i Globorotaliidy) . Trudy Vsesoyznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) Vol. 76 p. 296

Shutskaya,E.K. (1956):
Stratigrafiya nizhnikh gorizontov paleogena Tsentral'nogo Predkavkaz'ya po foraminiferam . Trudy Instituta Geologii Nauk Akademiya SSSR Vol. 164(70) p. 3-114

Khalilov,D.M. (1956):
O pelagicheskoy faune foraminifer Paleogenovykh otlozheniy Azerbaydzhana . Trudy Instituta Geologii, Akademiya Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Vol. 17

Loeblich,A.R. and Tappan,H. (1957):
Planktonic Foraminifera of Paleocene and Early Eocene Age from the Gulf and Atlantic Coastral Plains.
In: Studies in Foraminifera, United States National Museum Bulletin Vol. 215 p. 173-198

Shutskaya,E.K. (1958):
Izmenchivosti nekotorikh nizhnepaleogenovikh plannktonikh foraminifer severnogo Kavkaza [Variations of some lower Paleogene planktonic foraminifers of the northern Caucasus] . Akademy Nauk SSSR Voprosy Mikropaleontologii Vol. 2 p. 84-90

Shutskaya,E.K. (1960):
Stratigrafiya i fatsii nizhnego paleogena Predkavkazya. p. 104

Davidzon,R.M. and Morozova,V.G. (1964):
Planktonic and Benthonic calcareous Foraminifera of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) of the Tadzhik Depression . Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal Vol. 3 p. 23-29

Proto Decima,F. and Zorzi,P. (1965):
Studio micropaleontologico-stratigrafico della serie Cretaceo-Terziaria del Molinetto di Pederroba (Treviggiano occidentale) . Memorie degli Instituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell'Universita di Padova Vol. 25 p. 44pp

Morozova,V.G.; Kozhevnikova,G.E. and Kuryleva,A.M. (1967):
Datsko-Paleotsenovye Raznofatsial'nye otlozheniya Kopet-Daga i metody ikh korrelyatsii po foraminiferam . Trudy Geologicheskogo Instituta, Akademiya Nauk SSSR Vol. 157 p. 1-208

Shutskaya,E.K. (1970):
Stratigrafiya, foraminifery i paleogeografiya nizhnego paleogena Kryma, predkavkaz'ya i zapadnoi chadsti srednei azii. , Vsesoyuznyi naucho-issledovadetel'skii geologo-razvedochniyi neftyanoi institut (VNIGRI) Vol. 70

Blow,W.H. (1979):
The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp

Huber,B.T. (1991):
Paleogene and early Neogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of Sites 738 and 744, Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean).
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 119 Eds: Leckie, R.M.Sigurdsson, H.Acton, G.D.Draper, G. p. 427-449

Berggren,W.A.; Kent,D.V.; Swisher,C.C. and Aubry,M.P. (1995):
A revised Cenozoic Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy.
In: Geochronology Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation, SEPM Special Publication Vol. 54

Berggren,W.A. and Norris,R.D. (1997):
Biostratigraphy, phylogeny and systematics of Paleocene trochospiral planktic foraminifera . Micropaleontology Vol. 43(suppl. 1) p. 1-116

Olsson,R.K.; Berggren,W.A.; Hemleben,C. and Huber,B.T. (1999):
Atlas of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera - online version. , Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Vol. 85 p. 1-252

Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006):
Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513

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