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Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager 1866 from: Chaisson, W.P.d'Hondt, S.L. (2000): Neogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 999, Western Caribbean Sea. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 165 Eds: Leckie, R.M.Sigurdsson, H.Acton, G.D.Draper, G. p. 19-56
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager 1866

Discussion / Comments:
Bolli & Saunders (1985):
In this species a further thickening of the glassy cortex is seen compared with S. disjucta and S. multiloba. This results in the intercameral sutures becoming less incised and sometimes hardly distinguishable. The aperture of the last chamber becomes more irregular shaped and slit like and is bordered by a thin, irregularly edged flange. In specimens with a poorly developed cortex the penultimate and particularly the antepenultimate chambers form a small number of blunt spine like extensions pointing inwards around the umbilical rim. With progressive cortex building these spines coalesce and become flanges. The last whorl usually consists of 3 to 4 chambers, occasionally a small abortive sacculiferid chamber may be added. In the 3-chambered specimens a trend develops to increase the test size and to form a comparatively large and rounded end chamber with virtually no sutural incisions left between the individual chambers. These forms eventually lead to S. sphaeroides, which in turn gives rise to Sphaeroidinella within the Early Pliocene
Chaisson & Leckie (1993):
Remarks: Between three and four chambers in the final whorl are distinguishable through the cortex. The cortex is complete. The aperture is umbilical and irregular in shape. In umbilical view, specimens with only three chambers in the final whorl appear triangular in outline. Similar species: Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina is more lobate than S. paenedehiscens, but it is not as lobate as 5. kochii. S. kochii often has more chambers, and the aperture tends to be much larger than S. seminulina. Juveniles that have not yet developed a cortex may resemble Globigerinoides sacculifer.

 Superregnum Eukaryota
  Regnum Protoctista
   Phylum Ciliophora
    Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
     Ordo Globigerinida
      Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
       Superfamilia Nonionacea
        Familia Globigerinidae
         Genus Sphaeroidinellopsis
          Species Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina
Synonym list:
Chaisson & d'Hondt (2000):
1866 Globigerina seminulina Schwager. - Schwager : p.265 pl 7 fig 112
1983 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina seminulina Schwager. - Kennett & Srinivasan : p.206 pl 51 figs 1, 6-8
Bolli & Saunders (1985):
1866 Globigerina seminulina Schwager. - Schwager : p.256 pl.7, fig.112
1958 Sphaeroidinella spinulosa Subbotina. - Subbotina : p.61 pl.11, figs.6a-c
1960 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager. - Banner & Blow : p.24 pl.7, figs.2a-b
1969 Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens paenedehiscens Blow. - Blow : p.386 pl.30, figs.4-9
1985 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager. - Bolli & Saunders : p.242 figs. 38.6-13; 7,10,11
Chaisson & Pearson (1997):
1866 Globigerina seminulina Schwager. - Schwager : p.256 pl. 7; fig. 112
1983 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina seminulina Schwager. - Kennett & Srinivasan : p.206 pl. 51; fig. 1, 6-8
Vincent & Toumarkine (1990):
1866 Globigerina seminulina Schwager. - Schwager : p.256 pl. 7, fig. 112
1959 Sphaeroidinella dehiscens subdehiscens Blow. - Blow : p.195 pl. 12, figs. 71-72
1967 Sphaeroidinella dehiscens subdehiscens Blow. - Parker : p.162 pl. 23, figs. 6-7
1967 Sphaeroidinella subdehiscens Blow. - Parker :
1990 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager. - Vincent & Toumarkine : p.805
Chaisson & Leckie (1993):
1866 Globigerina seminulina Schwager. - Schwager : p.256 pl. 7; fig. 112
1983 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina seminulina Schwager. - Kennett & Srinivasan : p.206 pl. 51; fig. 1 and 6-8
1993 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Schwager. - Chaisson & Leckie : p.178 pl. 10; fig. 8 and 11-13
Was used in synonym list of:
Stratigraphy - absolute ages:
LAD: 3.12 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995)
LAD: 2.19 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995) Mediterranean
LAD: 3.45 ± 0.05 [Ma], Chaisson & d'Hondt (2000) ODP Leg 165 Site 999
LAD: 3.11 ± 0 [Ma], Chaisson & Pearson (1997) ODP Leg 154 Site 925

Schwager,C. (1866):
Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar, Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. Von Wuellerstorf-Urbair . Geologischer Theil,Geologische Beobachtung no. 2, Palaeontologische Mittheilung Vol. 2(1) p. 187-268

Subbotina,N.N. (1958):
New genera and species of foraminifera.
In: Trudy, VNIGRI, new series, 115. , Microfauna of the USSR Vol. 9 Eds: Bykova, e.N.K.. p. 5-106

Blow,W.H. (1959):
Age, correlation and biostratigraphy of the upper Tocuyo (San Lorenzo) and Pozón Formations, eastern Falcon, Venezuela . Bull. Am. Paleontol. Vol. 39(178) p. 67-252

Banner,F.T. and Blow,W.H. (1960):
Some primary types of species belonging to the superfamily Globigerinaceae . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 11(1) p. 1-41

Parker,F.L. (1967):
Late Tertiary biostratigraphy (planktonic foraminifers) of tropical Indo-Pacific deep-sea cores . Bull. Am. Paleontol. Vol. 52

Blow,W.H. (1969):
Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy.
In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva 1967 Vol. 1 Eds: Bronnimann, P.Renz, H.H. p. 199-422

Kennett,J. and Srinivasan,M.S. (1983):
Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera - A Phylogenetic Atlas.

Bolli,H.M. and Saunders,J.B. (1985):
Oligocene to Holocene low latitude planktic foraminifers.
In: Plankton Stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B. p. 155-262

Vincent,E. and Toumarkine,M. (1990):
Neogene planktonic foraminifers from the Western Tropical Indian Ocean, Leg 115.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 115 Eds: Duncan, R.A..Backman, J.Peterson, L.C. p. 795-836

Chaisson,W.P. and Leckie,R.M. (1993):
High-Resolution Planktonic Foraminifer Biostratigraphy of Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau (Western Equatorial Pacific).
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 130 Eds: Berger, W.H.Kroenke, L.W..Mayer, al. p. 137-178

Berggren,W.A.; Hilgen,F.J.; Langereis,C.G.; Kent,D.V.; Obradovich,J.D.; Raffi,I.; Raymo,M.E. and Shackleton,N.J. (1995):
Late Neogene chronology: New perspectives in high-resolution stratigraphy . Geological Society of America Bulletin Vol. 107(11)

Chaisson,W.P. and Pearson,P.N. (1997):
Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 925: middle Miocene–Pleistocene.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 154 Eds: Shackleton, N.J.Curry, W.B.Richter, C.Bralower, T.J.

Chaisson,W.P. and d'Hondt,S.L. (2000):
Neogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 999, Western Caribbean Sea.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 165 Eds: Leckie, R.M.Sigurdsson, H.Acton, G.D.Draper, G. p. 19-56

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