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Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade 1961 from: Moullade, M.Bellier, J.P.Tronchetti, G. (2002): Hierarchy of criteria, evolutionary processes and taxonomic simplification in the classification of Lower Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera . Cretaceous Research Vol. 23 p. 111-148
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade 1961

Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
The species diners from G. algeriana in having fewer chambers and from G. bentonensis in having spherical chambers in edge view.
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Remarks: This species differs from the stratigraphically younger taxon G. algerianus Cushman and ten Dam only in the smaller number of chambers in the last whorl. While G. ferreolensis has eight chambers in the last-formed whorl, G. algerianus has a larger number of chambers, ten to twelve in the same whorl. The gradual morphological change between the two forms is consistent throughout the samples in Crimea and Tunisia. The species arises rapidly from the equally planispiral but much less compressed form Blowiella blowi (Bolli) which has smaller umbilici and even fewer chambers in each whorl. The new species described by Longoria (1974) as G. macrocameratus is very similar to G. ferreolensis and should be considered as its junior synonym; it is refigured on Plate 10.5, Figs 13-15.
Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov (1977):
Our material shows specimens mostly with only seven chambers in the last whorl, eight-chambered forms are not so common. The species had been recorded from lower Gargasian in France, uppermost Aptian to lower Albian of Bavaria, late Aptian of Spain, and Mexico.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Planomalinidae
   Genus Globigerinelloides
    Species Globigerinelloides ferreolensis

  Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
   Familia Schackoinidae
    Genus Globigerinelloides
     Species Globigerinelloides ferreolensis
Synonym list:
Moullade et al. (2002):
1961 Biticinella ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.214 pl 1 figs 1-5
1961 Biglobigerinella sigali Chevalier. - Chevalier : p.33 pl 1 figs 19-23
1966 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.123 pl 9 figs 1-3.1
1969 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Risch : p.120 pl 13 figs 3,4
1974 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Longoria : 84,85 pl. 5, figs 7, 8; pl. 8, figs 1–3,8–15; pl. 14, figs 7, 8; pl. 27, figs 5, 12; non fig. 3 [6 chamber]
1974 Globigerinelloides barri Bolli et al.. - Longoria : 80-82 pl 4 figs 1-3, 8, 14;pl 5 figs 9-16
1974 Globigerinelloides macrocameratus Longoria. - Longoria : 85,86 pl 5 figs 1-6
p 1981 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Tronchetti : 124,125 pl 32, figs 3-6,8;pl 33 fig 3; non pl 32 fig 7
1984 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Leckie : p.593 pl 2 figs 9-12
1988 Globigerinelloides cf. ferreolensis Moullade. - Banner & Desai : p.180 pl 9 figs 7, 8a-c
1997 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : 183,184 pl 10.5 figs 1-15
1998 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade et al. : pl 5 figs 1,2,4-6
Caron (1985):
1961 Biticinella ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.14 pl 1 figs 1-5
1961 Biglobigerinella sigali Chevalier. - Chevalier : p.33 pl 1 figs 19a-b
1985 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Caron : 66, 67 figs 29.12-13
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
1961 Biticinella ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.4 pl. 1; fig. 1-5
1966 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.123 pl. 9; fig. 1-3
1974 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Longoria : p.84 pl. 5, fig. 7, 8; pl. 8, fig. 1-3, 8-15; pl. 14, fig. 7, 8; pl. 27, fig. 3, 4, 12
1974 Globigerinelloides macrocameratus Longoria. - Longoria : p. 85, 86 pl. 5; fig. 1-6
1981 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Bellier & Chitta : p.42 pl. 2; fig. 13-15
1986 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Gorbatchik : pl. 29; fig. 1
1987 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Ben Haj Ali : p.83 pl. 1; fig. 1, 2
1991 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Altiner : pl. 16; fig. 1
1993 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Shahin : p.430 pl. 6; fig. 2
1995 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Boudagher-Fadel : p.147 pl. 2; fig. 8, 9
1997 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p.197 pl. 10.5; fig. 1-15; Figure: 10.1
Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov (1977):
1961 Biticinella ferreolensis Moullade. - Moullade : p.14 pl. 1; fig. 1-5
1977 Globigerinelloides ferreolensis Moullade. - Pflaumann & Krasheninnikov : p.557 pl. 3; fig. 1a-c

Chevalier,J. (1961):
Quelques nouvelles espèces dans le Cretaceinférieur méditerranéen . Revue de Micropaléontologie Vol. 4 p. 30-36

Moullade,M. (1961):
Quelques Foraminifères et Ostracodes nouveaux du Crétacé inférieur des Baronnies (Drome) . Revue de Micropaléontologie Vol. 3 p. 213-216

Moullade,M. (1966):
Etude stratigraphique et micropaléontologique du Crétacé inférieur de la "fosse vocontienne" . Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon Vol. 15 p. 1-369

Risch,H. (1969):
Stratigraphie der höheren Unterkreide der bayerischen Kalkalpen mit Hilfe von Mikrofossilien. Dissertation. p. 180

Longoria,J.F. (1974):
Stratigraphic, morphologic and taxonomic studies of Aptian planktonic Foraminifera . Revista Espanola de MicropaleontologíaNo extraord p. 1-107

Pflaumann,U. and Krasheninnikov,V.. (1977):
Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from eastern North Atlantic, DSDP Leg 41 .
In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 41 , Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to Malaga, Spain, February-April 1975 Eds: Gardner, J..Herring, J.. p. 539-564

Tronchetti,G. (1981):
Les Foraminifères crétacés de Provence (Aptien–Santonien) – systématique, biostratigraphie, paléoécologie, paléogéographie. , Travaux du Laboratoire de Géologie Historique et Paléontolologie Vol. 12 p. 559

Bellier,J.P. and Chitta,N. (1981):
Foraminifères planctoniques et zonation de l’Aptien du Djebel Goraa (Tunisie septentrionale) . Cahiers de Micropaléontologie Vol. 3 p. 37-49

Leckie,M.R. (1984):
Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy off Morocco, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79, Sites 545 and 547 . Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 79 p. 579–620

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

Gorbatchik,T.N. (1986):
Jurassic and Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera of the south of the USSR [in Russian]. p. 239

Ben Haj Ali,N.. (1987):
Étude biostratigraphique du Crétacé (Aptien á Cénomanien) de la Région du Teboursouk (Tunisie septentrionale) sur la base des foraminiféres planctoniques . Notes du Service Géologique Tunisie Vol. 54 p. 75-105

Banner,F.T. and Desai,D. (1988):
A review and revision of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Globigerinina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire, England) . J. micropalaeontol. Vol. 7(2) p. 143-185

Altiner,D.A.. (1991):
Microfossil biostratigraphy (mainly foraminifers) of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate successions in north-western Anatolia (Turkey) . Geologica Romana Vol. 27 p. 167-213

Shahin,A.M.. (1993):
Biostratigraphy of the subsurface Lower Cretaceous succession in the Bardawli area, northern Sinai, Egypt. . Neues Jahrbuch fir Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte p. 413-433

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K. (1995):
The planktonic foraminifera of the Early Cretaceous of Tunisia compared to those of western and central Tethys . Paleopelagos Vol. 5 p. 137-160

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T. and Whittaker,J.E. (1997):
The early evolutionary history of planktonic foraminifera. p. 296

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Whittaker,J.E. and Simmons,M.D. (1997):
Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1

Moullade,M.; Tronchetti,G.; Kuhnt,W. and Masse,J.P. (1998):
Les Foraminifères benthiques et planctoniques de la série du Stratotype Historique de l’Aptien inférieur dans la région de Cassis-La Bédoule (SE France) . Géologie Méditerranéenne Vol. 25 p. 187-225

Moullade,M.; Bellier,J.P. and Tronchetti,G. (2002):
Hierarchy of criteria, evolutionary processes and taxonomic simplification in the classification of Lower Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera . Cretaceous Research Vol. 23 p. 111-148

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