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Dicarinella asymetrica Sigal 1952 from: Caron, M. (1985): Cretaceous planktic foraminifera. In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Dicarinella asymetrica Sigal 1952

Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
Two closely spaced keels give a typical profile with prolonga- tion of the secondkeel surrounding the umbilicus. D. asymetrica diners from D. concavata in the presence of this periumbilical ridge and from G. ventricosa in the presence ofportici covering the umbilical-extraumbilical primary aperture.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Globotruncanidae
   Genus Dicarinella
    Genus Helvetoglobotruncana
     Species Dicarinella asymetrica
      Species Marginotruncana sigali
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1953 Globotruncana fundiconulosa Subbotina. - Subbotina : p.200 pl 14 figs 4a-c
1955 Globotruncana lobata De Klasz. - De Klasz : p.43 pl 7 figs 2a-c
1955 Globotruncana (Globotruncana) ventricosa carinata Dalbiez. - Dalbiez : p.171 figs 8a-c
1985 Dicarinella asymetrica Sigal. - Caron : p.44 fig 17.3-4; 11,13,14

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Fossil foraminifera of the USSR. Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae [in Russian] . Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Isledovatelskogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI), Novaya Seriya Vol. 76 p. 1-296

Dalbiez,F. (1955):
The genus Globotruncana in Tunisia . Micropaleontology Vol. 1 p. 161-171

De Klasz,I. (1955):
A new Globotruncana from the Bavarian Alps and North Africa . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 6(1) p. 43-44

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

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