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Heterohelix reussi Cushman 1938 from: Caron, M. (1985): Cretaceous planktic foraminifera. In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.

Species Heterohelix reussi Cushman 1938

Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
The species differs from ff. globulosa in the slightly more compressed chambers and from H. striata in the much finer costae.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Heterohelicidae
   Genus Heterohelix
    Species Heterohelix globulosa
     Species Heterohelix reussi
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1938 Guembelina reussi Cushman. - Cushman : p.11 pl 2 figs 6a-b
1985 Heterohelix reussi Cushman. - Caron : p.55 figs 24.10-11

Cushman,J.A. (1938):
Additional new species of American Cretaceous foraminifera . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 14 p. 2–28

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

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