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Acarinina tadjikistanensis Bykova 1953 from: Tjalsma, R.C. (1977): Cenozoic Foraminifera from the South Atlantic, DSDP Leg 36. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 36 p. 493-518
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.

Species Acarinina tadjikistanensis Bykova 1953

Diagnosis / Definition:
Tjalsma (1977):
Characteristic of this species is the low conical umbilical side and the convex spiral side. Specimens generally show a broadly rounded periphery in axial view with exception of the last chamber which may be subacute. They resemble best Acarinina tadjikistanensis djanensis (Shutzkaya, manuscript) as referred to by Luterbacher (1964). However, as far as the writer is aware, no formal description of this subspecies was ever published. They are accompanied and sometimes difficult to separate from more tightly coiled forms with tangential dorsal sutures which resemble A. praepentacamerata Shutzkaya (1956), except for their generally subacute axial periphery (Plate 1, Figures 4-6).
Discussion / Comments:
Tjalsma (1977):
Both A. tadjikistanensis djanensis and A. praepentacamerata are reported from the USSR, from the A. tadjikistanensis djanensis Zone which was tentatively correlated by Luterbacher (1964) with the upper part of the Planorotalites pusilla pusilla Zone and the lower part of the P. pseudomenardii Zone. At Site 329 they occur frequent to common all through Core 33, in assemblages for the larger part definitely younger than the P. pseudomenardii Zone.
Synonym list:
Tjalsma (1977):
1953 Globorotalia cf. tadjikistanensis Bykova. - Bykova : p.86 pl. 3, figs. 5a-c
1977 Acarinina cf. tadjikistanensis Bykova. - Tjalsma : p.505 pl. 1, figs. 9-12

Bykova,N.K. (1953):
Foraminifery suzakskogo yarusa Tadzhikskoi depressii.
In: Mikrofauna SSSR, Sbornik, Trudy VNIGRI, new series Vol. 6 p. 5-103

Tjalsma,R.C. (1977):
Cenozoic Foraminifera from the South Atlantic, DSDP Leg 36.
In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 36 p. 493-518

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