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Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden 1930 from: Huber, B.T. (1990): Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of the Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica): ODP Leg 113 Holes 689B and 690C. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 113 Eds: Barker, P.F.Kennett, J.P.O'Connell, S.B.Pisias, N.G. p. 489-513
Anonymous: Unedited TaxonConcept data
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Species Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden 1930

Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
S. multispinata differs from the other Schackoina species in having only 3 chambers in the last whorl, the first bearing a single tubulospine, the later two chambers with two more (up to 7) tubulospines each.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Planomalinidae
   Genus Schackoina
    Species Schackoina multispinata

  Familia Schackoinidae
   Genus Schackoina
    Species Schackoina multispinata
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1930 Hantkenina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Cushman & Wickenden : p.40 pl 6 figs 4-6 (type reference)
1962 Schackoina cushmani Barr. - Barr : p.565 pl 69, fig 3 text figs 5a-f
1985 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Caron : p.75 figs 35.10-13
Loeblich & Tappan (1961):
1930 Hantkenina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Cushman & Wickenden : p.40 pl. 6; fig. 4-6
1931 Hantkenina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Cushman : p.88 pl. 11; fig. 10-11
1934 Hantkenina trituberculata Morrow. - Morrow : p.195 pl. 29; fig. 24, 26-28
1937 Schackoina trituberculata Morrow. - Loetterle : p.47 pl. 7; fig. 7
1946 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Cushman : p.148 pl. 61; fig. 11-12
1946 Schackoina trituberculata Morrow. - Cushman : p.148 pl. 61; fig. 13-16
1947 Schackoina cenomana bicornis Reichel. - Reichel : p.401 text-fig. 4a-g, 6 (4), 7 (4), 8b, 9, 10 (5, 6, 8, 9, 15)
1947 Schackoina moliniensis Reichel. - Reichel : p.402 text-fig. 5, 6 (5), 7 (5), 8c, 10 (12), 12; pl. 8, fig. 2
1954 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Aurouze & De Klasz : p.100 text-fig. 1D-G
1954 Schackoina cenomana bicornis Reichel. - Aurouze & De Klasz : p.99 text-fig. 1B
1955 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Montanaro-Gallitelli : p.144 table 1
1955 Schackoina trituberculata Morrow. - Montanaro-Gallitelli : p.142 pl. 1; fig. 11
1959 Schackoina bicornis Reichel. - Bykova et al. : text-fig. 675
1961 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Loeblich & Tappan : p.281 pl. 1; fig. 8-10
Huber (1990):
1930 Hantkenina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Cushman & Wickenden : p. 40 pl. 6, figs. 4-6
1990 Schackoina multispinata Cushman & Wickenden. - Huber : Pl. 2, Fig. 1

Cushman,J.A. and Wickenden,R.T. (1930):
The development of Hantkenina in the Cretaceous with a description of a new species. . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 6 p. 39-43

Cushman,J.A. (1931):
Hastigerinella and other interesting foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of texas . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 7 p. 83-89

Morrow,A.L. (1934):
Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 8 p. 186–205

Loetterle,G.J.. (1937):
The micropaleontology of the Niobrara formation in Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota, Nebraska . Geol. Survey, 2nd Ser. Vol. 12 p. 1-73(pls.1-11)

Cushman,J.A. (1946):
Upper cretaceous foraminifera of the Gulf Coastal Region of the United States and adjacent areas . Professional Papers of the US Geological Survey Vol. 206 p. 1-241

Reichel,M. (1947):
Les Hantkeninides de la Scaglia et des Couches rouges (Cretace Superieur) . Eclogae Geol. Helv. Vol. 40(2) p. 391-409

Aurouze,G.. and De Klasz,I. (1954):
Sur la presence de Schackoines dans le Cretace superieur de France, de Baviere et de Tunisie . Soc. Geol. France, Bull., ser. 6 Vol. 4 p. 97-103

Montanaro-Gallitelli,E.. (1955):
Schackoina from the Upper Cretaceous of the northern Appenines, Italy . Micopaleontology Vol. 1(2) p. 141-146

Bykova,N.K.; Vasilenko,V.P..; Voloshinova,N.A..; Myatiliuk,E.V.. and Subbotina,N.N. (1959):
In: Osnovyie Paleontologii: Obsschaya chast, Prosteishie Eds: Rauser-Chernoussova, D.M..Fursenko, A.V.. p. 265-307

Loeblich,A.R. and Tappan,H. (1961):
Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera: Part I-Cenomanian . Micropaleontology Vol. 7 p. 257-304

Barr,F.T. (1962):
Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from the Isle of Wight, England . Paleontology Vol. 4 p. 552-580

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

Huber,B.T. (1990):
Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of the Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica): ODP Leg 113 Holes 689B and 690C.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 113 Eds: Barker, P.F.Kennett, J.P.O'Connell, S.B.Pisias, N.G. p. 489-513

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