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Species Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina 1953

Diagnosis / Definition:
Pearson et al. (2006):
DESCRIPTION. Type of wall: Densely muricate on both sides, nonspinose, normal perforate. Test morphology: Low trochospiral, biconvex, oval to subcircular test with lobulate, thick and strongly fimbriate muricocarina; chambers on umbilical side moderately inflated, depressed towards periphery; flat on spiral side; 4 1/2-5 chambers in last whorl, (sub)triangular, compressed along peripheral margin, rising gradually towards umbilicus; sutures straight to weakly recurved, radial, depressed; aperture a low, umbilical-extraumbilical arch or slit extending towards, but not to, the periphery; umbilicus narrow, deep; in spiral view approximately 10- 12 chambers in 2 1/2 whorls; early chambers heavily muricate and elevated above test surface; chambers lens-shaped to semicircular, intercameral sutures curved, strongly muricate, elevated above test surface; scalloped peripheral muricocarinate periphery characterized by dense concentration of conical or long slender muricae and the fusion1 coalescence of muricae; in edge view low to moderately biconvex; early chambers elevated above later whorl(s); low to medium conical angle (< 45° to -75°). Size: Holotype Diameter: 0.43 mm; thickness/ width: 0.24 mm (Subbotina, 1953, p. 213)
Discussion / Comments:
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
The test is umbilico-convex to lenticular, with acute, lobate periphery with broad and frilled 'keel'. The 4 to 6 chambers of the last whorl increase rapidly in size. The umbilicus is very narrow and surrounded by rounded to sharp and ornamented umbilical chamber tips. Morozovella marginodentata differs from M. subbotinae and other coeval Morozovella species by the broad 'keel' which gives the periphery a very characteristic pinched look.
Pearson et al. (2006):
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.- This morphotype, while exhibiting characters apparently intermediate to other, closely related forms, is characterized by the markedly pronounced peripheral compression of the chambers on the umbilical side which are bordered/ rimmed by a thick and broad peripheral muricocarina formed by the fusion of inordinately large/thick and long muricae. DISCUSSION.- Placement of this taxon is extremely difficult. "Typical" specimens of marginodentata are denoted by their marginally compressed/scalloped chambers and thickly muricate periphery. However, in most early Eocene (sub)tropical fossil assemblages intergradation of these morphologies with "typical" morphologies of M. gracilis and M. subbotinae exist. Blow (1979, p. 1025, 1026) drew attention to the development of marginodentate ornament on both a subbotinae and gracilis morphotype, interpreted the marginodentate forms as "extreme phenotypes developed under particular environmental conditions ..." and observed that "the 'marginodentate' forms appear to occur only in areas of high biotic productivity". He chose to view these ecophenotypes nomenclatorially as extreme forms of subbotinae (sensu stricto) and denoted them as G. (M.) subbotinae forma marginodentata. Berggren (1971, p. 76) expressed similar views in suggesting that marginodentata may be an ecophenotype of gracilis. We retain the name marginodentata here for forms possessing the distinctly thick and broad peripheral muricocarina. PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS.- This morphotype is closely related to the subbotinae-gracilis group. It probably evolved from M. subbotinae and does not appear to have left any descendants. STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE.- Zone P5 to Zone E5. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.- Widely distributed in (sub)tropical regions (Caribbean, Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific region, North Caucasus) STABLE ISOTOPE PALEOBIOL0GY.- No data available.

 Superregnum Eukaryota
  Regnum Protoctista
   Phylum Ciliophora
    Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
     Ordo Globigerinida
      Superfamilia Globorotaliaceae
       Superfamilia Nonionacea
        Familia Truncorotaloididae
         Genus Morozovella
          Species Morozovella marginodentata

  Classis Foraminifera
   Genus Morozovella
    Species Morozovella marginodentata

 Ordo Foraminiferida
  Familia Globorotaliidae
   Genus Morozovella
    Species Morozovella marginodentata

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
    Familia Truncorotaloididae
     Genus Morozovella
      Species Morozovella marginodentata
Synonym list:
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
1953 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Subbotina : 212-213 pl 17 figs 14-16, pl 18 figs 1-3 (type reference)
1985 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : p.113 figs 15.7-8
Van Eijden & Smit (1991):
1953 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Subbotina : 212-213 pl. 17, figs. 14-16; pl. 18. figs. 1-3
1991 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Van Eijden & Smit : p.133
Pearson et al. (2006):
1937 Globorotalia crassata Cushman. - Glaessner : p.31 pl. 1; fig. 7a-c [lower Eocene Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Subzone with Globovotalia marginodentata, Foraminiferal Beds, Series F1, near Nal'chik, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union]
p 1947 Globorotalia crassata Cushman. - Subbotina : p. 119-121 not pl. 5, fig. 7-12 = ?M. subbotinae(Morozova); pl. 9, figs. 15-17 [Globorotalia ex gr. canariensis, later (1 953) designated the Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Globorotalia marginodentata Subzone, Kutaiss Horizon (F,), Kadiizhensk Region, Psish River, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union]; [Not Cushman,
1953 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Subbotina : p.212 pl. 17, fig. 14 [lower Eocene, Zone of compressed globorotaliids,subzone with Globorotalia marginodentata, Foramini feral Beds, Series F1, near Nal'chik, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union [refigured from Glaessner, 1937: 31, pl. 7, fig. 7a-c; pl. 17, fig. 15a-c (holotype), and 16a-c, lower Eocene Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Subzone with Globorotalia marginodentata, base of Foraminiferal Beds, Green Series, Kuban River section, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union]; pl. 18, fig. la-c [lower Eocene Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Subzone with Globorotalia marginodentata, Foraminiferal Beds, base of Kutais Horizon (F2), Khadyzhensk District, Psish River section, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union]; pl. 18, fig. 2a-c [lower Eocene Zone of conical globorotaliids, Foraminiferal Beds, Kutai Horizon (F2), Gubs River section, Barakaevsk District, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union]; pl. 18, fig. 3a-c [lower Eocene Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Foraminiferal Beds, Series F1, near Nal'chik, Khieu River section, northern Caucasus; interpreted as transitional form to G. lensiformis]
1962 Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) aequa marginodentata Subbotina. - Hillebrandt : p.135 pl. 13; fig. 9a-11 [lower Eocene, Zone G, Reichenhall-Salzburg Basin, Germany]
1963 Truncorotalia marginodentata marginodentata Subbotina. - Gohrbrandt : p.62 pl. 6; fig. 4-6 [lower Eocene, Zone F, near Salzburg, Austria]
1963 Truncorotalia marginodentata aperta Gohrbandt. - Gohrbrandt : p.62 pl. 5; fig. 10-15 [Zones E and F, near Salzburg, Austria]
1964 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Luterbacher : p.673 text-fig. 75a-76c [lower Eocene Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Khieu River section, northern Caucasus, former Soviet Union, determined/identified by N.N. Subbotina, fide Luterbacher, 1964:674]; text-fig. 77a-78c [uppermost Paleocene Globorotalia velascoensis Zone, Velasco Fm., Ebano, Mexico; referred to as "aff. marginodentata"]; text-fig. 79a-c [lower Eocene G. velascoensis Zone, Gubbio section, northern Apennines, Italy; referred to as "aff. marginodentata"]; text-fig. 80a-c [lower Eocene G. velascoensis Zone, Gubbio section, Italy]; text-fig. 8la-82c [lower Eocene G. aequa Zone, Gubbio section, Italy]; text-fig. 83a-c [lower Eocene G. aequa2Zone, Gubbio section, Italy; referred to as "intermediate between Globorotalia marginodentata and Globorotalia subbotinae"]; text-fig. 84a-c [lower Eocene G. formosa formosa/G. subbotinae Zone, Gubbio section, Italy]
1970 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Samanta : p.626 pl. 96; fig. 3, 4 [lower Eocene, Pondicherry Fm., Pondicheny, south east India]
1971 Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) aequa marginodentata Subbotina. - Jenkins : p.101 text-fig. 177-179 [uppermost Paleocene G. (S.) triloculinoides Zone, Waipawan Stage, Middle Waipara River section, North Island, NZ]
1971 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Berggren : p.76 pl. 5; fig. 9 [lower Eocene Zone P7, DSDP Hole 20C, South Atlantic Ocean]
1975 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Luterbacher : p.727 pl. 2; fig. 6a-c [lower Eocene Zone P6, DSDP Hole 313, Mid-Pacific Mountains]
1975 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Luterbacher : p.65 pl. 4; fig. 4-6 [lower Eocene G. subbotinae Zone, Possagno section, Italy]
1977 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Berggren : p.241 chart-no. 8 [specimens refigured from the literature]
1979 Globorotalia (Morozovella) subbotinae forma marginodentata sensu lato Subbotina. - Blow : p. 1024-1026 pl. 139, fig. 1-9; pl. 140, fig. 1-3 [lower Eocene Zone PXb, DSDP Hole 20C, South Atlantic Ocean; see also pl. 223: figs. 5, 6 and pl. 224: figs. 1 and 2]
1985 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Snyder & Waters : p.460 pl. 8; fig. 13a-14c [lower Eocene Zone P7, DSDP Hole 549, Goban Spur, Atlantic Ocean]
2000 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Warraich et al. : p.293 fig. 17.4, 5, 10 [lower Eocene Zone P7, Dungan Fm., Rakhi Nala River, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan]
2001 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Warraich & Ogasawara : p.40 fig. 10.7-9 [lower Eocene Zone P7, Dungan Fm., Rakhi Nala River, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan]
2006 Morozovella marginodentata Subbotina. - Pearson et al. : p.364 pl. 11.10; fig. 1-16
Stratigraphy - absolute ages:
LAD: 52.5 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995) ODP Leg 80 Site 550
FAD: 54.8 ± 0 [Ma], Berggren et al. (1995) ODP Leg 80 Site 550
VNIGRI collections, St. Petersburg, Inventory number: 3087

Glaessner,M.F. (1937):
Planktonische Foraminiferen aus der Kreide und dem Eozän und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung.
In: Studies in Micropaleontology Vol. 1(1) p. 27-46

Subbotina,N.N. (1947):
Foraminifery datskikh i paleogenovykh otlozhenii severnogo Kavkaza.
In: Mikrofauna neftyanykh mestorozhdenii Kavkaza, Emby I Srednei Azii Vol. 1 p. 39-160

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Iskopaemye foraminifery SSSR (Globigerinidy, Khantkenininidy i Globorotaliidy) . Trudy Vsesoyznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) Vol. 76 p. 296

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Fossil foraminifera of the USSR. Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae [in Russian] . Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Isledovatelskogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI), Novaya Seriya Vol. 76 p. 1-296

Hillebrandt,v.A.. (1962):
Das Paleozän und seine Foraminiferenfauna im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg . Bayerische Akademie Wissenschaft, Mathematischen-Naturwissenschaften Klasse Vol. 108 p. 188 p.

Gohrbrandt,K.H.A. (1963):
Zur Gliederung des Paleogen im Helvetikum nördlich von Salzburg nach planktonischen Foraminiferen . Geologische Gesellschaft Wien, Mitteilungen Vol. 56

Luterbacher,H.P. (1964):
Studies in some Globorotalia from the Paleocene and Lower Eocene of the Central Apennines . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 57 p. 631-730

Samanta,B.K. (1970):
Middle Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera from Lakhpat, Cutch, Western India . Micropaleontology Vol. 16

Berggren,W.A. (1971):
Paleogene Planktonic Foraminiferal Faunas on Legs I-IV (Atlantic Ocean), JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Program- a Synthesis.
In: Proceedings of the II Planktonic Conference. Rome, Edizioni Tecnoscienza Vol. 1 Eds: Farinacci, A. p. 57-77

Jenkins,D.G. (1971):
New Zealand Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera . New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin Vol. 42

Luterbacher,H.P. (1975):
Paleocene and Early Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project.
In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 32 Eds: Larson, R.L.Moberly, al. p. 725-728

Berggren,W.A. (1977):
Atlas of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera. Some species of the genera Subbotina, Planorotalites, Morozovella, Acarinina and Truncorotaloides.
In: Oceanic Micropaleontology Eds: Ramsay, A.T.S. p. 205-299

Blow,W.H. (1979):
The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp

Toumarkine,M. and Luterbacher,H.P. (1985):
Paleocene and Eocene Planktic Foraminifera.
In: Plankton Stratigraphy p. 87-154

Snyder,S.W. and Waters,V.J. (1985):
Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur region.
In: Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 80

Van Eijden,A.J.M. and Smit,J. (1991):
Eastern Indian Ocean Cretaceous and Paleogene quantitative biostratigraphy.
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 121 Eds: Weissel, J.Peirce, J.Taylor, E.Alt, J. p. 77-123

Berggren,W.A.; Kent,D.V.; Swisher,C.C. and Aubry,M.P. (1995):
A revised Cenozoic Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy.
In: Geochronology Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation, SEPM Special Publication Vol. 54

Warraich,M.Y..; Ogasawara,K.. and Nishi,H.. (2000):
Late Paleocene to early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Dungan Formation, Sulaiman Range, Central Pakistan . Paleontological Research Vol. 4 p. 275-301

Warraich,M.Y.. and Ogasawara,K.. (2001):
Tethyan Paleocene-Eocene planktic foraminifera from the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir land sections of the Sulaiman Range, Pakistan . Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience University of Tsukuba, section B Vol. 22 p. 1-59

Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006):
Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513

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