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Species Alanlordella banneri Boudagher-Fadel 1995

Diagnosis / Definition:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Diagnosis: Test large, about 460-550 µm at its maximum diameter, planispiral, early whorls compressed; eight chambers in the last whorl, slightly inflated, narrow, higher than broad, increasing gradually in size, sutures slightly curved depressed; wall macroperforate with sharp muricae on the early whorls, the macroperforations becoming deep and the rims of these depressions fusing to give a cancellate texture; aperture interiomarginal, equatorial, symmetrical, extending laterally into small umbilici, relict umbilical apertures furnished with thin portici.
Discussion / Comments:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
Remarks: This species differs from A. bentonensis (Morrow) in having a higher number of (narrower) chambers, a muricate test with very concentrated macroperforations. It differs from Alanlordella praebuxtor- (Wonders) in lacking muricocarina on the periphery of the early whorls, and in the much deeper and larger macroperforations.

 Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
  Familia Planomalinidae
   Genus Alanlordella
    Species Alanlordella banneri
Synonym list:
Boudagher-Fadel et al. (1997):
1987 Globigerinelloides caseyi Bolli et al.. - Ben Haj Ali : pl. 4, fig. 12
1987 Globigerinelloides sp. Ben Haj Ali. - Ben Haj Ali : pl. 4, fig. 13
1995 Alanlordella banneri Boudagher-Fadel. - Boudagher-Fadel : p.150 pl. 2; fig. 10-12
1997 Alanlordella banneri Boudagher-Fadel. - Boudagher-Fadel et al. : p. 7, 217 pl. 1.1, fig. 6; pl. 12.1, fig. 1-9; Figure: 12.1
Was used in synonym list of:
Biticinella breggiensis Gandolfi 1942

Ben Haj Ali,N.. (1987):
Étude biostratigraphique du Crétacé (Aptien á Cénomanien) de la Région du Teboursouk (Tunisie septentrionale) sur la base des foraminiféres planctoniques . Notes du Service Géologique Tunisie Vol. 54 p. 75-105

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K. (1995):
The planktonic foraminifera of the Early Cretaceous of Tunisia compared to those of western and central Tethys . Paleopelagos Vol. 5 p. 137-160

Boudagher-Fadel,M.K.; Banner,F.T.; Whittaker,J.E. and Simmons,M.D. (1997):
Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. Vol. 1

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