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Species Eoglobigerina spiralis Bolli 1957


 Genus Eoglobigerina
  Species Eoglobigerina spiralis
Synonym list:
Olsson et al. (1999):
1957 Globigerina spiralis Bolli. - Bolli : p. 70 pl. 16, figs. 16-18 (Gt. uncinata Zone, Lower Lizard Springs Fm., Trinidad)
1960 Globigerina spiralis Bolli. - Bolli & Cita : p. 12 pl. 32, figs. 2a-c (Gt. trinidadensis-G. daubjergensis Zone, Paderno d'Adda section, N Italy)
1962 Globigerina spiralis Bolli. - von Hillebrandt : p. 130 pl. 11, figs. 14, 15 (Zone E, lower Paleocene, Reichenhall-Salzburg Basin, Austro-German border).
1979 Eoglobigerina spiralis Bolli. - Blow : p. 1222 pl. 79, figs. 5-9 (Zone P2, DSDP Hole 20C/6/4: 72-74 cm, Brazil Basin, South Atlantic Ocean).
1991 Igorina spiralis Bolli. - Huber : p. 461 pl. 3, figs. 13-15 (Zone AP2, ODP Hole 738C/16R: 338.50 mbsf, southern Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean).
Was used in synonym list of:
Praemurica spiralis Bolli 1957

Bolli,H.M. (1957):
The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad, B.W.I . Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum Vol. 215 p. 61-82

Bolli,H.M. and Cita,M.B. (1960):
Globigerine e Globorotalie del Paleoceno di Paderno d'Ada (Italia) . Rivista Italiana Paleontologia Vol. 66(3)

von Hillebrandt,A. (1962):
Das Paleozän und seine Foraminiferenfauna im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg. , Abhandlungen - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Vol. 108 p. 181

Blow,W.H. (1979):
The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp

Huber,B.T. (1991):
Maestrichtian Planktonic Foraminifer Biostratigraphy and the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary at Hole 738C (Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean).
In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 119 Eds: Barron, J.Larsen, B. p. 451-465

Olsson,R.K.; Berggren,W.A.; Hemleben,C. and Huber,B.T. (1999):
Atlas of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera - online version. , Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Vol. 85 p. 1-252

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