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Species Baculites spp.

Diagnosis / Definition:
Kennedy & Cobban (1996):
DESCRIPTION.- Inversand material consists of six internal molds of either one or two camerae, with maximum whorl height 17 mm approximately, and 20 mm long fragment of body chamber with maximum preserved whorl height 10 mm. Whorl section compressed, ovoid, with whorl breadth to height ratio 0.75. Dorsum very broadly rounded, inner and middle flanks broadly rounded, outer flanks convergent, venter narrowly rounded. Low, blunt crescentic nodes on inner flank of body chamber fragment; outer flanks ornamented by strongly prorsiradiate growth lines, riblets and striae that flex back and are convex on outermost flanks, and cross venter in narrow convexity. Sutures poorly preserved, but include moderately incised broad, bifid saddles. MAPS A2048a is much larger part of body chamber and several adapertural camerae. Maximum preserved whorl height 20 mm, intercostal whorl breadth to height ratio 0.72, costal whorl breadth to height ratio 0.83, section distinctly pyriform with broad, feebly convex dorsum and narrowly rounded venter. Coarse crescentic ribs bear strong dorsolateral bullae spaced at two in distance equal to whorl height.
Discussion / Comments:
Kennedy & Cobban (1996):
DISCUSSION.- Gallagher (1984) referred the Inversand specimens to the Upper Campanian. Baculites ovatus Say, 1820 (see revision in Cobban, 1974, p. 3, plate 1, figures 1-3; plate 2, figures 1-14; plate 3, figures 1-6, 9-11; text-figure 4), which differs from this younger species in the narrower venter that produces a more pyriform whorl section. We regard the material as specifically indeterminate at this time. MAPS A2048a has much coarser ribs and bullae than B. ovatus, or, indeed, any other described North American upper Campanian or Maastrichtian species. MATERIAL.- NJSM 11321a-g, from the main fossiliferous horizon of the Hornerstown Formation at the Inversand Marl Pit, Sewell, Gloucester County, New Jersey. MAPS A2048a, from the base of the Hornerstown on the west bank of Crosswicks Creek 800 m north of Route 537 and 2.5 km southwest of Allentown, Monmouth County. OCCURRENCE.- As for material.

 Subordo Ancyloceratina
  Superfamilia Turrilitaceae
   Familia Baculitidae
    Genus Baculites
     Species Baculites spp.
Synonym list:
Kennedy & Cobban (1996):
1984 Baculites ovatus Say. - Gallagher : p.27
1996 Baculites spp. . - Kennedy & Cobban : p. 800, 801 fig. 2.1-2.3, 3.4-3.6

Gallagher,W.B.. (1984):
Paleoecology of the Delaware Valley region; Part 11: Cretaceous to Quaternary . The Mosasaur Vol. 2 p. 9-43

Kennedy,W.J.. and Cobban,W.A.. (1996):
Maastrichtian ammonites from the Hornerstown Formation in New Jersey . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 70(5) p. 798–804

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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