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Species Praeglobotruncana stephani Gandolfi 1942

Alternative name:
Praeglobotruncana (Praeglobotruncana) stephani Gandolfi 1942
Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
P. stephani is intermediate between P. delrioensis and P. gibba with regard to the height of the trochospire and the thickness of the pustulose peripheral band. It shows imbricate flaps around the umbilicus, sometimes well preserved in the last chamber.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Globotruncanidae
   Genus Praeglobotruncana
    Species Praeglobotruncana stephani

  Familia Rotaliporidae
   Subfamilia Hedbergellinae
    Genus Praeglobotruncana
     Species Praeglobotruncana stephani
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1942 Globotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Gandolfi : p.130 pl 3 figs 4a-c
1985 Praeglobotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Caron : 68, 69 figs 30.3-4
Loeblich & Tappan (1961):
1942 Globotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Gandolfi : p.130 pl. 3, fig. 4-5; pl. 4, fig. 36-37, 41-45; pl. 6, fig. 4, 6; pl. 9, fig. 5,8; pl. 13, fig. 5; pl. 14, fig. 2
1942 Globotruncana apenninica var. β Gandolfi. - Gandolfi : p.119 text-fig. 41 (2a-b)
1945 Globotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Bolli : p.224 text-fig. 1(nos. 3-4); pl. 9, fig. 2
1948 Globotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Cita : p.17 pl. 4, fig. 6
1948 Globorotalia californica Cushman & Todd. - Cushman & Todd : p.96 pl. 16; fig. 22-23
1950 Globotruncana (Globotruncana) stephani Gandolfi. - Reichel : p.608 pl. 16, fig. 6; pl. 17, fig. 6
1950 Globotruncana stephani var. turbinata Reichel. - Reichel : p.609
1950 Globotruncana stephani var. turbinata Reichel. - Mornod : p.589 text-fig. 11 (1-3); pl. 15, fig. 18-20
1952 Globotruncana (Globotruncana) stephani turbinata Reichel. - Church : p.70 text-fig. 1 [bottom]
1953 Rotundina stephani Gandolfi. - Subbotina : p.165 pl. 2, fig. 5-7; pl.3, fig. 1-2
1954 Globotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Ayala Castanares : p.411 pl. 11; fig. 2
1954 Globotruncana stephani var. turbinata Reichel. - Hagn & Zeil : p.34 pl. 2, fig. 2; pl. 5, fig. 3-4
1954 Globotruncana stephani var. turbinata Reichel. - Ayala Castanares : p.412 pl. 11; fig. 3
1955 Globotruncana (Rotundina) aumalensis Sigal. - Küpper : p.116 pl. 18; fig. 5
1955 Globotruncana (Rotundina) stephani stephani Gandolfi. - Küpper : p.116 pl. 18; fig. 6
1956 Globotruncana (Praeglobotruncana) stephani turbinata Reichel. - Küpper : p.43 pl. 8; fig. 1
1956 Globotruncana (Praeglobotruncana) renzi primitiva Küpper. - Küpper : p.43 pl. 8; fig. 2a-c
p 1956 Praeglobotruncana delrioensis Plummer. - Brönnimann & Brown : p.531 [non pl. 21, fig. 8-10; pl. 24, fig. 16-17; text-fig. 9, 11, 13a-b, d, 15c-f, 16b
1961 Praeglobotruncana stephani Gandolfi. - Loeblich & Tappan : p.291 pl. 6; fig. 1-8

Gandolfi,R. (1942):
Ricerche micropaleontologiche e stratigraphiche sulla Scaglia e sul Flysch cretacici dei dintorni di Balerna (Canton Ticino) . Rivista Italiana di PaleontologiaMemoria 4 p. 1-160

Bolli,H. (1945):
Zur Stratigraphie der Oberen Kreide in den höheren helvetischen Decken . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 37 p. 217-328

Cita,M.B. (1948):
Ricerche stratigrafiche e micropaleontologiche sul Cretacico e sull 'Eocene di Tignale (Lago di Garda) . Riv. Ital. Pal. Strat. Vol. 54(2) p. 49-74

Cushman,J.A. and Todd,R. (1948):
A foraminiferal fauna from the New Almaden District California . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 24 p. 90–98

Reichel,M. (1950):
Observations sur les Globotruncana du grisement de la Breggia (Tessin) . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 42 p. 596-617

Mornod,L. (1950):
Les Globorotalides du Cretace superieur du Montsalvens, (Prealpes fribourgeoises) . Eclogae Geol. Helv. Vol. 42(2) p. 573-596

Church,C.C.. (1952):
Cretaceous foraminifera from the Franciscan Calera limestone of California . Cushman Found. Foram. Res. Contr. Vol. 3 p. 68-70

Subbotina,N.N. (1953):
Fossil foraminifera of the USSR. Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae [in Russian] . Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Isledovatelskogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI), Novaya Seriya Vol. 76 p. 1-296

Hagn,H. and Zeil,W.. (1954):
Globotruncanen aus dem Ober-Cenoman und Unter-Turon der Bayrischen Alpen . Eclogae Geol. Helv. Vol. 47(1) p. 1-60(pls.1-7)

Ayala Castanares,A.. (1954):
El genero Globotruncana Cushman, 1927 y su importanica en estratigrafia . Asoc. Mex. Geol. Petrol., Bol. Vol. 6(11-12) p. 353-474(pls.1-1

Küpper,K.. (1955):
Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from the "Franciscan series", New Almaden district, California . Cushman Found. Foram. Res. Contr. Vol. 6(3) p. 112-118(pl.18)

Küpper,K.. (1956):
Upper Cretaceous pelagic foraminifera from the "Antelope Shale" Glenn and Colusa counties, California . Cushman Found. Foram. Res., Contr. Vol. 7(2) p. 40-47

Brönnimann,P. and Brown,N.K. (1956):
Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 48 p. 503-561

Loeblich,A.R. and Tappan,H. (1961):
Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera: Part I-Cenomanian . Micropaleontology Vol. 7 p. 257-304

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

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