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Genus Guembelitria Cushman 1933

Discussion / Comments:
Kroon & Nederbragt (1990):
Guembelitria has an asymmetric aperture with a lip and a small toothplate. The wall is hyaline, microperforate, and covered with pore mounds or pustules. Hofker introduced the name Chiloguembelitria for triserials from the S. trinidadensis Zone (lower Paleocene), that he found above a level in which planktic foraminifera are absent; his forms would have a different range from the Cretaceous forms. In our opinion his species, Chiloguembelitria danica is synonymous with G. cretacea. The genus Jenkinsina Haynes describes the Eocene triserials that lack pore mounds and as such would differ from the Cretaceous forms. Yet it also possesses a toothplate, while the difference between poremounds and pustules does not appear to be of generic importance. We interprete the multiserial growth, which characterizes Guembelitriella Tappan as representing a gerontic stage, comparable to that in Gallitellia.

 Subordo Globigerinina
  Superfamilia Heterohelicicea
   Familia Guembelitriidae
    Genus Gallitellia
     Genus Guembelitria

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Subordo Globigerinina
    Superfamilia Heterohelicacea
     Familia Guembelitriidae
      Genus Guembelitria
Synonym list:
Kroon & Nederbragt (1990):
1933 Guembelitria Cushman. - Cushman : p.37
1940 Guembelitriella Tappan. - Tappan : p.115
1978 Chiloguembelitria Hofker. - Hofker : p.60
1981 Jenkinsina Haynes. - Haynes : 313, 342

Cushman,J.A. (1933):
Some new foraminiferal genera . Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Vol. 9 p. 32-37

Tappan,H. (1940):
Foraminifera from the Grayson Formation of northern Texas . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 14 p. 93-126

Hofker,J. (1978):
Analysis of a Large Succession of Samples through the Upper Maastrichtian and the Lower Tertiary of Drill Hole 47.2, Shatsky Rise, Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 8 p. 46-75

Haynes,J.R. (1981):
Foraminifera. p. 433

Kroon,D. and Nederbragt,A.J. (1990):
Ecology and Paleoecology of Triserial Planktic Foraminifera . Marine Micropaleontology Vol. 16 p. 25-38

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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