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Species Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes 1846

[1] text-fig. 8c-d Ifrim et al. (2004) [2] text-fig. 9e-f Ifrim et al. (2004)

Diagnosis / Definition:
Ifrim et al. (2004):
Description: Involute with intermediate expansion rate. The shell is slightly cornpressed, with WB/WH ratios of c. 0·8. The umbilicus is very small (only c. 7 per cent of the shell diameter) and presents subvertical walls with umbilical shoulders narrowly rounded and grading into subparallel flanks that bend into an evenly rounded venter. The highest whorl breadth is below the middle flank. Size relationships of the conch apparently do not change during early ontogeny. The shell of the Cerralvo specimens is not well preserved. Fine lirae are only visible in the ventral area of two specimens, and 6-8 shallow constrictions are present per half whorl, their number increasing with whorl diameter. On the flanks they are prorsiradiate and straight, but project forward on the venter in a linguoid convexity. The suture shows a trifid L which is equal in depth with E. The L/E and L/U saddles are tetraphylloid and asymmetrical. U has at least five minor lobes on the dorsal flank arranged in a slightly rectiradiate 1ine. These elements are present from ear1iest growth stages onwards as documented here, but in particu1ar the number of auxi1iary lobes increases with diameter.
Discussion / Comments:
Ifrim et al. (2004):
Remarks: This species is characterized by a slightly compressed whorl seetion, parallel flanks, the tiny umbilicus, and 6-8 shallow constrictions per whorl; for discussion, see Kennedy and Henderson (l992b). Occurrence: Lower Santonian-Upper Maastrichtian of southern India (Kennedy and Henderson 1992b), Tunisia (Pervinquiere 1907), western Australia (Henderson and McNamara 1985), Japan (Matsumoto and Obata 1955), Alaska (Jones 1963), California (Matsumoto 1959b), southern USA (Kennedy and Cobban 1993a), British Columbia, South Africa, and south-east France (fide Ward and Kennedy 1993).

 Ordo Ammonoidea
  Subordo Ammonitina
   Superfamilia Desmocerataceae
    Familia Desmoceratidae
     Subfamilia Desmoceratinae
      Genus Desmophyllites
       Species Desmophyllites diphylloides
Synonym list:
Ifrim et al. (2004):
1846 Ammonites diphylloides Forbes. - Forbes : p.105 pl. 8, fig. 8
1898 Desmoceras desmophylloides Forbes. - Kossmat : 108 (173) pl. 19 (25), figs. 8-9
1898 Desmoceras phyllimorphum Kossmat. - Kossmat : 110 (175) pl. 19 (25), fig. 10
1953 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - Spath : p.21 pl. 2, figs. 5-6
1955 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - Matsumoto & Obata : p.121 pl. 24, figs. 1-5; pl. 30, fig. 1
1963 Desmophyllites phyllimorphus Kossmat. - JONES : p.34 pl. 10, figs. 4-6
1971 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - COLLIGNON : p.37 pl. 655, fig. 2415
1985 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - Henderson & McNamara : p.54 pl. 4, figs. 1-4
1992 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - Kennedy & Henderson : p.405 pl. 6, figs. 1-9; pl. 16, figs. 1-3, 7-8; pl. 17, figs. 4-7; text-fig. 3f (with full synonymy)
2004 Desmophyllites diphylloides Forbes. - Ifrim et al. : 20, 21 text-figs. 8c-d, 9e-f
Stratigraphy - relative ages:
upper Maastrichtian - lower Santonian: Ifrim et al. (2004)

Forbes,E.. (1846):
Report on the Cretaceous fossil invertebrates from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe . Transactions of the Geological Society of London Vol. 2(7) p. 97–174

Kossmat,F.. (1898):
Untersuchungen über die Südindische Kreideformation. Dritter Theil. . Beiträge zur Paläontologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orient Vol. 11 p. 89-152

Spath,L.F.. (1953):
The upper Cretaceous cephalopod fauna of Graham Land . Scientific Reports of the Falkland Islands Survey Department Vol. 3 p. 60

Matsumoto,T.. and Obata,I. (1955):
Some Upper Cretaceous desmoceratids from Hokkaido and Saghalien . Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D, Geology Vol. 5 p. 119-151

JONES,D.L.. (1963):
Upper Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) ammonites from southern Alaska . United States Geological Survey Professional Paper Vol. 432 p. 1-53

COLLIGNON,M.. (1971):
Atlas des fossiles caracteristiques de Madagascar (Ammonites)(Maestrichtian). Vol. 17 p. 82

Henderson,R.A.. and McNamara,K.J.. (1985):
Maastrichtian non-heteromorph ammonites from the Miria Formation, Western Australia . Palaeontology Vol. 28 p. 35-88

Kennedy,W.J.. and Henderson,R.A.. (1992):
Non-heteromorph ammonites from the Upper Maastrichtian of Pondicherry, south India . Palaeontology Vol. 35 p. 381-442

Ifrim,C..; Stinnesbeck,W.. and López-Oliva,J.G.. (2004):
Maastrichtian cephalopods from Cerralvo, north-eastern Mexico . Palaeontology Vol. 47(6) p. 1575–1627

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