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Species Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes 1846

Alternative name:
Phylloceras surya Forbes 1846
Diagnosis / Definition:
FATMI & Kennedy (1999):
DESCRIPTION.- Two phragmocones GSP1035-1036, 95.4 and 97.9 mm in diameter show very involute coiling: umbilicus 6 percent of diameter (Table 1); whorl section compressed oval with whorl breadth to height ratio 0.48-0.61; greatest breadth below mid-flank. Flanks feebly convex; venter broadly rounded. Fifteen widely separated low, narrow ribs arise at umbilical shoulder. Feebly convex and prorsiradiate on inner flanks, straight and effacing on outer flanks, splitting into delicate wiry lirae. Additional lirae arise on inner to middle flank, strengthen on outer flanks and venter that bear even regular ornament of crowded lirae. Suture deeply incised and finely divided; lobes and saddles with narrow axial zones.
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Description.- Biscay material of fragments only, indicating a species up to at least 90 mm diameter. Coiling very involute, with highly distinctive ornament of low, narrow, distant inner flank ribs that bear bundles of coarse to fine prorsiradiate lime that also cover interspaces. These strengthen markedly on outer flank and venter, which latter they cross in broad convexity.
Discussion / Comments:
FATMI & Kennedy (1999):
TYPES.- The lectotype, by the subsequent designation of Kennedy and Henderson, 1992a, p. 391, is BMNH (251074, the original of Kossmat, 1895, pl. 15(2), fig. 1; paralectotypes are BMNH C51076-51079, from the Upper Maastrichtian Valudavur Formation of Pondicheny, south India. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED.- GSP 1035-1036. OCCURRENCE.- The present specimens are from the Upper Maastrichtian Korara Shale, north of Korara Lak, and Goth Haji Ismail, southern Pab Range, Pakistan. The species is also known from the Maastrichtian of south India, Madagascar, Zululand (South Africa), western Australia, Chile, the Biscay region of southwest France, and Denmark. DISCUSSION.- The present specimens partially overlap in size with the lectotype, from which they differ in no significant details. See Henderson and McNamara (1985, p. 42, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8, 11, 12; pl. 2, figs. 1, 2; text-fig. 2g).
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
Types. - Syntypes are BMNH C51074-5 1079, including C51075, the original of Forbes, 1846, P1. 7, fig. 10, all from the Valudavur Formation of Pondicherry, south India. Discussion.- A number of Forbes' syntypes are illustrated (Figure 18.3, 18.14, 18.16, 18.17). They show beyond doubt that the Biscay fragments belong to the present species. Henderson and McNamara (1985) studied a suite of 42 specimens from the upper Maastrichtian of western Australia, and demonstrated convincingly that Epiphylloceras mikobokense Collignon, 1956 (p. 24, P1. 2, fig. 3, P1. 4, fig. 5) and E. geczyi Collignon, 1971(p. 1, P1.640, fig. 2360)are synonyms of surya. Differences from other species are discussed by these authors. 0ccurrence.- In the Biscay sections this taxon ranges from high in Member I (lower Maastrichtian) to the base of Member V (upper Maastrichtian). Elsewhere, the species is restricted to the Maastrichtian, with records from south India, Madagascar, Zululand (South Africa), western Australia, and Chile.

 Ordo Ammonoidea
  Subordo Phylloceratina
   Superfamilia Phyllocerataceae
    Familia Phylloceratidae
     Subfamilia Phylloceratinae
      Genus Phylloceras
       Genus Phyllopachyceras
        Subgenus Neophylloceras
         Species Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya
          Species Phyllopachyceras forbesianum

  Ordo Ammonoidea
   Familia Phylloceratidae
    Subfamilia Phylloceratinae
     Genus Phylloceras
      Subgenus Neophylloceras
       Species Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya
Synonym list:
FATMI & Kennedy (1999):
1846 Ammonites surya Forbes. - Forbes : p.106 pl. 7; fig. 10
1992 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - Kennedy & Henderson : p.391 pl. 1, fig. 1-7, 9, 13-14; pl. 15, fig. 4, 5 [with synonymy]
1993 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - Ward & Kennedy : p.16 fig. 17.13, 18.3, 18.4, 18.16, 18.17
1993 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - BIRKELUND : p.43 pl. 2; fig. 2
1999 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - FATMI & Kennedy : p. 645, 660 fig. 4.1-4.6, 15.3
Ward & Kennedy (1993):
1846 Ammonites surya Forbes. - Forbes : p.106 pl. 7; fig. 10
1985 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - Henderson & McNamara : p.42 pl. 1, fig. 7, 8, 11, 12; pl. 2, fig. 1, 2; text-fig. 2g (with synonymy)
1986 Phylloceras (Hypophylloceras) surya Forbes. - Stinnesbeck : p.193 pl. 7; fig. 5, 6
1993 Phylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes. - Ward & Kennedy : 18, 19 fig. 17.13, 18.3, 18.4, 18.16, 18.17
Was used in synonym list of:
Hypophylloceras (Neophylloceras) surya Forbes 1846
Stratigraphy - relative ages:
upper Maastrichtian - lower Maastrichtian: Ward & Kennedy (1993)

Forbes,E.. (1846):
Report on the Cretaceous fossil invertebrates from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe . Transactions of the Geological Society of London Vol. 2(7) p. 97–174

Henderson,R.A.. and McNamara,K.J.. (1985):
Maastrichtian non-heteromorph ammonites from the Miria Formation, Western Australia . Palaeontology Vol. 28 p. 35-88

Stinnesbeck,W.. (1986):
Zu den faunistischen und palökologischen Verhältnissen in der Quriquina Formation (Maastrichtium)Zentral-Chiles . Palaeontographica A194((4-6)) p. 99-237

Kennedy,W.J.. and Henderson,R.A.. (1992):
Non-heteromorph ammonites from the Upper Maastrichtian of Pondicherry, south India . Palaeontology Vol. 35 p. 381-442

Ward,P.D.. and Kennedy,W.J.. (1993):
Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain) . Memoir (The Paleontological Society), Journal of Paleontology34 (Supplement to Vol. 67)(5) p. 1-58

BIRKELUND,T.. (1993):
Ammonites from the Maastrichtian White Chalk in Denmark . Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Vol. 40 p. 33-81

FATMI,A.N.. and Kennedy,W.J.. (1999):
Maastrichtian ammonites from Balochistan, Pakistan. . Journal of Paleontology Vol. 73(4) p. 641-662

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