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Species Pseudophyllites loryi Kilian & Reboul 1909

Diagnosis / Definition:
SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION.- Pseudophyllites of rounded to weakly subquadrate whorl section (mean W/H = 0.99) (Table 3) and very involute. Umbilical slope steep, more so in the adults. Umbilicus narrow and deep. Shell surface almost smooth with the exception of barely distinguishable radial lirae, more distinct in adult specimens.
Discussion / Comments:
LECTOTYPE.- Desmoceras (Latidorsella) loryi Kilian and Reboul, 1909, Pl. 1, figs. 4- 5 (Mo 1262), herein. MATERIAL.- Six juvenile specimens very well preserved and two mature specimens imbedded in a concretion. REMARKS.- A revision of the original material of Kilian and Reboul described as Desmoceras (Latidorsella) loryi n. sp. did not show a ventral carina as described by these authors (1909, p. 180) (cf. Figures 1 1.1-1 1.3; 11.7). These specimens, as well as another large one preserved in Stockholm, are now included in Pseudophyllites. Pseudophyllites peregrinus Spath, from James Ross Island and Humps Islet, is considered a junior synonym of P. loryi. This species is closely related, but more involute than either Pseudophyllites latus (Marshall) from New Zealand (Henderson, 1970, Pl. 1, fig. 10, Pl. 2, fig. 3) and Australia (Henderson and McNamara, 1985, p. 50, Pl. 3, figs. 1-3, 6-8) or P. skoui Birkelund (in Birkelund, 1965, P1. 3, figs. 2-6) from the Cretaceous of Greenland. The unfigured specimen of Pseudophyllites indra (Forbes) (in Kilian and Reboul, 1909, p. 14) was not observed in the collection from the Swedish Expedition, but it is assumed that it belongs to P. loryi, as do the rest of the Antarctic specimens. Spath (1953) differentiated Pseudophyllites peregrinus (=P. loryi) from P. indra because it has a more evenly rounded whorl section, a broader venter, and a vertical (not inclined) umbilical wall. LOCALITIES.- Seymour Island, BZ-458 (six specimens); Stations 148,340,357,360; Snow Hill Island (Kilian and Reboul, 1909); Dagger Peak, Lachman Crags South (James Ross Island) and Humps Islet (Spath, 1953). STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.- This species, as other species of this genus, has a long stratigraphic range. The lowermost occurrence is in the Baculties bailyi Zone (possibly lower Campanian) (Olivero, 198 1) and the uppermost occurrence is in the Pachydiscus riccardi Zone (possibly late Maastrichtian).

 Ordo Ammonoidea
  Subordo Lytoceratina
   Superfamilia Tetragonitaceae
    Familia Tetragonitidae
     Genus Pseudophyllites
      Species Pseudophyllites loryi
Synonym list:
? 1909 Pseudophyllites indra Forbes. - Kilian & Reboul : p.14
1909 Desmoceras (Latidorsella) loryi Kilian & Reboul. - Kilian & Reboul : p.18 pl. 1; fig. 4-5
1953 Pseudophyllites peregrinus Spath. - Spath : p.7 pl. 1; fig. 6, 7a, b, 8a, b, 9a, c
1956 Pseudophyllites peregrinus Spath. - COLLIGNON : p.92 text-fig. 12
1965 Pseudophyllites peregrinus Spath. - Hünicken : p. 53-55 pl. 1, fig. 5-7; pl. 7, fig. 3-4
1976 Phyllopachyceras forbesianum d'Orbigny. - Valle & Fourcade : p. 14-15 pl. 3; fig. c
1986 Pseudophyllites loryi Kilian & Reboul. - MACELLARI : p. 15, 17 fig. 11.1-11.10, 13
Stratigraphy - relative ages:
? lower Maastrichtian ? lower Campanian: MACELLARI (1986)

Kilian,W.. and Reboul,P.. (1909):
Les cephalopodes neocretaces des lies Seymour et Snow Hili. . Wiss. Ergebn. schwed. Südpolarexped. Vol. 3(6) p. 1-75

Spath,L.F.. (1953):
The upper Cretaceous cephalopod fauna of Graham Land . Scientific Reports of the Falkland Islands Survey Department Vol. 3 p. 60

COLLIGNON,M.. (1956):
Ammonites neocretacees du Menabe (Madagascar) IV. - Les Phylloceratides; V. - Les Gaudryceratides; VI. - Les Tetragonitidae. . Annales Geologiques du Service des Mines de Madagascar Vol. 23 p. 1-106

Hünicken,M.. (1965):
Algunos Cefalopodos supracretäcicos dei Rio Turibo (Santa Cruz). Revista de la Facultad de Cieneias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales. , Serie Cieneias Naturales Vol. 52 p. 49-100

Valle,R.D.. and Fourcade,N.H.. (1976):
Algunos fósiles cretácicos del Cabo Hamilton, Isla James Ross, Antártica . Contribuciones Instituto Antártico Argentino Vol. 198 p. 1-27

MACELLARI,C.E.. (1986):
Late Campanian-Maastrichtian ammonite fauna from Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula) . Memoirs of the Paleontological Society Vol. 18(2) p. 1-55

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