Acarinina quetra Bolli 1957 from: Pearson, P.N.Olsson, R.K.Hemleben, C.Huber, B.T.Berggren, W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513 . |
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.
Species Acarinina quetra Bolli 1957 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
Type of wall: Moderately to strongly muricate
with concentration of muricae along peripheral margin
of last whorl, nonspinose, normal perforate.
Test morphology: Low trochospiral; test
subquadrate, planoconvex; peripheral margin lobulate;
chambers on umbilical side moderately inflated,
flattened on spiral side; 4 broadly subtriangular chambers
visible in umbilical view; anterior and posterior margins
of last chamber flattened resulting in disjunct geometry
with bordering chambers and conical apex of last
chamber; sutures depressed/incised, curved to sinuous,
radial; umbilicus relatively wide, deep; aperture an
umbilical-extraumbilical, arch extending towards (but
not to) the peripheral margin; 10-12 chambers in 2 1/2-3
whorls on spiral side; chambers loosely disposed,
meeting almost at right angles, increasing gradually in
size; final chamber sometimes reduced in size; chambers
lens-shaped, tangentially longer than radially broad in
general, overlapping; sutures curved; discrete
intercameral openings visible on some individuals
(depending on preservation); planoconvex in edge view,
final chamber distinctly anguloconical with high conical
angle; periphery distinctly, but discontinuously,
Size: Maximum diameter of holotype 0.50 mm,
thickness 0.38 mm. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
This taxon is
distinguished by its angular test whose chambers are
loosely disposed sequentially to each other at - 90° and
with a distinct, but discontinuous, peripheral
Acarinina quetra is a distinctive form
that with its cuneate chambers and peripheral
concentration of muricae, bears a superficial resemblance (in some instances) to the stratigraphically
younger (middle Eocene) A. topilensis.
Descended from A. pseudotopilensis.
Zone E3 (upper part)
to Zone E6.
Widely distributed
in (sub)tropical regions (Caribbean, Atlantic, Indo-
Pacific, Tethyan/Mediterranean regions, North
No data available. |
Systematics: |
35 Ordo Foraminiferida
Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
Familia Truncorotaloididae
Genus Acarinina
Species Acarinina quetra
Synonym list: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
1957 Globorotalia quetra Bolli. - Bolli : p.79 pl. 19; fig. 1-3 (holotype), 4-6 (paratype) [Globorotalia formosa formosa
Zone, upper Lizard Springs Fm., Trinidad]
1974 Acarinina quetra Bolli. - Fleisher : pl. 3; fig. 3 [Zone
P8, DSDP Site 220, Arabian Sea]
1975 Globorotalia quetra Bolli. - Stainforth et al. : p.221 text-fig. 80.1-6 [G. formosa Zone,
Lizard Springs Fm., Trinidad]; 4-6 (from Bolli, 1957a,
1977 Acarinina quetra Bolli. - Berggren : p.251 chart no. 10 (reillustrations from literature)
1979 Globorotalia (Truncorotaloides) quetra Bolli. - Blow : p. 1034-1036 pl. 122, fig. 4, 7-9;
pl. 200, fig. 5, 6;
pl. 123, fig. 6-9;
pl. 202, fig. 1-6 [lower Eocene Zone P7, DSDP Site 47, Shatsky Rise, north-west Pacific Ocean]; pl. 129, fig. 5 [lower Eocene Zone P8a, DSDP Site 47, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean];
pl. 132, fig. 7-9;
pl. 201, figs. 4-6 [lower Eocene Zone P7, DSDP Site 47, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]; pl. 140: fig. 4 [lower Eocene Zone P8b, DSDP Site 20, South Atlantic Ocean] (note p. 1036 misprinted as 1136)
1985 Morozovella quetra Bolli. - Snyder & Waters : p.448 pl. 9; fig. 4-6 [lower Eocene Zone P6, DSDP Site 550, Porcupine Abyssal Plain, north-east Atlantic Ocean]
2000 Acarinina quetra Bolli. - Warraich et al. : p.193 fig. 17.13-15 [Zone P7, Rakhi Nala
section, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan]
2001 Acarinina quetra Bolli. - Warraich & Ogasawara : p.29 fig. 7.4-6 [Zone P7, Rakhi Nala
section, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan]
2006 Acarinina quetra Bolli. - Pearson et al. : p.309 pl. 9.19; fig. 1-16 (Pl. 9.19, Figs. 1-3: new SEMs of Globorotalia quetra
Specimen: |
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., Inventory number: USNM P5070
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., Inventory number: USNM P5071
References: |
Bolli,H.M. (1957): The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad, B.W.I . Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum Vol. 215 p. 61-82
Hillebrandt,v.A.. (1962): Das Paleozän und seine Foraminiferenfauna im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg . Bayerische Akademie Wissenschaft, Mathematischen-Naturwissenschaften Klasse Vol. 108 p. 188 p.
Fleisher,R.L. (1974): Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera and biostratigraphy, Arabian Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23A. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 23 Eds: Whitmarsh, R.B.Weser, O.E.Ross, D.A. p. 1001-1072
Stainforth,R.M.; Lamb,J.L.; Luterbacher,H.P.; Beard,J.H. and Jeffords,R.M. (1975): Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index forms . Paleontological ContributionsArticle 62 p. 425
Berggren,W.A. (1977): Atlas of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera. Some species of the genera Subbotina, Planorotalites, Morozovella, Acarinina and Truncorotaloides. In: Oceanic Micropaleontology Eds: Ramsay, A.T.S. p. 205-299
Blow,W.H. (1979): The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp
Snyder,S.W. and Waters,V.J. (1985): Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur region. In: Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 80
Warraich,M.Y..; Ogasawara,K.. and Nishi,H.. (2000): Late Paleocene to early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Dungan Formation, Sulaiman Range, Central Pakistan . Paleontological Research Vol. 4 p. 275-301
Warraich,M.Y.. and Ogasawara,K.. (2001): Tethyan Paleocene-Eocene planktic foraminifera from the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir land sections of the Sulaiman Range, Pakistan . Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience University of Tsukuba, section B Vol. 22 p. 1-59
Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513
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