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Species Ticinella eubejaouaensis Randrianasolo & Anglada 1998

Discussion / Comments:
Bellier & Moullade (2002):
Clarification of the status of T. bejaouaensis was recently provided by Randrianasolo and Anglada (1998), who pointed out that Sigal's holotype and paratype came from two different localities with different ages : - the holotype of Ticinella roberti var. bejaouaensis SIGAL, 1966 (pl. 5, fig. 5-7) was chosen from a depth of 215.2 m in the Diego Suarez well, northern Madagascar. This level was thought to be of late Aptian age by Sigal (1966) but was subsequently demonstrated as being late Albian (Ramlrianasolo, 1989); - the paratype (pl. 5, fig. 8-9) comes from Djebel Bejaoua, Tunisia (upper Aptian-lower Albian). Sigal's (1966) initial diagnosis of T. beiaouuensis was emended by Moullade (1966) on the basis of a comparative study of upper Albian topotypes of T. roberti from the Breggia River section with T. bejaouaensis and T. roberti from continuous Voeontian basin sections of Aptian and Albian age. According to Moullade, T. roberti (cf. pl. 1, fig. 19-21) has a thicker test anti more protruding chambers; it is slightly larger in lateral view; its wall texture and perforations are rougher, as in Biticinella breggiensis (Gandolfi, 1942); the umbilicus is deeper and narrower; the "Rotalipora-like"supplementary apertures are much more distinct; and finally, the decrease of the last whorl ornamentation is more progressive. Moullade (1966) also defined the stratigraphic range of T. bejaouaeusis as Clansayesian [=latest Aptian] to earliest Albian. On the other hand, Moullade (1969), and also Leckie (1984), suggested that T. bejaouaensis and T. roberti may be two homeomorphic taxa. In the northern Madagascar area, Randrianasolo and Anglada (1998) confirm the middle Albian gap between the T. bejaouensis and T. roberti morphotypes discussed above. In addition to the morphological features listed above, this strenghtens the hypothesis of homeomorphy. According to Randrianasolo and Anglada (1998) a new species name is needed for the populations represented by SigaFs (1966) paratypes. They propose the name of T. eubejaouaensis for these upper Aptian/lowermost Albian forms. Such an approach,though taxonomically correct, does not solve the problem of the status and possible relationship between the T. bejaouaensis s.s. = holotype forms) and T. roberti concepts. For example : 1) is T. bejaottaensis sensu Randrianasolo and Anglada (1998) an objective junior synonym of T. roberti ? This leads to the assmnption that Sigal (1966), possibly influenced by the supposedly late Aptian/ early Albian age of the holotype level, mixed up a specimen of T. roberti with his new variety; or 2) are T. bejaouaensis sensu Randrianasolo and Anglada (1998) and T. roberti two (upper Albian) distinct species ?
Synonym list:
Moullade et al. (2002):
p 1966 Ticinella roberti var. bejaouaensis Sigal. - Sigal : 35-37 pl 5 figs 8,9; non pl 5 figs 5-7
1966 Ticinella bejaouaensis Sigal. - Moullade : p.103 pl 9 figs 4,5 emend.
p 1984 Ticinella roberti sensu lato Gandolfi. - Leckie : 600, 601 pl 5 figs 11,12
1998 Ticinella eubejaouaensis Randrianasolo & Anglada. - Randrianasolo & Anglada : p.298
Bellier & Moullade (2002):
1966 Ticinella roberti var. bejaouaensis Sigal. - Sigal : 35-37 (pars) pl. 5, fig. 8-9; (non pl. 5, fig. 5-7)
1966 Ticinella nomen emend. bejaouaensis Sigal. - Moullade : p.103 pl. 9; fig. 4-5
1974 Ticinella bejaouaensis Sigal. - Longoria : 94-95 (pars) pl. 18; fig. 1-2; pl. 19, fig. 9-16; pl. 21, fig. 12-13 (non pl. 21, fig. 9-11, 14-16)
? 1984 Ticinella roberti sensu lato Gandolfi. - Leckie : 600-601 (pars) pl. 5, fig. 5-12 (non pl. 5, fig. 1-4)
1998 Ticinella n sp. eubejaouaensis Randrianasolo & Anglada. - Randrianasolo & Anglada : p.298
2002 Ticinella eubejaouaensis Randrianasolo & Anglada. - Bellier & Moullade : p.21 pl. 1; fig. 13-15

Sigal,J. (1966):
Le concept taxinomique de spectre. Exemples d’application chez les Foraminifères. Propositions de règles de nomenclature . Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Hors Série Vol. 3 p. 1-126

Moullade,M. (1966):
Etude stratigraphique et micropaléontologique du Crétacé inférieur de la "fosse vocontienne" . Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon Vol. 15 p. 1-369

Sigal,J. (1966):
Contribution à une monographie des Rosalines 1.Le genre Ticinella Reichel, souche des Rotalipores . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 59 p. 185-217

Longoria,J.F. (1974):
Stratigraphic, morphologic and taxonomic studies of Aptian planktonic Foraminifera . Revista Espanola de MicropaleontologíaNo extraord p. 1-107

Leckie,M.R. (1984):
Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy off Morocco, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79, Sites 545 and 547 . Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 79 p. 579–620

Randrianasolo,A. and Anglada,R. (1998):
About Ticinella roberti var. bejaouaensis Sigal, 1966 and Ticinella bejaouaensis Sigal emend. Moullade, 1966 Geological Congress.
In: Joint Regional Meeting of IGCP Projects nos 381 and 362, held in conjunction with the Cuban, Geologia y Mineria Vol. 2 p. 298

Bellier,J.P. and Moullade,M. (2002):
Lower Cretaceous Planktonik Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy Of The Western North Atlantic (ODP LEG 171B), And Taxonomic Clarification Of Key Index Species . Revue de Micropaleontologie Vol. 45(1) p. 9-26

Moullade,M.; Bellier,J.P. and Tronchetti,G. (2002):
Hierarchy of criteria, evolutionary processes and taxonomic simplification in the classification of Lower Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera . Cretaceous Research Vol. 23 p. 111-148

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