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Species Rotalipora globotruncanoides Sigal 1948

Alternative name:
Rotalipora (Thalmaninella) globotruncanoides Sigal 1948
Discussion / Comments:
Bellier & Moullade (2002):
Thalmanninella (type-species: T. brotzeni SIGAL, 1948) was distinguished by Sigal (1948) from Rotalipora (type-species : R. turonica BROTZEN, 1942), on the basis of the position of the supplementary apertures. However, it has been shown that these apertures have the same origin and their position changes within the evolution of the species and through a specimen's ontogeny. Thus, there is no need for the genus Thalmanninella. In addition, as stated by Robaszynski and Caron (1995), R. brotzeni SIGAL is a junior synonym of R. globotruncanoides SIGAL, 1948. The species concept of lower Cenomanian R. globotruncanoides used here corresponds with the initial description of Sigal, 1948, i.e,. 5 to 7 chambers in the last whorl, last sutures arched and very slightly depressed on the umbilical side.Some older (uppermost Albian) specimens (cf. P1.2, fig. 1-3) show more straight and depressed last umbilical sutures. They are named R. aft. R. globotruncanoides and may correspond to the initial R. brotzeni concept of Robaszynski, Caron and the European Working Group on Planktonic Foraminifera (1979), the R. aft. R. greenhornensis (=brotzeni) concept of Moullade and Porthauh (in Moullade, 1966) and/or the species R. tehamaensis of Marianos and Zingula (1966). The identification of this Vraconian stratigraphic precursor within the species range is of importance for the discussion about the Albian- Cenomanian boundary (see bio-events section before). On the other hand, R. globotruncanoides is distinguished from R. gandolfii Luterbacher and Premoll Silva, 1962 by showing strongly oblique sutures on the spiral side, a tendency toward a more pronounced asymmetrical test, raised umbilical sutures, and well-developed umbilical supplementary apertures. At the R. reicheli / R. cushmani zonal boundary, R. globotruncanoides gave rise to R. greenhornensis (Morrow, 1934), which differs from R. globotruncanoides mainly by a higher (8-10) number of chambers in the last whorl; the chambers of the last whorl are elongated and dorsally crescent-shaped; the sutures are strongly curved and raised on both the spiral and umbilical side. Our observations in Hole 1050C show that the LOs of Rotalipora greenhornensis and R. globotruncanoides coincide with that of R. cushmani (Morrow, 1934).
Synonym list:
Bellier & Moullade (2002):
1948 Rotalipora globotruncanoides Sigal. - Sigal : 100-101 pl. 1, fig. 4a-c; pl. 2, fig. 3a-b, 4a-b, 5
1948 Thalmanninella brotzeni Sigal. - Sigal : p.102 pl. 1, fig. 5a-c; pl. 2, fig. 6a-b, 7
1993 Rotalipora (Thalmaninella) globotruncanoides Sigal. - Robaszynski et al. : p.431 pl. XIX; fig. 2, 4, 5, 9
2002 Rotalipora globotruncanoides Sigal. - Bellier & Moullade : p.23 pl. 2; fig. 4-7
Was used in synonym list of:
Rotalipora greenhornensis Morrow 1934

Sigal,J. (1948):
Notes sur les genres de foraminiferes Rotalipora Brotzen 1942 et Thalmanninella; famille des Globorotaliidae . Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole Vol. 3(4) p. 95-103

Robaszynski,F.; Caron,M.; Amedro,F..; Dupuis,C..; Hardenbol,J.; Gonzalez Donoso,J.M..; Linares,D.. and Gartner,S. (1993):
Le Cénomanien de la région de Kalaat Senan (Tunisie centrale) : Litho-biostratigraphie et interprétation séquentielle. . Rev. Paléobiol. Vol. 12 p. 351-505

Bellier,J.P. and Moullade,M. (2002):
Lower Cretaceous Planktonik Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy Of The Western North Atlantic (ODP LEG 171B), And Taxonomic Clarification Of Key Index Species . Revue de Micropaleontologie Vol. 45(1) p. 9-26

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