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Species Whiteinella archaeocretacea Pessagno 1967

Discussion / Comments:
Caron (1985):
W. archaeocretacea differs from W.inornata in lacking an acute and true imperforate peripheral margin.

 Classis Foraminifera
  Familia Globotruncanidae
   Genus Whiteinella
    Species Whiteinella archaeocretacea
Synonym list:
Caron (1985):
1963 Praeglobotruncana? gigantea Lehmann. - Lehmann : p.140 pl 2figs 4a-c (Porthault renamed it to P. lehmanni for homonymy reasons)
1967 Whiteinella archaeocretacea Pessagno. - Pessagno : 298-299 pl 51 figs 2-4 (type refernce)
1969 Praeglobotruncana lehmanni Porthault. - Porthault : 538-539 pl 2 figs 6a-c

Lehmann,R. (1963):
Etude desGlobotruncanidés du Crétacé supérieur de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc occidental) . Notes Mem. Serv. geol. Maroc. Vol. 21 p. 133-179

Pessagno,E.A. (1967):
Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the West Coastal Plain . Palaeontographia Americana Vol. 5 p. 259-441

Porthault,B. (1969):
Foraminifères planctoniques et biostratigraphie du Cénomanien dans le Sud-Est de la France . Proceedings First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils Vol. 2 p. 526-546

Caron,M. (1985):
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera.
In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 17–86

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