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Subspecies Globigerinatheka subconglobata euganea Proto Decima & Bolli 1970

Discussion / Comments:
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
G. subconglobata euganea is considered to have evolved from G. subconglobata curryi and to be the ancestral form of Orbulinoides beckmanni. It possesses a more spherical test,more numerous but smaller apertures in the final chamber and is more tightly coiled than G. subconglobata curryi. Occasionally it can present spiral sutural apertures in the preceding 1 to 3 large chambers. In the overall shape of the test G. subconglobata euganea is similar to Orbulinoides beckmanni from which it differs in the lack ofareal apertures and spiral sutural apertures between the early chambers. It differs from G. subconglobata luterbacheri by a more spherical and regular test, by less pronounced sutures and by a smoother aspect of the test. The sizes of the tests are more or less the same (0.5 to 0.6 mm).

 Classis Foraminifera
  Genus Globigerinatheka
   Subspecies Globigerinatheka subconglobata euganea
Synonym list:
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
1970 Globigerinatheka subconglobata euganea Proto Decima & Bolli. - Proto Decima & Bolli : 894-895 pl 1 fig 7 (type reference)
1985 Globigerinatheka subconglobata euganea Proto Decima & Bolli. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : 141, 147 figs 37.4-5, 40.8-10
Was used in synonym list of:
Globigerinatheka euganea Proto Decima & Bolli 1970

Proto Decima,F. and Bolli,H.M. (1970):
Evolution and variability of Orbulinoides beckmanni (Saito) . Ecoglae geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 63 p. 883-905

Toumarkine,M. and Luterbacher,H.P. (1985):
Paleocene and Eocene Planktic Foraminifera.
In: Plankton Stratigraphy p. 87-154

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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