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Species Venus petitiana d'Orbigny 1842

Discussion / Comments:
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
TYPE MATERIAL. The type series seems to have included at least three specimens, two of them illustrated by d’Orbigny on plate 13, figures 9-11, and a third specimen not figured. The latter is the only specimen remaining in the d’Orbigny Collection in the Laboratoire de Paléontologie, entered in the Falunien B Catalogue under number 10891. However, we must state that the number on this specimen’s label was added by someone else immediately next to the original legend “Venus, Coquimbo, Falunien B”. Therefore, it cannot be considered as part of the type series. A thorough search through the collections (both Paléontologie and Géologie) in the MNHN in Paris was unsuccessful in locating the illustrated type material. As remarked below, Herm (1969) identified the steinkern illustrated by d’Orbigny with the common species at Coquimbo, Tongoy and Horcón. According to Herm (1969, p. 122) the steinkerns are very abundant alongside other specimens in which the shell is preserved to different degrees. This allowed him to place this species in Chionopsis Olsson, 1932 [type species Venus amathusia Philippi, 1844]. Although the name is commonly associated with the well preserved material from the Chilean localities, if the types (which are lost) remain the basis for this name, the situation can only lead to confusion, as there are many other venerid bivalves which are also represented by steinkerns coming from the same geological units as the original (and Herm’s) material. Therefore, in order to stabilize the name, we designate as neotype of Venus petitiana d’Orbigny, 1842, the specimen illustrated by Herm as Chionopsis petitiana (Herm 1969, pl. 10, fig. 5, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Geologie und Paläontologie BSP 1966 IV 49) coming from Quebrada Herradura, by the Pan American Highway, facies b. REMARKS. The specimen originally figured by d’Orbigny (1842, pl. 13, figs 9-11) was identified by Herm (1969, p. 121-122, pl. 10, figs 5-10) with material collected by him in Coquimbo, Tongoy and Horcón. Designation of a neotype for this species restricts the use of the name to material that can be clearly identified with it.
Synonym list:
Griffin & Nielsen (2008):
1842 Venus petitiana d'Orbigny. - d'Orbigny : 123-124 pl. 13; fig. 9-11
1854 Venus pulvinata Hupé. - Hupé : p.343
1887 Venus petitiana d'Orbigny. - Philippi : 121-122 pl. 15; fig. 5 (from d'Orbigny)
1887 Venus crassula Philippi. - Philippi : p.122 pl. 15; fig. 3
1887 Venus remondi Philippi. - Philippi : p.124 pl. 15; fig. 9
1887 Venus pulvinata Hupé. - Philippi : p.131 pl. 16; fig. 4
1887 Venus pinguis Philippi. - Philippi : p.131 pl. 16; fig. 5
1887 Venus spreta Philippi. - Philippi : p.133 pl. 16; fig. 6
1887 Venus serva Philippi. - Philippi : p.133 pl. 16; fig. 1
1967 Protothaca petitiana d'Orbigny. - Herm & Paskoff : p.761
1969 Chionopsis petitiana d'Orbigny. - Herm : 121-122 pl. 10; fig. 5-10
2008 Chionopsis petitiana d'Orbigny. - Griffin & Nielsen : pl. 14; fig. 1-2, 5-7

d'Orbigny,A. (1842):
Voyage dans l'Amerique méridionale.
In: Paléontologie Vol. 3(4) p. 187

Hupé,H.. (1854):
Malacología y conquiliología..
In: Historia física y política de Chile Vol. 8 Eds: Gay, C.. p. 449

Philippi,R.A.. (1887):
Die tertiären und quartären Versteinerungen Chiles.. p. 266

Herm,D. and Paskoff,R.. (1967):
Note préliminaire sur le Tertiaire supérieur du Chili centre-nord . Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, série 7 Vol. 8 p. 21-24

Herm,D. (1969):
Marines Pliozän und Pleistozän in Nord- und Mittel-Chile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Mollusken-Faunen . Zitteliana Vol. 2 p. 159

Griffin,M.. and Nielsen,S.N.. (2008):
A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846), and Hupé (1854) . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology

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