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Subspecies Turborotalia pseudoampliapertura pseudoampliapertura Blow & Banner 1962

Discussion / Comments:
Haggag & Luterbacher (1995):
Remarks: Blow and Banner (1962) discussed and illustrate the relationship and the transition of Turborotalia pseudoampliapertura from its ancestor T. centralis (= T. cerroazulensis pomeroli TOUMARKINE and BOLLI, 1970). Bolli and Saunders (1985) consider T. increbescens (BANDY) to be the ancestor of T. pseudoampliapertura. The holotype of the species and the assemblage associated with it have been examined and compared with our material. The specimens from Tanzania are in general larger than those from the Wadi Nukhul section. This may be due to differences in ecologic conditions. In the Wadi Nukhul section, T. pseudoampliapertura pseudoampliapertura has its first appearance at the base of the Truncorotaloides rohri Zone. T. pseudoampliapertura pseudoampliapertura differs from its ancestor T. pseudoampliapertura nukhulensis n. subsp, in its aperture which is an intraumbilical high arch; from T. pseudoampliapertura sinaiensis n. subsp, by its larger and distinctly umbilicate test, the weaker apertural lip, the less depressed sutures and the more finely perforate surface.
Synonym list:
Haggag & Luterbacher (1995):
1962 Globigerina pseudoampliapertura Blow & Banner. - Blow & Banner : 95, 134 pl. XII, fig. A-C; fig. 12c (V)
1979 Globigerina pseudoampliapertura Blow & Banner. - Blow : 858-859 pl. 18, fig. 8, 9; pl. 245, fig. 1-3
1995 Turborotalia pseudoampliapertura pseudoampliapertura Blow & Banner. - Haggag & Luterbacher : p.47 pl. 3; fig. 5-8

Blow,W.H. and Banner,F.T. (1962):
The Mid-Tertiary (Upper Eocene to Aquitanian) Globigerinaceae.
In: Fundamentals of Mid‑Tertiary Stratigraphical Correlation Eds: Eames, F.E.Banner, F.T.Blow, W.H.Clarke, W.J. p. 61‑151

Blow,W.H. (1979):
The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp

Haggag,M.A.. and Luterbacher,H. (1995):
The Turborotalia Pseudoampliapertura Lineage In The Eocene Of The Wadi Nukhul Section, Sinai, Egypt . Revue de Micropaléontologie Vol. 38(1) p. 37-47

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