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Species Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova 1939

Diagnosis / Definition:
Pearson et al. (2006):
DESCRIPTION.- Type of wall: Normal perforate, muricate, nonspinose. Test morphology: Test relatively large (to 0. 5 mm maximum diameter), planoconvex to weakly biconvex test with moderately lobulate, strongly/thickly keeled periphery; 4-4 1/2 chambers in last whorl, generally covered with muricae on umbilical side, spiral side relatively smooth; umbilical and spiral intercameral sutures weakly curved, tangential on spiral side yielding trapezoidal- shaped chambers; circumumbilical chamber tips weakly ornamented by muricae and surrounding deep, narrowly open umbilicus; aperture a low, umbilical-extraumbilical slit extending almost to periphery and bordered by weak lip. Size: Holotype diameter: 0.36 mm; thickness: 0.20 mm.
Discussion / Comments:
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
The last whorl has generally 4 to 5 (rarely 6) chambers which increase fairly rapidly in size with the last chamber occupying one-third to one-fourth of the whorl. the periphery has a spinose 'keel', but the spines forming the 'keel' are not fused. the umbilicus is narrow and deep. M. subbotinae differs from M. aequa by the more fragile, generally tightly coiled aspect and by the distinct spinose 'keel'.
Pearson et al. (2006):
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.- Morozovella subbotinae is distinguished by its relatively large and strongly muricocarinate test, and the circumumbilical elevation/extension of the chambers and weakly ornamented circumumbilical chamber tips. DISCUSSION.- This robust morphospecies is a characteristic element of latest Paleocene and early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Morozovella subbotinae has had a convoluted taxonomic history. It is generally agreed by specialists that Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova, 1939 is a senior synonym of Globorotalia rex Martin, 1943 (see Berggren, 1977; Blow, 1979 for discussions). In the (former) Soviet Union this taxon was identified with (the middle Eocene) Globorotalia crassata Cushman, 1925 (see our treatment in Pearson and Berggren, Chapter 10, this volume; see also Subbotina, 1947, p. 119-121; l, p. 2 11). Included in this taxon subsequently by Subbotina (1953) were forms referable to M. aequa and M. subbotinae (including the holotype reference of Morozova, 1939, of G. subbotinae) as well as forms (1947, pl. 9, figs. 15-1 7) subsequently (1953, pl. 18, figs. la-c) referred to the new taxon Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina, 1563. Examination of a suite of specimens identified as G. crassata donated to one of us (WAB) in 1962 by Subbotina bears this out. An enigmatic case of taxonomic affinities is provided by Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya, 1 956. The (relatively poor) illustration of the holotype is balanced by a clear and thorough description of the taxon. The low, biconvex test, thick, blunt "spines" (=muricae) on the test surface which give the test the appearance of having a thick, "granular" test wall and the transitional characters to M. aragonensis noted by Shutskaya (1956) make it quite clear that this taxon, in its original concept, is a junior synonym of Globorotalia lensiformis Subbotina, l 953. However, Shutskaya (1 972b) subsequently illustrated two morphotypes identified as G. nartanensis from the G. subbotinae Zone of the south west Crimea which are virtually identical with Subbotina's (l 953, pl. 17, figs. 13a-c) illustrations of a peripherally compressed test with development of a frilled ("marginodentate") keel which she considered transitional between Globorotalia crassata (=G. aeyual subbotinae) and G. marginodentata. Blow (1 979, p. 10 18- 1026) has drawn attention to the close similarities between M. subbotinae (Morozova), M. marginodentata (Subbotina) and M. gracilis (Bolli). In fact he considered gracilis separated from subbotinae at the subspecies level based on the increase in chamber number (from 4 1/2 in subbotinae to 5 1/2-6 in gracilis), associated with the development of a somewhat more evolute coiling-mode and more vorticiform spiral intercameral sutures in gracilis and, finally, the slightly different (shorter) stratigraphic range of gracilis. The development of a strongly dentate (fimbriate) muricocarina (marginodentata) on some morphotypes was considered little more than ecophenotypic variation within the subbotinae plexus of morphotypes, indicative of high productivity, and marginodentata was, accordingly, considered only a variant of subbotinae (cf. Berggren, 1971, who had suggested earlier that marginodentata might be synonymous with, or an ecophenotypic variant of, gracilis). PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS.- This taxon evolved from M. aequa by an increase in test size, developing a thicker, broader peripheral muricocarina and more pronounced angulo-conical test; it evolved into M. lensiformis and also gave rise to M. marginodentata and M. gracilis. STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE.- Zone P5 to Zone E5. We have found that M. subbotinae has its FAD at the top of Chron C25n at ODP Site 577 and has a short overlap in the upper part of its range with Morozovella aragonensis. Its LAD is used to denote the boundary between Zones E5 and E6 here. The premature disappearance of M. subbotinae (within Zone P6b = E4) at Indian Ocean Site 213 is ascribed to gradually increasing dissolution in the early Eocene. GEOGRAPHlC DISTRIBUTION.- Widely distributed in (sub)tropical assemblages in Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, and typical Tethyan biogeographies and as far south as 60° S in association with the early Eocene extra-tropical excursion of carinate morozovellids on the Kerguelen Plateau (Huber, 1991, ODP Site 738; Berggren, 1992, ODP Site 747; see also Olsson and others, 1999, p. 67, text-figure 24). STABLE ISOTOPE PALE0BI0LOGY.- Morozovella subbotinae has ò13C and ò18O values similar to M. velascoensis and Acarinina nitida and has more positive ò13C and ò18O than Subbotina triangularis (D'Hondt and others, 1994). Morozovella subbotinae displays a pronounced increase in ò13C with increased test size but little corresponding change in ò18O (D'Hondt and others, 1994).

 Superregnum Eukaryota
  Regnum Protoctista
   Phylum Ciliophora
    Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
     Ordo Globigerinida
      Superfamilia Globorotaliaceae
       Superfamilia Nonionacea
        Familia Truncorotaloididae
         Genus Morozovella
          Species Morozovella subbotinae

  Classis Foraminifera
   Genus Morozovella
    Species Morozovella subbotinae

 Classis Foraminifera
  Genus Morozovella
   Species Morozovella subbotinae

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Superfamilia Globorotaliaceae
    Familia Truncorotaloididae
     Genus Morozovella
      Species Morozovella subbotinae

 Ordo Foraminiferida
  Familia Globorotaliidae
   Genus Morozovella
    Species Morozovella subbotinae

  Ordo Foraminiferida
   Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
    Familia Truncorotaloididae
     Genus Morozovella
      Species Morozovella subbotinae
Synonym list:
Berggren & Norris (1997):
1943 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Martin : p. 117 pl. 8, figs. 2a-c (Zone P6, Lodo Formation, Lodo Gulch, Fresno Co., California).
p 1947 Globorotalia crassata Cushman. - Subbotina (non Cushman, 1925) : p. 119 pl. 5, figs. 31-33 (Globorotalia ex. gr. canariensis Zone of Subbotinae 1947 =G. crassata Subzone of Zone of compressed globorotaliids of Subbotina,7953 =Zone P6 of this paper; Assa River, N Caucasus; non pl. 9, figs. 15-17 (G. ex. gr. canariensis Zone, Khieu River section, N Caucasus= included in synonymy of Globorotalia
p 1953 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Subbotina : p. 211,212 pl. 17, figs. 7a-c (holotype of G. subbotinae MOROZOVA refigured); pl. 17, figs. 13a-c (Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Tarkhankut Peninsula, Crimea); non. pl. 5a-86c, 89a-90c (G. aequa Zone) and text-figs. 88a-c (G. formosa formosa /G. subbotinae Zone), Bottacione section, Gubbio area, N Apennines, Italy.
1956 Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya. - Shutskaya : p. 96-98 pl. 54, figs. 2a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Cherkessk Formation, near Nal'chik, N Caucasus; ?= M. lensiformis SUBBOTINA 1953).
1957 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Bolli : p. 75 pl. 18, figs. 10-12 (G. rex Zone, Upper Lizard Springs Formation, Trinidad).
1957 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Loeblich & Tappan (non Martin, 1943) : pl. 60, figs, la-c (G. pseudomenardii Zone, Nanafalia Formation, Wilcox Co., Alabama; ?=M. velascoensis parva ; ?= M. acuta).
1959 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Mallory : p. 40 pl. 34, figs. 12a-c; pl. 42, figs. 2a-c (Ynezian-Narizian of California Coast Ranges, =M. aragonensis (NUTTALL)).
1962 Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) aequa simulatilis Schwager. - von Hillebrandt (non Schwager, 1863) : p. 134, 135 pl. 13, figs. 6a-c; 7,8a-c (Zone G= Zone P6 of this paper; Reichenhall-Salzburg Basin, Bavaria, S Germany).
1963 Truncorotalia cf. rex Martin. - Gohrbandt : p. 64 pl. 6, figs. 1-3 (Zone F= Zone P6 of this paper; Salzburg Basin, Salzburg Basin, Austria).
1964 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Said & Sabry : p. 385 pl. 2, figs. 4a-c (G. rex Zone, Upper Esna Shale, Gebel Aweina/Owaina, Egypt).
1965 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Proto Decima & Zorzi : p. 29,30 pl. 3, figs. 4a-c and pl. 5, fig. 13 (G. rex Zone, Molinetto di Pederroba section, Trevisano Prov)
p 1966 Globorotalia bollii Naggar. - El Naggar : p. 202, 203 pl. figs. 5a-d (holotype from G. wilcoxensis Zone, Thebes Limestone, Gebel Owaina section, Egypt); non pl. 22, figs. 6a-c (same level;=M. gracilis (BOLLI)).
1970 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Samanta : p. 635 pl. 96, figs. 1, 2 (G. pseudomenardii /G. subbotinae Zone; Upper Marlstone, Pondicherry Formation, near Madras, Pondicherry, S India).
1970 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Shutskaya : p. 119-120 pl. 13, figs. 6a-c and pl. 14, figs. 6a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Kacha River section, Bakchissarayan Stage, Bakhchissaray area, SW Crimea); pl. 38, figs. 9a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Malyi Balkhan Ridge, middle Danatin Formation-, W Turkmenia).
1970 Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya. - Shutskaya (non Shutskaya, 1956) : p. 118-120 pl. 15, figs. 2a-c and 8a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Kacha River section, Bakhchissaray region, Bakhchis-sarayan Stage, SW Crimea).
1971 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren : p. 76 pl. 5, figs. 10, 11 (G. subbotinae Zone, DSDP 3/20C/5/6: 100-102cms; S Atlantic).
1971 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Postuma : p. 210 figs, on p. 211 (topotypes from G. rex Zone, locality no. M-74, Lodo Formation, Fresno Co., California).
1971 Globorotalia (Morozovella) aequa rex Martin. - Jenkins : p. 101, 102 pl. 7, figs. 180-182 (G. wilcoxensis Zone= Zone P6 of this paper; Middle Waipara River section, Waipawan Stage, New Zealand).
1973 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Ferrer et al. : p. 49 text-figs. 11 (2a-c; 5a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Ager Formation, Areny section, Tremp Basin, Catalonia, NE Spain).
p 1975 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Stainforth et al. : p. 230 text-fig. 89 (l=holotype refigured), 5-8 (plesiotypes from G. subbotinae Zone, Lodo Formation of California); figs. 3a-c (Subbotina 1953, pl. 17, figs. 13a-c refigured, as G. crassata CUSHMAN); non fig. 89 (2a-c) (=Subbotina 1953. pl. 17, figs. 1 la-c (refigured) as G. crassata CUSHMAN=M. aequa (CUSHMAN and RENZ)).
1975 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Luterbacher : pl. 2, figs. 2a, b (G. formosa formosa Zone, DSDP 32/305/12: CC ; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific).
1975 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Luterbacher : p. 65 pl. 2, figs. 31-33 (G. subbotinae Zone, Possagno section, W Trevisiano Prov., Italy).
1977 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren : p. 239, 240 (illustrations refigured from literature).
1979 Globorotalia (Morozovella) subbotinae subbotinae Morozova. - Blow : p. 1018-1021 pl. 102, figs. 1-5 and pl. 219, figs. 1-4 (Zone P6 of Blow 1979; DSDP 3/20C/6/3: 76-78cms; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific); pl. 1ll, figs. 6-8 (Zone P7 of Blow 1979=Zone P6 of this paper; Sample KRE 83F, Moogli Mudstones, Kagua, Papua, New Guinea); pl. 115, figs. 3-5 (Zone P7 of Blow 1979= Zone P6 of this paper; Sample RS 80, Kilwa area, Tanzania, E Africa; also pl. 115, fig. 6 as Globorotalia (Morozovella) sp. specimen ex interc G. (M.) aequa lacerti CUSHMAN and RENZ and G. (M.) subbotinae subbotinae MOROZOVA); pl. 119, figs. 4-10; pl. 219, figs. 5,6 ; pl. 220, figs. 1-6 and pl. 222, figs. 1-7 (Zone P7 of Blow 1979=Zone P6 of this paper; DSDP 6/47.2/8/3: 82-85cms; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific); pl. 127, figs. 6,7 (Zone P8a of Blow 1979= Zone P7 of this paper; DSDP 6/47.2/8/2:- 71-73cms; Shatsky Rise, NWPacific); pl. 123, fig. 8 (Zone P8b of Blow 1979=Zone P8 of this paper; DSDP 6/47.2/8/1: 77-79cms; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific); pl. 103, figs. 2,7,9 and pl. 223, figs. 1, 2 (Zone P6 of Blow 1979= Zone P5/6 of this paper; DSDP 3/20C/6/3: 76-78cms; S Atlantic).
1981 Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina. - Murray et al. : p. 262 pl. 8.10, fig. 31 (Bracklesham Group, English Channel) and pl. 8.11, fig. 1 (Bed W 12, Wittering Formation, E Wittering, Sussex, G Britain).
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Snyder & Waters : p. 442,443 pl. 9, figs. 10-12 (DSDP 80/548A/28/3: 70-74cms, Goban Spur, NE Atlantic).
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : p. 112 text-figs. 15:9a-c (reillustration of holotype of G. rex MARTIN 1943); 10a-c (reillustration of holotype of G.subbotinae MOROZOVA 1939); lla-c (reillustration of specimen from NW Crimea identified by Subbotina 1953, pl. 17, figs. 13a-c as G. crassata CUSHMAN).
1991 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Huber : p. 440 pl. 4, fig. 9 (Zone AP6A, ODP 119/ 738/10R; S edge of Kerguelen Plateau, S Indian Ocean).
1993 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p. 123 pl. 4, fig. 19 (M. subbotinae Subzone of Lu and Keller 1993 of Zone AP5A/ Planorotalites australiformis Zone of Stott and Kennett 1990; ODP 119/738C/11/1R: 15-17cms; S edge of Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean).
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p. 102 pl. 1, figs. 11-13 (Subzone P6bx of Lu and Keller 1995= Subzone P6a of this paper; DSDP 577/9/6: 53-55cms; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific).
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Basov : p. 165 pl. 2, fgs. 8-10 (M. subbotinae Zone; ODP 145/883B/82X/5: 120-122cms; Detroit Seamount, NW Pacific)
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Bralower et al. : p. 844 Figure 2 (3,4) (Zone P4/5; ODP 143/865C/12H/4: 10-12cms; Allison Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains, Equatorial W Pacific).
1997 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren & Norris : p. 103 Plate 16 Figures 5, 9, 14
Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985):
1939 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Morozova : 80-81 pl 2 fig 16 (type reference)
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : p.113 figs 15.9-11
Olsson et al. (1999):
1939 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Morozova : p. 80 pl. 2, figs. 16, 17 (upper Paleocene, base of section at cemetary at Asankozha, left bank of Emba River, S part of Emba oil field, Kazakh S.S.R. (=Kazakhstan)
1943 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Martin : p. 117 pl. 8, figs. 2a-c ( Zone P6, Lodo Fm., Lodo Gulch, Fresno Co., California)
p 1956 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Shutskaya : p. 98, 99 pl. 4, fig. 4 (G. subbotinae Zone, Cherkessk Formation, Nal'chik, N Caucasus); ?figs. 3a,b (same level; ?= Acarinina wilcoxensis )
? non 1956 Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya. - Shutskaya : p. 96-98 pl. 54, figs. 2a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Cherkessk Fm., near Nal'chik, N Caucasus; ?= M. lensiformis Subbotina 1953).
1957 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Bolli : p. 75 pl. 18, figs. 10-12 (G. rex Zone, Upper Lizard Springs Fm., Trinidad)
1962 Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) aequa simulatilis Schwager. - von Hillebrandt (non Schwager, 1863) : p. 134, 135 pl. 13, figs. 6a-c; 7, 8a-c (Zone G= Zone P6 of this paper; Reichenhall-Salzburg Basin, Austro-German border).
1964 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p. 676-679 text-figs. 85a-86c, 89a-90c (G. aequa Zone) and text-figs. 88 a-c (G. formosa formosa /G. subbotinae Zone), Gubbio section, Central Apennines, Italy
1970 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Shutskaya : p. 119-120 pl. 13, figs. 6a-c and pl. 14, figs. 6a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Kacha River section, Bakchissarayan Stage, Bakhchissaray area, SW Crimea); pl. 38, figs. 9a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Malyi Balkhan Ridge, middle Danian Fm.-, W. Turkmenia)
1970 Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya. - Shutskaya : p. 118-120 pl. 15, figs. 2a-c and 8a-c (G. subbotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Kacha River section, Bakhchissarag region, Bakhchissarayan Stage, SW Crimea)
1971 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren : p. 76 pl. 5, figs. 10, 11 (G. subbotinae Zone, DSDP Hole 20C/5/6: 100-102 cm; South Atlantic Ocean)
1971 Globorotalia (Morozovella) aequa rex Martin. - Jenkins : p. 101, 102 pl. 7, figs. 180-182 (G. wilcoxensis Zone= Zone P6 of this paper; Middle Waipara River section, Waipawan Stage, New Zealand)
1975 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p. pl. 2, figs. 2a, b (G. formosa formosa Zone, DSDP Site 305/12: CC ; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean)
1975 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p. 65 pl. 2, figs. 31-33 (G. subbotinae Zone, Possagno section, W. Trevisiano Prov., Italy)
1979 Globorotalia subbotinae subbotinae Morozovella. - Blow : p. 1018-1021 pl. 102, figs. 1-5 and pl. 219, figs. 1-4 (Zone P6 of Blow, 1979; DSDP Hole 20C/6/3: 76-78 cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean); pl. 111, figs. 6-8 (Zone P7 of Blow, 1979=Zone P6 of this paper; Sample KRE 83F, Moogli Mudstones, Kagua, Papua, New Guinea); pl. 115, figs. 3-5 [Zone P7 of Blow, 1979= Zone P6 of this paper; Sample RS 80, Kilwa area, Tanzania, E Africa; also pl. 115, fig. 6 as Globorotalia (Morozovella) sp. specimen ex intercG. (M.) aequa lacerti Cushman and Renz and G. (M.) subbotinae subbotinae Morozova]; pl. 119, figs. 4-10 ; pl. 219, figs. 5, 6 ; pl. 220, figs. 1-6 and pl. 222, figs. 1-7 (Zone P7 of Blow, 1979=Zone P6 of this paper; DSDP Hole 47.2/8/3: 82-85 cm, Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean); pl. 127, figs. 6, 7 (Zone P8a of Blow, 1979= Zone P7 of this paper; DSDP Hole 47.2/8/2: 71-73 cms; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean); pl. 123, fig. 8 (Zone P8b of Blow, 1979=Zone P8 of this paper; DSDP Hole 47.2/8/1: 77-79 cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean); pl. 103, figs. 2, 7, 9 and pl. 223, figs. 1, 2 (Zone P6 of Blow, 1979= Zone P5/6 of this paper; DSDP Hole 20C/6/3: 76-78 cm; South Atlantic Ocean)
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Snyder & Waters : p. 442, 443 pl. 9, figs. 10-12 (DSDP Hole 548A/28/3: 70-74 cm, Goban Spur, NE Atlantic Ocean)
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : p. 112 text-figs. 15: 9a-c (reillustration of holotype of G. rex Martin 1943); 10a-c (reillustration of holotype of G. subbotinae Morozova 1939); 11a-c (reillustration of specimen from NW Crimea identified by Subbotina, 1953, pl. 17, figs. 13a-c as G. crassata Cushman)
1991 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Huber : p. 440 pl. 4, fig. 9 (Zone AP6A, ODP Hole 738C/10R: 277.78 mbsf, Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean)
1993 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p. 123 pl. 4, fig. 19 (M. subbotinae Subzone of Lu and Keller, 1993 of Zone AP5A/ Planorotalites australiformis Zone of Stott and Kennett, 1990; ODP Hole 738C/11/1R:15-17 cm; Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean)
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p. 102 pl. 1, figs. 11-13 Subzone P6bx of Lu and Keller, 1995= Subzone P6a of this paper; DSDP Site 577/9/6: 53-55 cm; Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean).
Van Eijden & Smit (1991):
1939 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Morozova : 80-81 pl. 2, fig. 16
1991 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Van Eijden & Smit : p.113
Pearson et al. (2006):
1939 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Morozova : p.80 pl. 2; fig. 16-17 [Paleocene, Emba River, Kazakhstan]
1943 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Martin : p.117 pl. 8; fig. 2a-c [lower Eocene Zone P6, Lodo Fm., Lodo Gulch, Fresno Co., California]
p 1947 Globorotalia crassata Cushman. - Subbotina : p.119 pl. 5, fig. 3 1-33 [lower Eocene Globorotalia ex. gr. canariensis Zone of Subbotina, 1947 = C. crassata Subzone of Zone of compressed globorotaliids of Subbotina, 1953, Assa River, northern Caucasus]; not pl. 9, fig. 15-17 [lower Eocene G. ex. gr. canariensis Zone, Khieu River section, northern Caucasus; included in synonymy of Globorotalia marginodentata Subbotina, 1953]
p 1953 Globorotalia crassata Cushman. - Subbotina : p. 211, 212 pl. 17, fig. 7a-c (holotype of G. subbotinae Morozova refigured); pl. 17, fig. 13a-c [Zone of compressed globorotaliids, Tarkhankut Peninsula, Crimea]
1957 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Bolli : p.75 pl. 18; fig. 10-12 [G. rex Zone, Upper Lizard Springs Fm., Trinidad]
non 1957 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Loeblich & Tappan : p.195 pl. 60; fig. 1a-c [G. pseudomenardii Zone, Nanafalia Fm., Wilcox Co., Alabama; ?=M. velascoensis pawa ; ?=M. acuta]
non 1959 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Mallory : p.40 pl. 34, fig. 12a-c; pl. 42, fig. 2a-c [Ynezian-Narizian of California Coast Ranges =M. aragonensis (Nuttall)]
1962 Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) aequa simulatilis Schwager. - Hillebrandt : p.134 pl. 13; fig. 6a-c, 7, 8a-c [Zone G, Reichenhall-Salzburg Basin, Germany and Austria]; [Not Schwager, 1883]
1963 Truncorotalia cf. rex Martin. - Gohrbrandt : p.64 pl. 6; fig. 1-3 [Zone F, Salzburg Basin, Austria]
1964 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p.676 text-fig. 85a-c, 86a-c, 89a-c, 90a-c [lower Eocene G. aequa Zone, Gubbio section, Bottacione Gorge, northern Apennines, Italy]; fig. 87a-c. [lower Eocene G. formosa formosa/G. subbotinae Zone, Gubbio section, Bottacione Gorge, northern Apennines, Italy]; fig. 87a-c [lower Eocene G. subbotinae Zone, eastcrn Caucasus, former Soviet Union]
1964 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Said & Sabry : p.385 pl. 2; fig. 4a-c [G. rex Zone, Upper Esna Shale, Gebel Owaina, Egypt]
1965 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Proto Decima & Zorzi : p. 29, 30 pl. 3, fig. 4a-c; pl. 5, fig. 13 [lower Eocene G. rex Zone, Molinetto di Pederroba section, Treviso Province, Italy]
p 1966 Globorotalia bollii Naggar. - El Naggar : p. 202, 203 pl. 22; fig. 5a-d (not pl; 22, fig. 6a-c [same level; =M. gracilis (Bolli]); [holotype from G. wilcoxensis Zone, Thebes Limestone, Gebel Owaina section, Egypt]
1970 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Samanta : p.635 pl. 96; fig. 1, 2 [G. pseudomenardii /G. subbotinae Zone, Upper Marlstone, Pondicherry Fm., near Madras, Pondicheny, South India]
1970 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Shutskaya : p. 119-120 pl. 13, fig. 6a-c; pl. 14, fig. 6a-c [lower Eocene G. subhotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Bakchissarayan Stage, Kasha River section, south west Crimea]; pl. 38, fig. 9a-c [G. subbotinae Zone, Malyi Balkhan Ridge, middle Danatin Fm., western Turkmenia]
1970 Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya. - Shutskaya : p. 118-120 pl. 15; fig. 2a-c and 8a-c [G. subbotinae Zone, Churuk-Su, Bakhchissarayan Stage, Kacha River section, Bakhchissaray region, south west Crimea]; [Not Shutskaya, 1956]
1971 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren : p.76 pl. 5; fig. 10, 11 [G. subbotinae zone, DSDP Hole 20C, South Atlantic Ocean]
1971 Globorotalia rex Martin. - Postuma : p.210 fig. on p. 211 [topotypes from G. rex Zone, locality no. M-74, Lodo Fm., Fresno Co., California]
1971 Globorotalia (Morozovella) aequa rex Martin. - Jenkins : p. 101, 102 pl. 7; fig. 180-182 [G. wilcoxensis Zone, Waipawan Stage, Middle Waipara River section, NZ]
1973 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Ferrer et al. : p.49 text-fig. 11 (2a-c; 5a-c) [G. subbotinae Zone, Ager Fm., Areny section, Tremp Basin, Catalonia, Spain]
p 1975 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Stainforth et al. : p.230 text-fig. 89 (1=holotype refigured), 5-8 (plesiotypes)[G. subbotinae Zone, Lodo Fm., Fresno Co., California]; fig. 3a-c [from Subbotina, 1953, pl. 17: figs. 13a-c refigured, as G. crassata Cushman] ; not fig. 89 (2a-c) [from Subbotina, 1953, pl. 17: figs. lla-c (refigured) as G. crassata Cushman=M. aequa (Cushman and Renz)]
1975 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p.72 pl. 2; fig. 2a, b [G. formosa formosa Zone, DSDP Hole 305, Shatsky Rise, north-west Pacific Ocean]
1975 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Luterbacher : p.65 pl. 2; fig. 31-33 [Possagno section, Italy]
1977 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Berggren : p. 239, 240 (illustrations refigured from literature)
1979 Globorotalia (Morozovella) subbotinae subbotinae Morozova. - Blow : p. 1018-1021 pl. 102, fig. 1-5; pl. 219, fig. 1-4 [Zone P6 , DSDP Hole 20C, South Atlantic Ocean]; pl. 111, fig. 6-8 [Zone P7, Moogli Mudstones, Kagua, Papua, New Guinea]; pl. 115, fig. 3-5 [Zone P7, Kilwa area, Tanzania]; also pl. 115, fig. 6 as Globorotalia (Morozovella) sp. specimen ex interc G. (M.) aequa lacerti Cushman and Renz and G. (M.) subbotinae subbotinae Morozova [lower Eocene, Zone P7, Kilwa area, Tanzania]; pl. 11 9, fig. 4-10; pl. 219, fig. 5,6; pl. 220, fig. 1-6; pl. 222, fig. 1-7 [Zone P7 , DSDP Hole 47.2, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]; pl. 127, fig. 6,7 [Zone PSa, DSDP Hole 47.2, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]; pl. 123, fig. 8 [Zone P8b, DSDP Hole 47.21, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]; pl. 103, fig. 2, 7, 9; pl. 223, fig. 1, 2 [Zone P6, DSDP Hole 20C, South Atlantic Ocean]
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Snyder & Waters : p. 442, 443 pl. 9; fig. 10-12 [Zone P6, DSDP Hole 548A, Goban Spur, northeast Atlantic Ocean]
1985 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Toumarkine & Luterbacher : p.112 text-fig. 15, 9a-c (reillustration of holotype of G. rex Martin, 1943); 10a-c (reillustration of holotype of C. subbotinae Morozova, 1939); lla-c (reillustration of specimen from northwest Crimea identified by Subbotina, 1953, pl. 17, fig. 13a-c as G. crassata Cushman )
1989 Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova. - Murray et al. : p.532 pl. 10.10, fig. 3 1 [lower Eocene Zone NP 11, Bracklesham Group, English Channel]; pl. 10.1 1, fig. 1 [lower Eocene Wittering Fm., East Wittering, Sussex, UK]
1991 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Huber : p.440 pl. 4; fig. 9 [Zone AP6A, ODP Hole 738, southern edge of Kerguelen Plateau, South Indian Ocean]
1993 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p.123 pl. 4; fig. 19 [lower Eoccne M. subbotinae Subzone, ODP Hole 738C, southern edge of Kerguelen Plateau, South Indian Ocean]
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Lu & Keller : p.102 pl. 1; fig. 11-13 [Subzone P6b, DSDP Hole 577, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Basov : p.165 pl. 2; fig. 8-10 [M. subbotinae Zone, ODP Hole 883B, Detroit Seamount, northwest Pacific Ocean]
1995 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Bralower et al. : p.844 fig. 2 (3, 4) [Zone P415, ODP Hole 865C, Allison Guyot, equatorial west Pacific Ocean]
2001 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Warraich & Ogasawara : p.41 fig. 10.16-18 [Zone P7, Dungan Fm., eastern limb of Zinda Pir anticline, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan]
2006 Morozovella subbotinae Renz & Morozova. - Pearson et al. : p.347 pl. 11.1; fig. 9-16 (Pl. 1 1.1, Figs. 9- 11 : new SEMs of paratype of Globorotalia rex Martin)
Stratigraphy - absolute ages:
FAD: 55.9 ± 0 [Ma], Corfield (1987) DSDP Leg 86 Site 577
VNIGRI collections, St. Petersburg, Inventory number: 700

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