Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner 1962 from: Pearson, P.N.Olsson, R.K.Hemleben, C.Huber, B.T.Berggren, W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513 . |
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.
Species Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner 1962 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
Type of wall: Spinose, cancellate, with slightly
funnelled pores, 0.045-0.05 mm in diameter.
Test morphology: Test globose with a
subrectangular to subtriangular, slightly lobate outline;
2-3 whorls, coiled initially in a low trochospire,
sometimes depressed, composed of about 5 moderately
inflated chambers increasing slowly in size as added,
then streptospiral in the outer whorl; the last whorl
consists of 3 strongly inflated large chambers increasing
very rapidly in size with respect to the preceding
chambers; penultimate chamber twice as large as the
antepenultimate and last chamber constituting one-third
to one-half of the entire test, sometimes slightly smaller
than the penultimate; last chamber tends to cover most
of the earlier surface on umbilical side; sutures distinct,
weakly depressed, straight to gently curved in the inner
whorls, depressed, straight and radial in the adult; in
adult test primary aperture a moderately high to
subcircular, medium-sized arch, umbilical at the base
of the last chamber, sometimes bordered by a lip and
covered by a bulla; two to three subcircular secondary
apertures slightly smaller than the primary one located
at the base of the last chamber at the junctions of earlier
chamber sutures; one secondary aperture may be present
in the penultimate chamber.
Size: Dimensions for population range from 0.25
to 0.50 mm. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
The distinctly
depressed sutures, medium low spire and mainly
subcircular apertures with rims characterize G.
tropicalis. Globigerinatheka tropicalis has frequently
been confused with G. index. According to Blow and Banner (1962), G. tropicalis differs from G. index in
lacking the very thick wall, deeply incised sutures, and
heavily granular surface characteristic of G. index. In
addition, G. tropicalis exhibits a less compact outline,
smaller and less subcircular primary aperture without a
thick lip, and more numerous smaller secondary
apertures than G. index. Bolli (1 972) agreed with Blow
and Banner (1962) in including some of his specimens
identified as G. index in G. tropicalis. Meanwhile, it is
hard to separate Globigerinatheka lindiensis from G.
tropicalis, except for the presence of bullae in the former,
and in agreement with Bolli (1972), we consider G.
lindiensis a junior synonym of G. tropicalis. Blow (1979)
considered G. tropicalis as junior synonym of G.
mexicana mexicana (p. 825), but in our opinion, these
two taxa are not conspecific. Globigerinutheka tropicalis
differs from G. semiinvoluta by its less compact test,
less embracing final chamber, distinct sutures and mainly
high arched apertures.
The specimens illustrated by
Subbotina (1953) as G. conglobatus (pl. 14, figs. 2a-5b)
are attributable to (or fall within the variability of3 G.
tropicalis as suggested by Blow and Banner (1962) and
followed by Bolli (1972). Even though some of
Subbotina's specirnelis exhibit a subrectangular outline
similar to G. index, they do not possess the high
semicircular aperture or the incised sutures typical of
the latter species. The specimen illustrated by Subbotina
(1953, pl. 13, figs. 19a,b) as G. rubrijormis, which has a
very low spire and high-arched primary and
supplementary apertures, is here considered very similar,
if not identical, to G. tropicalis. The specimen illustrated
by Jenkins (1971, pl. 21, figs. 633-634) as G. (G.)
semiinvoluta appears very similar to G. tropicalis with
its low-arched, non-subcircular primary and
supplementary apertures and more sub-rectangular test
shape. The specimen illustrated by Krasheninnikov and
Basov (1983) as Globigerapsis index (pl. 7, fig. 1) due
to its outline, appears closer to G. tropicalis, while the
specimen of G. aff. tropicalis illustrated by the same
authors seems to have a long inner spire, so it is
doubtfully attributed to Blow and Banner's species G.
tropicalis evolved from G. index.
The appearance of G.
tropicalis is poorly constrained; it occurs in the upper
middle Eocene (upper Zone E 13) and is common in Zone
E14. It has been suggested that G. tropicalis is the last
globigerinathekid to disappear (see Bolli, 1972). At
middle latitudes Nocchi and others (1988) showed that
the extinction of G. tropicalis occurs in the latest Eocene
at the same level as the extinction of hantkeninids (=
Eocene/Oligocene boundary), postdating the
disappearance of G. index and Turborotalia cunialensis.
Jenkins (1 97 1)
considered G. tropicalis to be the tropical equivalent of
G. index, a taxon that, according to Blow (1969), is
largely restricted to cooler water habitat. Bolli (1972)
extended the distribution of G. tropicalis to mid latitudes.
No data available. |
Systematics: |
35 Ordo Foraminiferida
Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
Familia Globigerinidae
Genus Globigerinatheka
Species Globigerinatheka tropicalis
Synonym list: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
1953 Globigerinoides conglobatus Brady. - Subbotina : p.91 pl. 14, fig. 2a-b [upper Eocene Globigerinoides
conglobatus Subzone, Soukhaya-Tsetse River, Caucasus];
figs. 3a-b [upper Eocene Globigerinoides conglobatus Subzone, Kuban River, Caucasus]; figs. 4a-b [upper Eocene, Lagenid zone, Krasnoarmeisk, Stalingrad region];
figs. 5a-c [upper Eocene Globigerinoides conglobatus Zone, Ustyurt, Tuzbair Lake, USSR]
1953 Globigerinoides rubriformis Subbotina. - Subbotina : pl. 13; fig. 19a, b [upper Eocene Globigerinoides
conglobatus Subzone, Soukhaya-Tsetse River, Caucasus];
[Not Subbotina, 1953]
1956 Globigerinoides index Finlay. - Hagn : p.172 pl. 16; fig. 6-8 [upper Eocene, locality not specified, probably from
Varignano, Garda Lake, northern Italy]; [Not Finlay,
1962 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Blow & Banner : p. 124-125 pl. 15; fig. D-F (holotype) [upper Eocene G. semiinvoluta Zone, Lindi area, Tanzania]
1962 Globigerinatheka lindiensis Blow & Banner. - Blow & Banner : p.125 pl. 15, fig. O, P;
fig. 11 (vi-viii) [upper Eocene Globigerapsis
semiinvoluta Zone, Lindi area, Tanzania]
1963 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Eckert : p.1063 pl. 7; fig. 5a-c [waengen 9, Schlierenflysch, Pilatus,
1968 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Samuel & Salaj : pl. 21; fig. 2a-c [upper Eocene Globigerapsis index Zone,
Kravany, Carpathians, Slovakia]
non 1969 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Blow : pl. 27; fig. 5-6 [middle Eocene Zone P13, Kilwa area,
Tanzania]; (= G. mexicana)
1970 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Baumann : pl. 3; fig. 6a-c [upper
Eocene Globigerapsis mexicana Zone, Scalette Section,
Umbria, central Italy]
1970 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Samanta : pl. 2; fig. 18 [middle Eocene Orbulinoides beckmanni Zone, Lakhpat,
Cutch, India].
1970 Globigerapsis mexicana Cushman. - Baumann : pl. 3; fig. 4a-c [upper Eocene Globigerapsis mexicana Zone, Scalette Section, Umbria, central Italy]; [Not Cushman,
p 1971 Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Toumarkine : pl. 3; fig. 6 [middle Eocene Truncorotaloides rohri Zone, Halimba
borehole, Bakony, Hungary]; (not figs. 5 and 7)
p 1972 Globigerinatheka index tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Bolli : p.127 text-fig. 58-59 (holotype), text-fig. 60 (paratype);
pl. 3 (partim), fig. 19-20, ?fig. 1-13, 16-18
[upper Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone,
Navet Fm., Trinidad]; figs. 21-23 [upper Eocene
Globorotalia cerroazulensis cocoaensis Zone (see
Toumarkine and Bolli. 1970), Possagno Section, northern Italy];
fig. 24 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka
semiinvoluta Zone, Possagno Section, northern Italy] (not fig. 14-15 = G. barri)
1975 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 4; fig. 9, 10 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka ,semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 305, Shatsky Rise, north-
west Pacific Ocean]
1975 Globigerinatheka index tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Toumarkine : pl. 4; fig. 9, ?fig. 10 [upper
Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site
305, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]
1975 Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Stainforth et al. : fig. 94.1, 3, ?fig. 94.2 (from Bolli, 1972);
fig. 94.6a-b (holotype from Blow and Banner, 1962);
fig. 94.7a-b (holotype of Globigerinatheka lindiensis, from Blow and Banner, 1962)
1977 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Poore & Brabb : p.259 pl. 4; fig. 5-7 [middle Eocene possibly Zone P14, San Lorenro Fm., California]
1983 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Krasheninnikov & Basov : pl. 7; fig. 1 [upper Eocene, DSDP Site 512,
Maurice Ewing Bank, South Atlantic Ocean]; [not Finlay,
1983 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 19, fig. 14, 15 [from Bolli, 1972];
fig. 16-17 [upper Eocene G. semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 363, South Atlantic Ocean]
1983 Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Pujol : pl. 8; fig. 7, ?fig. 8 [upper Eocene Zone P15-16, DSDP Hole 516F, Rio
Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean]
? 1983 Globigerapsis aff. tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Krasheninnikov & Basov : pl. 7; fig. 6 [upper Eocene, DSDP Site 5 1 1, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic
1988 Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Nocchi et al. : pl. VI; fig. 9, 13a, b [upper Eocene Zone P 16, Umbria, central Italy]
1991 Globigerinatheka cf. semiinvoluta Keijzer. - Miller et al. : p.35 Appendix I; fig. 1-8 [upper Eocene Zone
P15, DSDP Site 612, western North Atlantic Ocean]; [Not
Kejizer, 1945]
1992 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 5-6 [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean]; [Not
Finlay, 1939]
1994 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Nishi & Chaproniere : pl. 2; fig. 4-6 [DSDP Hole 841B,
south-west Pacific Ocean]; [Not Finlay, 1939]
1995 Globigerinatheka index tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Poag & Commeau : pl. 6; fig. 1 [upper Eocene Zone P15, Exmore core, SW Salisbury Embayment,
2006 Globigerinatheka tropicalis Blow & Banner. - Pearson et al. : p.181 pl. 7.3; fig. 9-16 (Pl. 7.3, Figs. 9-1 1: new SEMs of holotype of
Globigerapsis tropicalis Blow and Banner)
Was used in synonym list of: |
Specimen: |
Natural History Museum, London, Inventory number: No. P44554
References: |
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