Globigerinatheka index Finlay 1939 from: Jenkins, D.G. (1985): Southern mid-latitude Paleocene to Holocene planktic foraminifera. In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 263-282 . |
Notice: This catalogue page may contain unedited data.
Species Globigerinatheka index Finlay 1939 |
Diagnosis / Definition: |
Pearson et al. (2006):
Type of wall: spinose, cancellate, frequently encrusted, with mainly cylindrical pores, about 0.04-0.05 mm in diameter.
Test morphology: Test slightly elongate, subrectangular in outline, rather compact, broadly rounded and subrectangular in side view; early chambers
poorly visible, arranged in a low trochospire of possibly 2-3 whorls, with the last whorl consiting of 3 inflated chambers at least twice as large as earlier chambers, antepenultimate and penultimate chambers of almost equal size separated by a vertical suture in umbilical
view, the last chamber making almost one-half of the whole test; sutures of the inner chambers poorly visible, possibly straight or slightly curved, sutures in the last whorl distinct, deeply incised, straight and radial; primary aperture, umbilical, a rather high and large, symmetrical arch, at the base of the last chamber frequently bordered by a thick lip, two medium-sized, semicircular arched, secondary apertures at the base of the last chamber above the sutures ofprevious chambers.
Bullae are not common. Size: Dimensions for population range from 0.35 mm to 0.55 mm. Diameter of the holotype 0.4 mm. |
Discussion / Comments: |
Jenkins (1985):
G. index has a subspherical test with fairly large, high arched apertures at the base of the final chamber; the holotype figured here has only one. Within its Middle to Late Eocene range, G. index is a fairly common species in New Zealand. It has also been recorded in the Middle Late Eocene of South Australia (Ludbrook &Lindsay, 1969), south of New Zealand at DSDP Leg 29 Site 277 (Jenkins, 1975) and at the Leg 40 Sites 360 and 362A (Tournarkine, 1978).
Van Eijden & Smit (1991):
Remarks. Small specimens, usually with globular chambers and lacking accessory apertures, occur much more commonly than the species. Their distribution is listed under Globigerinatheka sp. cf. G. index.
Pearson et al. (2006):
Globigcrinatheka index is distinguished by its well defined incised sutures and large, high-arched, primary aperture located above the suture between the first two chambers of the final whorl. This taxon differs from G, tropicalis by its semicircular, rimmed apertures and deeply incised distinct sutures.
At high latitudes (including the type locality), specimens of G. index with typically incised sutures commonly hisplay poorly developed secondary spiral apertures or are even devoid of them. Even though the overall shape, which recalls some Neogene Globigerinoides, and the incised sutures differentiate G. index from all other globigerinathekids, this species has frequently been misidentified (see synonymy list). Hagn (1 956) described Globigerinoides macrostoma as a new species. According to Bolli (1 972), G. macrostoma should be considered as a junior synonym of G. index, with which it shares the same features: Hagn's figures of the specimen he identified as G. index is in fact attributable to G. tropicalis, and he created the new species G. macrostoma for the 'true G. index'. Judging from the original figures, the paratype of G. index illustrated by Finlay in his fig. 87 seems to exhibit some similarities in general shape with G. korotkovi Keller, but redrawing of Finlay's paratype by Hornibrook (1958) shows well the incised sutures lacking in Ke11er's secies.
There is a general agreement that G. index is related to G. tropicalis, which is its tropical equivalent according to Blow (1969) and Jenkins (1971).
Cosmopolitan, but more abundant in high latitudes.
Stable isotope data indicates depleted ò18O and enriched ò13C values suggesting a mixed layer habitat, comparable to co-occurring Acarinina, but possibly with a greater tendency to sink at gametogenesis (Boersma and others, 1979; Pearson and others, 1993,200 l). This paleohabitat is supported by boron isotope data (Pearson and Palmer, 1999). |
Systematics: |
32 Familia Globigerinidae
Genus Globigerinatheka
Species Globigerinatheka index
35 Ordo Foraminiferida
Superfamilia Globigerinaceae
Familia Globigerinidae
Genus Globigerinatheka
Species Globigerinatheka index
Synonym list: |
Jenkins (1985):
Van Eijden & Smit (1991):
Pearson et al. (2006):
p 1939 Globigerinoides index Finlay. - Finlay : p.125 pl. 14; fig. 85-88 [middle Eocene, Bortonian stage, Hampden Section,
New Zealand]
non 1953 Globigerinoides index Finlay. - Beckmann : pl. 25; fig. 14 [upper Eocene, Oceanic Fm., Barbados]; (= G.
non 1957 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Bolli : p.165 pl. 36; fig. 14a, b-18b (= G. suhconglobata)
1958 Globigerinoides index Finlay. - Hornibrook : pl. 1; fig. 11-13 (redrawn holotype), fig. 14 (redrawn paratype)
1958 Globigerinoides conglobatus Brady. - Shutskaya : pl. 2; fig. 1 [upper Eocene, fig. 1, Khieu River, Nalchik region], fig. 2 [Belaya River, Maikop district, Caucasus] [Not Brady, 1879]
p 1962 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Blow & Banner : pl. 15; fig. G [middle Eocene, Kilwa district,
Tanganyika] (not fig. H = G. kugleri)
? 1968 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Samuel & Salaj : text-fig. 38 [upper Eocene ?Globigerina officinalis Zone,
Magura Flusch, Bystrica Unit, Kochanovce borehole,
1970 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Soldaini : p.67 pl. 5; fig. 1, 5 [upper Eocene Globigerapsis semiinvoluta
Zone, Mor 1 Well, Hungary]
1970 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Baumann : pl. 1; fig. 12a-c [middle Eocene Globigerapsis subconglobata Zone,
Bottaccione Section, Gubbio, central Italy]
1970 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Samanta : pl. 2; fig. 17 (not fig. 16) [middle Eocene Orbulinoides beckmanni Zone, Lakhpat, Cutch. India]
1970 Globigerapsis aff. semiinvoluta Keijzer. - Soldaini : p.67 pl. 5; fig. 4a, c [upper Eocene Globigerapsis
semiinvoluta Zone, Mor lWell, Hungary]. [Not Keijzer,
1971 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 3; ?fig. 11, 12 [middle Eocene Globorotalia 1ehneri/Hantkenina
dumblei Zone, Halimba borehole, Bakony Mountain,
1971 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Postuma : p.136 fig. on p. 137 [Eocene, Hampden
Section, New Zealand]
1971 Globigerinatheka (Globigerapsis) index index Finlay. - Jenkins : p. 187-188 pl. 22; fig. 641-643 (redrawn holotype), fig. 644 (redrawn paratype), fig. 645 [middle
Eocene Globigerinatheka (Globigerapsis) index index
Zone, Bortonian stage, Hampden Section, New Zealand]
p 1972 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Bolli : p.124 text-fig. 51-57 (redrawn Finlay's type specimens);
not text-fig. 63-64;
pl. 1: ?fig. l , fig. 3-4;
not fig. 6-7 = G. subconglobata [middle Eocene
Globigerinatheka subconglobata subconglobata Zone,
Possagno Section, northern Italy]
1975 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - McKeel & Lipps : pl. 3, fig. 5a-c;
pl. 5, fig. 1a-c [upper Eocene, Bastendorff Fm., Oregon Coast
1975 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 4; fig. 6, 7 [upper
Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site
305, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean]
1975 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Stainforth et al. : fig. 56.1, 3, ?fig. 56.2 (from Bolli, 1972), fig. 56.6 (from Blow and Banner, 1962)
non 1975 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Stainforth et al. : fig. 56.4 [from Blow and Banner, 1962];
fig. 56.5, 7, 9 [from Bolli, 1972];
fig. 56.8a-b [from Blow, 1969]
1978 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 5; fig. 3-5, 7-9, ?fig. 1, 6 [fig. 3,
middle Eocene Orbulinoides beckma~znZi one; figs. 2-9,
middle Eocenc Truncorotaloides rohri Zone, DSDP Site
363, South Atlantic 0ccan]
1979 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Blow : pl. 27, fig. 1, 2;
pl. 192, fig. 1 [middle Eocene Zone P 13, Kilwa Area, Tanzania];
pl. 174, ?fig. 1, fig. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 [middle Eocene Zone PI l, Kilwa Area, Tanzania];
pl. 181, fig. 1;
pl. 183, ?fig. 1, 2;
pl. 186, fig. 2, 3 [middle Eocene Zone P1 l, DSDP Site 19,
Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean].
1983 Globigerapsis index Finlay. - Krasheninnikov & Basov : pl. 7, fig. 2-3 [upper
Eocene, DSDP Site 512, Maurice Ewing Bank, South
Atlantic Occan];
pl. 7; fig. 4-5 [upper Eocene, DSDP Site
511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic Ocean]
1983 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Toumarkine : pl. 19; fig. 20-21 [upper Eocene Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, DSDP Site 305, Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean], fig. 22-24 [middle Eocene Truncorotaloides
rohri Zone, DSDP Site 363, South Atlantic Ocean]
1985 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Snyder & Waters : pl. 5; fig. 3 [DSDP Hole 548A, Goban Spur, eastern
North Atlantic Ocean], ?fig. 4 [DSDP Hole 548A, Goban Spur, eastern North Atlantic Ocean]
1988 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Coccioni et al. : pl. 1; fig. 11, 12 [upper Eocene Zone P1 6, Massignano Section, Marche, central Italy]
1988 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Nocchi et al. : pl. IV; fig. 8a, b [upper Eocene Zone P16,
Section PMI, Umbria, central Italy]
1990 Globigerina index Finlay. - Stott & Kennett : p.559 pl. 7; fig. 8 [middle Eocene Zone AP6, ODP Hole 690B,
Maud Rise, Antarctic Ocean]
1991 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Huber : p.440 pl. 7; fig. 17, ?fig. 22 [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 738B, Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean]
1991 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Nocchi et al. : pl. 4; ? fig. 17-19 [middle Eocene Zone
P1l, ODP Hole 702B, South Atlantic Ocean], fig. 20-22 [middle Eocene Zone P12, ODP Hole 702B, South Atlantic Ocean]
1991 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Van Eijden & Smit : pl. 3; fig. 8, ?fig. 7 [middle Eocene Zones P13-P14, ODP Hole
752A, Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean]
p 1991 Globigerinatheka sp. cf. index Finlay. - Van Eijden & Smit : pl. 3; fig. 4, ?fig. 5 [fig. 4, lower
middle Eocene Zones P10-P12, ODP Hole 752A; fig. 5,
middle Eocene Zones P13-P14, ODP Hole 752A, Broken
Ridge, Indian Occan]; (not fig. 9)
? 1991 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Van Eijden & Smit : pl. 3; fig. 6 [middle Eocene Zones P13-P14, ODP
Hole 752A, Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean]
p 1992 Globigerinatheka index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 10-11 (not fig. 9 = G. luterbacheri);
[middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, (figs. 9-1 1, 16H-5,40-
44 cm), Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean]
1992 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 5-6 (= G. tropicalis), ?fig. 8 (= G. korotkovi) [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, Kerguelen Plateau,
Indian Ocean]
non 1992 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 5-6 (= G. tropicalis), ?fig. 8 (= G. korotkovi) [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, Kerguelen Plateau,
Indian Ocean]
non 1992 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Berggren : pl. 3; fig. 5-6 (= G. tropicalis), ?fig. 8 (= G. korotkovi) [middle Eocene, ODP Hole 748B, Kerguelen Plateau,
Indian Ocean]
1994 Globigerinatheka mexicana mexicana Cushman. - Nishi & Chaproniere : pl. 2; fig. 14-15, ?fig. 13 [upper
Eocene Zones 15-16, DSDP Hole 841B, south-west Pacific
Ocean]. [Not Cushman, 1925]
non 1994 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Nishi & Chaproniere : pl. 2; fig. 4-6 (= G. tropicalis),
fig. 22-24 (= G. luterbacheri) [upper Eocene Zones P15-16, DSDP Hole 841B, south-west Pacific Ocean]
1995 Globigerinatheka index index Finlay. - Poag & Commeau : pl. 5; fig. 27 [upper Eocene Zone
P1 5, Exmore core, Salisbury Embayment, Virginia-
Was used in synonym list of: |
References: |
Finlay,H.J. (1939): New Zealand foraminifera; key species in stratigraphy, No. 1 . Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Vol. 68
Finlay,H.J. (1939): New Zealand foraminifera: key species in stratigraphy No. 2 . Trans. Proc. R. Soc. N.Z. Vol. 69 p. 89-128
Beckmann,J.P. (1953): Die Foraminiferen der Oceanic Formation (Eocaen-Oligocaen) von Barbados. KI. Antillen . Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 46 p. 301-412
Hagn,H. (1956): Geologische und palaontologische Untersuchungen im Tertiar des Monte Brione und seiner Umgebung (Gardasee, Ober-Italien) . Palaeontographica Abhandlungen A Vol. 107 p. 67-210
Bolli,H.M. (1957): Planktonic Foraminifera from the Eocene Navet and San Fernando formations of Trinidad, B.W.I. . Bull. U.S. natl. Mus. Vol. 215 p. 155-172
Hornibrook,N.B. (1958): New Zealand foraminifera: key species in stratigraphy, no. 6 . N.Z.J. Geol. Geophys. Vol. 1
Shutskaya,E.K. (1958): Izmenchivosti nekotorikh nizhnepaleogenovikh plannktonikh foraminifer severnogo Kavkaza [Variations of some lower Paleogene planktonic foraminifers of the northern Caucasus] . Akademy Nauk SSSR Voprosy Mikropaleontologii Vol. 2 p. 84-90
Blow,W.H. and Banner,F.T. (1962): The Mid-Tertiary (Upper Eocene to Aquitanian) Globigerinaceae. In: Fundamentals of Mid‑Tertiary Stratigraphical Correlation Eds: Eames, F.E.Banner, F.T.Blow, W.H.Clarke, W.J. p. 61‑151
Todd,R. (1966): Smaller Foraminifera from Guam . U. S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper403-1 p. 1-36
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Blow,W.H. (1969): Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva 1967 Vol. 1 Eds: Bronnimann, P.Renz, H.H. p. 199-422
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Samanta,B.K. (1970): Middle Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera from Lakhpat, Cutch, Western India . Micropaleontology Vol. 16
Jenkins,D.G. (1971): New Zealand Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera . New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin Vol. 42
Postuma,J.A. (1971): Manual of Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 422 pp
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Bolli,H.M. (1972): The Genus Globigerinatheka Brönnimann . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 2 p. 109-136
Fleisher,R.L. (1974): Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera and biostratigraphy, Arabian Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23A. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 23 Eds: Whitmarsh, R.B.Weser, O.E.Ross, D.A. p. 1001-1072
Toumarkine,M. (1975): Middle and Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 32 Eds: Larson, R.L.Moberly, R. p. 735-751
McKeel,D.R.. and Lipps,J.H. (1975): Eocene and Oligocene planktonic foraminifera from the central and southern Oregon coast range . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 5 p. 1-5
Stainforth,R.M.; Lamb,J.L.; Luterbacher,H.P.; Beard,J.H. and Jeffords,R.M. (1975): Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index forms . Paleontological ContributionsArticle 62 p. 425
Toumarkine,M. (1978): Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Paleogene of Sites 360 to 364 and the Neogene of Sites 362A, 363, and 364 Leg 40. In: Initial Results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 40
Blow,W.H. (1979): The Cainozoic Globigerinida. 3 Vols p. 1413 pp
Toumarkine,M. (1983): Les Foraminiferes planctoniques de l'Eocéne moyen et supérieur des regions tropicales à temperées chaudes. In: Thése de Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Vol. 6(83-05) p. 219
Krasheninnikov,V.A. and Basov,I.A. (1983): Cenozoic planktonic foraminifers of the Falkland Plateau and Argentine Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Projejt Leg 71. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 71 Eds: Ludwig, W.J.Krasheninninov, V.A. p. 821-845
Jenkins,D.G. (1985): Southern mid-latitude Paleocene to Holocene planktic foraminifera. In: Plankton stratigraphy Eds: Bolli, H.M.Saunders, J.B.Perch-Nielsen, K. p. 263-282
Snyder,S.W. and Waters,V.J. (1985): Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur region. In: Deep Sea Drilling Project Vol. 80
Nocchi,M.; Parisi,G..; Monaco,P..; Monechi,S.. and Madile,M.. (1988): Eocene and early Oligocene micropaleontology and paleoenvironments in SE Umbria, Italy . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palacoecology Vol. 67 p. 181-244
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Nocchi,M.; Amici,E. and Premoli Silva,I. (1991): Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Paleocene Faunas from the Subantartic Transect, Leg 114. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Vol. 114 Eds: Ciesielski, P.F.Kristoffersen, Y.Al, E. p. 233-279
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Poag,C.W.. and Commeau,J.A.. (1995): Paleocene to middle Miocene planktic foraminifera of the southwestern Salisbury Embayment, Virginia and Maryland: biostratigraphy, allostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy . Journal of Foraminiferal Research Vol. 25 p. 134-155
Pearson,P.N.; Olsson,R.K.; Hemleben,C.; Huber,B.T. and Berggren,W.A. (2006): Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. p. 1-513
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